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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. Your concept of karma is incomplete. Ever heard of the concept of prarabdha karma? Karma isn't some frivolous thing. It's the very basis of your physical existence. You still exist as a physical being after enlightenment, unless your concept of enlightenment is complete annihilation or mahasamadhi.
  2. I think topics like these is a better example of the problems with this forum in general, which is complaining, fingerpointing and posturing (yes, I'm doing that right now.) If you're not providing a constructive solution to the problems you're addressing, then it only detracts from any potential high consciousness activity that is already here. I may say this, but I'm not going to expect that it will lead to anything. This too is just useless in the end. You may aspire to be better yourself, but at the end of the day, you gotta work with what you've got.
  3. Judging by, well - everything, I don't think Trump would like that either
  4. It is interesting though that Protagoras (pre-socratic philosopher) basically established relativistic philosophy (atleast in the West), which is the building block of post-Green thought. Still, the interplay between the individual and the environment is an important factor for judging SD. The environment 2500 years ago could not have produced mature post-Green people.
  5. Your mind will sometimes throw you excuses for not letting go. Try to identify those and work to fix them.
  6. You can't really force people to be more conscious
  7. @Leo Gura Hahaha how did I not see that one coming
  9. Enlightenment doesn't delete all karma. It only simplifies the situation.
  10. Disanalogous and ahistorical. Well, that's a nice tangent.
  11. Should incitement of violence be exclusively limited to literal statements or should it include general rhetoric?
  12. If you're framing it as a left problem, then of course people would have to reframe it to critique it
  13. Sam Harris mostly leans towards an individualist interpretation of the world (psychology, biology; beliefs, genetics) contrasted with a collectivist interpretation (sociology, history; material conditions). Something that demonstrates this (and is the background for his dislike of religion, particularily Islam) is his belief "people's actions are primarily explained by the beliefs they hold". Not surprisingly, his PhD thesis was about how different beliefs affect the brain: This "beliefs matter" stance is a common thread in his analysis, which explains why he is so focused on Islam, racial differences in IQ, why he is pro-Israel (hint: they're not muslims) and generally pro-America in terms of foreign policy ("intentions matter"). One possible personal explanation for why he has this belief is that his career was built on his reaction to 9/11 with the book "The End of Faith", when America was attacked by none other than Islamic terrorists. Individualist analysis is a core feature of Stage Orange. Historically, rationalism and empiricism gave the power to the individual to make up his mind about reality, which broke with the collectivist doctrines of traditional religion and mythical thinking, where dogma was created and passed down not from the thoughts of a single individual but from a long tradition of myths and stories.
  14. You have just yet to realize that you're only looking at yourself. That is literally what it feels like.
  15. I see no difference between your comments and your description of zeroISinfinity's comments, only the level of verbosity
  16. Recently thought about this while falling asleep: What Spiral Dynamics does is that it lays out the "developmental pathway" that an individual will follow if he should happen to grow. It doesn't mean that everybody will grow to reach the same levels, only that the growth follows the same order of stages. It's like differences in height: some people are shorter than others, because they're either growing slower or have stopped growing all together, but when you're growing, you will go from being shorter to being taller. Just like how biology impacts your height, it can also impact your SD development.
  17. The similarities lies in the levels of energetic expression, openness, curiosity etc., but the quality of those things and the subsequent behavior is vastly different. One is delusional, ungrounded, confused, and dysfunctional while the other is sober, calm, integrated, and hyperfunctional. One is of the mind, the other is beyond the mind. One is insanity, the other is beyond insanity. Awakening is beyond mind, beyond insanity, beyond psychosis or normalcy. Psychotics can have awakening experiences - that is not the issue. The issue is the psychotic mind. Then again, psychosis is a relative concept. I would consider most people psychotic.