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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. Trying to pinpoint a person's SD stage by looking at their youtube channel isn't necessarily going to be accurate, especially if the channel is concept-oriented. The main concept of his channel is obviously money and what you can do with it. That has an obvious orange flavor to it, but what he decides to do what that money could fall in many different directions, and there he often tilts green (environmentalism, community-oriented etc..).
  2. Thumbnails are kinda supposed to be flashy like that.
  3. @The_Alchemist You're an absolute gem
  4. The world doesn't change overnight. Mindfulness meditation becoming mainstream is one baby step in the right direction. For the world to switch from the materialistic paradigm to nonduality requires much more than just a couple of apps becoming available on your phone. It requires immense development on multiple fronts: collective spiritual development, scientific paradigm shifts, social, political, cultural etc..
  5. This phenomena is not endemic to a specific culture. It's a social phenomenon called "the Bystander effect": 9:58 His explanations seem very dodgy to me, makes me doubt his credibility.
  6. You would never ask this question in Norway
  7. You're asking the wrong question: "how" can he study history if it doesn't exist?
  8. I'll just preface this by saying that this video makes me want to pull my hairs out. It's extremely frustrating to see how Connor tries to go about explaining things while displaying zero signs of spiral wizardry (if he even had an ounce of it, he would've never debated it in the first place, so I guess that is the price you pay for getting to see something like this). It's more an example of the limits of stage orange than anything else (to say that Connor accurately represents anything would be a stretch), which is why I ended up posting it here. Regardless, if you ever wanted to see what a "debate" between an "awakened" person and materalist looks like, this is probably the closest you'll ever come to it. EDIT: Don't watch this. It's a waste of time.
  9. I've had similar thoughts but for different reasons. I had recurring night terrors as a young child that consistently unfolded through three phases: 1. the "meat phase", 2. the "needle phase", and 3. the "peaceful phase". Consistent across all the different phases was an underlying and persistent feeling of impending doom, although strongest in the two first phases. There was also a strong sense of things being very very "wrong" (things being upside-down or inside-out). They were more like visions than dreams in the sense that they didn't follow a coherent narrative, and there was generally no sense of having a body that was separate from what was being experienced. The first phase had a dark, gloomy, hellish feeling to it (black colours, dark reds, underground feeling), and it involved an infinite amount of large structures of something resembling chunks of decomposing flesh or internal organs, infinite in size, but also having a metallic or rock-like quality to them. They felt extremely heavy, coarse and threatening. Accompanying the underlying sense of doom and wrongness was a feeling of violence, panic, terror, dread, the sense of being crushed and squeezed. Sooner or later, it would transition into phase two. Phase two is even harder to describe visually, but the main characteristic of this phase was the sensation of being impaled by infinitely thin and infinitely long needles from every possible direction. The colour were more shiny-beige, metallic. There was also a feeling of being constricted, suspended in air, with sharp pains extending infinitely in all directions. Phase three is very interesting. All the painful and terrifying visions from the other phases disappeared and were contrasted with a feeling of silence and a very eerie feeling of peace. Visually, it's like I was in a brightly lit, white space with no defined boundaries except for a little scenery of tiny translucent chairs amidst thin, angelic veils. There were still remnants of the feelings of impending doom and wrongness, but there was also a growing feeling of "this is going to be ok". It's hard to remember, but I would probably have these experiences maybe once a month. I can't remember how old I was the first time I had them, but it could've been everything from 3-5 years old. I think it stopped happening when I was around 10 years old, but I continued having different types of nightmares (and sleep paralysis) where I would get the same sense of impending doom and the feeling of a dark presence coming to get me. The reason why I'm bothering to type all this here is because I've been wondering what could have caused these types of experiences in such a young person. Is it remnants of violent deaths from past incarnations? Or is it just a result of something as benign as rapid brain development? I have no idea. It still fascinates me till this day.
  10. Somebody help this man before he drowns in Blue.
  11. I've heard one dude who cured it by doing super intense cardio workout (biking) everyday.
  12. You can't behind this problem. All statements are relative. The only solution is to shut up.
  13. Some random TikTok video.
  14. It's often hard to avoid having your beliefs contaminate the physical feeling you get from eating something.
  15. Being is not a belief.
  16. So we've defined a spectrum of constraint: The_Alchemist defines the anarchistic end, RendHeaven is the conservative end, and I'm in the middle. Where do you fit on that spectrum?
  17. Bruh we're way past that point
  18. My first LSD trip was the most confusing experience of my life. Did it with 7 other confused idiots inside my living room. The main insight I had was that everything you "try" to do is inherently dissatisfying. I had spent hours contemplating funny things to experience on LSD, and when I got there and tried doing some of those things, all I felt was a deep emptiness inside. If I wasn't such a dumbass, I would've realized that I had come in direct contact with the four noble truths in Buddhism. But no, instead I went full "it's ok man, just chill" stoner for 3 years screwing up my life