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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. The most stupid thing I've done during awakenings is to resist it and stick my head in the sand - every single god damn time. Sometimes I just want to let go, give up, stop playing this game with myself, but I can't. I keep interpreting it as death (which is a thought, yes, Nahm), but nope, this nut ain't gonna crack.
  2. The cool thing is that it's actually a reproductive organ ?
  3. Everything is relative. You're saying nothing. The end.
  4. Please stop lmao
  5. @tsuki Omg that startled me, had to almost look over my shoulder Vagene
  6. Meanwhile I started watching Leo because he is just so god damn fine
  7. @Flowerfaeiry ❤️
  8. Oh man, the dude self-diagnoses himself as a sociopath with violent tendencies, has admitted to having persecutory auditory hallucinations, uses people dying of cancer (including his dad) to prove a point etc.. He's truly some dude. Still, he is mostly on point regarding veganism.
  9. The poor guy probably got wooshed very bad. Were you talking about non-duality?
  10. Well, that is certain a long rabbit hole hahaha
  11. But let's be fair, did that one really hurt though?
  12. Where does Richard find these people? ? The guy legitimately sounds like he belongs in an institution.
  13. I'm sorry, I didn't see that you quoted Joe Rogan in your earlier comments. I'm sorry that I've wasted your time. ?
  14. Well exactly, it's cringey because you deliberately exposed them to your work and they focused on your looks. Most people here aren't familiar with Anna's work and have only been exposed to her looks. Then you should expect where the attention will go.
  15. Bro tone it down a bit. It's now a serious discussion. I don't associate with this.
  16. There is a danger of that happening of course, but that doesn't mean they're mutually exclusive. It's just that one comes before the other. One is more "apparent" (literally).
  17. The reason people find vegans particularily annoying is because they actually know deep down that they have a point, which creates cognitive dissonance and all that jazz.
  18. So you admit that you're complicit in it? ? I sense a sliiight hypocrisy
  19. Look at how we're treating women on this forum. Disgusting ? ?
  20. Spirituality is apparently about shaming people who have a reaction to people with high Shakti ?