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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. @Danioover9000 We're talking about one of the oldest institutions in the world. Just from that alone I would be surprised if it didn't harbor any bigotry. Using "stirring up drama" as a way to delegitimize someone has become way too easy these days and is a testament to the regressive aspects of internet culture.
  2. Short answer: just a feeling. Long answer: I haven't watched the video, but I'm assuming that it said that everything is personal from an absolute perspective, which means that it makes no sense to single out Preety specifically in this case, because from an absolute perspective, the topic is about everybody equally.
  3. That is your problem. Stop hitting yourself. Chill.
  4. I tried to find the most gigantic facepalm picture ever but I was facepalming myself too hard.
  5. I was hoping I made myself clear by prefacing it with "their fear of non-existence", where non-existence essentially means the opposite of their finite existence (which is what they fear). Now, what they actually fear is infinite existence and impermanence, and "finite existence" isn't really a thing from that perspective (and neither is non-existence), but yeah, I was speaking to the separate self as you noted
  6. You're reading a lot into what I said. I don't deny the possibility of there being continuities of body and mind across different lifetimes, but this doesn't change the fact that you're not that body or mind. The fact that there is a memory of a body from yesterday or 1000 years ago doesn't change the fact that you're not that body. Why does this matter you may ask? Well, because the person who goes to reincarnation as a belief (or even from direct experience) in order to soothe their fear of non-existence/impermanence (by believing that some essence of their identity will be carried on in order to reassure oneself of one's finite existence) will necessarily be disappointed. The fear of death has to be faced at the end of every incarnation anyway, because after all, it's the attachment to "this" body and mind that is causing the fear, and it's those things that are going to disappear forever. If you weren't afraid to lose those things, then you wouldn't need the reassurance of a finite eternal essence in the first place. Impermanence is a matter of fact. You cannot escape it, even if you were to reincarnate an infinite amount of times. If impermanence (non-existence of finite things) doesn't become obvious at the end of your lifetime, there is no difference between infinity and impermanence anyway. Anything finite will at the end of the day have to disappear: the only thing you're guaranteed is an infinite eternal essence; no self.
  7. What does reincarnation even mean when there is no such thing as a "you"? There is no "you" that reincarnates
  8. What is your definition of a psychedelic?
  9. Because when you're about to vomit you turn green duh
  10. I believe there is hope for him though. I can see him moving in this direction in the future. He has a certain type of openmindedness that reminds me of Leo. After all, Leo was also studying philosophy at his age But until then:
  11. For 5-MeO-DMT, the low affinity for 2A is thought to explain the lack of characteristic psychedelic visuals, and the high affinity for 1A is thought to explain the strong ego surpression effects (ego death). It's much more complicated than that, but you can atleast start to understand the differences by looking at the receptor subunits. In other words, 5-MeO-DMT is not very translatable to other serotonergic psychedelics like LSD or Psilocybin.
  12. Ever thought about experiencing it?
  13. You have been talking about a thought arising and a feeling arising. The thought doesn't have to be linked to the feeling. Infact, a thought cannot be inherently motivating or demotivating. It's just a thought. The feeling is more like a reaction to the thought. That doesn't mean you should try to repress the feeling, but just start to notice the difference between thought and feeling. I gave you a way of dealing with the thought, but you can also deal with the feeling directly. Every time the feeling arises, really investigate what it is. In my experience, anything "bad" associated with a feeling comes from not letting yourself express it properly. It comes from shielding yourself from feeling it, from not letting it come up. This is also why the thought keeps popping up, because you don't want to see what it's trying to show you. Meditation is just as much about learning to express your emotions as being aware of the illusiory nature of thought (they go together). If you notice a feeling of frustration, let yourself feel vulnerable, don't try to push it away. Just notice that it's arising and see what it can do. Challenge the feeling to step up and show itself in its fullest form. Accept, surrender and don't expect anything else than what is currently happening.
  14. I read that it was made in order to unite the world, but it's based on indo-european languages. Haven't we basically united europe already with English?
  15. The path back into Source is a part of the design.
  16. Who's to say this is not a part of his path? People get different kinds of help in life: from their parents, from friends, institutions, strangers; from living in a healthy society. This is just one specific type of help. Help is not the opposite of spiritual progress. I for one have probably gotten more help than anyone I know, but there was still suffering, there was still spiritual progress. Wasn't this (too much help) which lead to Buddha's enlightenment anyway?
  17. Who are you going to talk to with that? Yourself?
  18. LOOOL. What do you think I look like?
  19. Turning daily activities into meditation is a sure way to get your mind to stay busy forever