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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. I don't know if you're referring to something like brain scans, but atleast experientially (although I didn't go "fully" psychotic), I would say these states are qualitatively very different. Before awakening in my late teens, I entered psychotic-esque territory due to prolonged abuse of weed (I'll elaborate in the next paragraphs). However, when I tried weed after my first awakening, despite getting very stoned, it didn't feel euphoric anymore, and my mind was empty and crystal clear. It was in some ways very psychedelic, but from a hedonistic perspective quite frankly boring. That was the beginning of the end of my weed career (I somehow convinced myself to start smoking again for a full year ). My pre-awakening hobby was basically to get high and see how many cool insights I could produce from it. It turned into an obsession that made me exhibit a lot of dysfunctional behaviors (socially isolating myself, neglecting responsibilities and trying to manipulate and deceive my parents about what I was doing), which created additional stress and neuroticism. I was also already way above average in neuroticism before this (which didn't exactly help me ). The combination of stress, additional neuroticism and obsessive introspection had essentially turned my mind into a hyperactive, superconductive thought factory, and that would escalate until I went on vacation with my friends and one of them said to me "you're speaking too much" (I made some weird comment about the pier that we were going down to). He is the smartest guy I know (he literally came 1st place all year in the cognitive tests for joining the military) and I believe he is on the spectrum, which arguably made him more prone to be blunt with me, and that was a wake-up call where I realized that I was destroying my mind. That little nudge of self-awareness, combined with me getting out my mind by being social and grounding myself in more normal cognitive processes, made me able to "come down" so to speak. It was a rather pronounced experiential shift were I went from being semi-incoherent, dazed, unfocused and extremely random to relatively calm and grounded. This state was very different from the post-awakening state (even with weed). It's like the difference between a storm roaring over the ocean and a silent lake. It's quite funny, because on the train trip home, I watched Leo's video on neuroticism, and that was instrumental to me being able to conceptualize and diagnose my problems, and that along with a string of incredibly unlikely and fortunate events, put me on the path to awakening (which happened only a couple of months later).
  2. It ain't. It's a cool video that's all.
  3. Immersion and creativity is increased tenfold. Made me start caring more about feeling than technique (played guitar for 12 years).
  4. @deci belle Why are you posting on the same topic with two different accounts?
  5. I guess history does infact repeat itself (kinda) ?
  6. I might just be a filthy foreigner, but how on earrth is breaching the walls of the capitol constitutional?
  7. A main course of black and white with a sprinkle of platitude, great as always But do you want people to die in the process?
  8. This is not the hill you want to die on regarding free speech...
  9. Yo I'm a stupid frat boy, can you put it in terms that I can understand?
  11. No. You can awaken to God without knowing anything about it conceptually, but just by simply doing the right things. Clearly it's not relevant to the practice. It's relevant to making accurate statements (which we're trying to do right now), but nothing of this will necessarily bring you any closer to actually realizing you're God.
  12. I took LSD for the first time and wanted to do fun stuff while on it, but when I came up, I realized there is nothing to do
  13. It's a video focused on exercises for realizing that you're God. It's not a detailed walkthrough of the metaphysics of God. He would only make that distinction if it was relevant for the exercise, but apparently it's not so relevant. He would also have to leave some things out for the sake of brevity.
  14. Well, the hate from his old audience is obvious, but I guess people here view don't vibe with his prankster antics and relative immaturity.
  15. All aspiring spiritual gurus need to go to the school of Spiral Wizardry before they can get their license. But I guess this is a part of that process for him, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  16. That distinction is implicit when we're talking about God.
  17. Bro, having fears about not being in the present moment means you're not enlightened. You would've realized that you cannot not be in the present moment. There IS only the present moment. You truly cannot keep yourself from being mindful in a non-dual state. You have a lot of limiting beliefs about why you're feeling this way. I suggest looking away from the past and looking at what you're doing right now. Are there some things you can do right now that might improve things for you? Daily meditation habit? Fasting? Dopamine detox?
  18. It might be a simple explanation. Do you fear getting caught smoking weed?