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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. If you remove all things, all form, you're still left with "something", and this is formlessness. You go from a more gross experience to a more subtle experience, so subtle in fact that most people don't even notice it or think it's even a thing. Even so, all of it, both subtle and gross, is consciousness.
  2. The basis of form is duality. Duality is based on opposites. For example, warm vs. cold, big vs. small, sharp vs. blunt etc. When you experience the world of form, even if you're in a non-dual state and recognize the unity of all things, this world is still experienced through differences, opposites, duality, form. Form is essentially any gross (non-subtle) "thing" that you can point out and distinguish from something else. The keyboard you're typing on is form. The screen you're looking at is form. The glass on your desk is form. The water in the glass is form. The taste of the water is form. These things are different experiences, and the experience of them are constantly changing, and this is the basis of time (the general feeling or concrete measurement of change). All form is happening within the most subtle aspect of consciousness (the unchanging, formless, timeless, empty "void"). If you remove all things, all form, you're still left with "something", and this is formlessness. The next step is to realize that the duality between form and formlessness is also one (it's a subtle distinction, but a distinction nonetheless). Consciousness is therefore both form AND formlessness. In other words, consciousness is literally everything that exists; subtle and gross, formless and formed. This is because consciousness has no opposite. Consciousness is absolutely non-dual; one.
  3. People confuse the experience of form with the experience of consciousness. When they experience something without form, they call it "no experience". That is actually consciousness. The word "experience" is inherentely confusing, because it smuggles the idea of comparing one form to another, of contrasts and distinctions, of experiencing "something" as opposed to something else. Consciousness is what you are. You are yourself, always, and there is no "other", just you.
  4. When you enter nirvikalpa samadhi, there is a timeless nature to it that is identical to dreamless sleep; something which cannot be experienced through time, because it exists outside time, but it's nevertheless experienced. In samadhi and dreamless sleep, there is no form, and time is experienced through the change of form. Experience/consciousness/awareness always is, regardless of form, and you are it. You are not just the limited human form. You are the unchanging, formless and timeless awareness.
  5. Investigate a diversity of perspectives.
  6. I had barely learned about meditation and enlightenment. I interpreted it as physical death and insanity. I still do.
  7. There is a reason people do it. It fulfills a deep need for ritual, community and social bonding, just in a Stage Orange format. Alcohol in this case is analogous to shamanic practices and entheogens.
  8. He was fucking shaking even before Sam came on. When Ethan said "I like to come prepared...", he knew EXACTLY what that meant ?
  9. And now he booked an interview with Donald Trump Jr. to distract everybody from this mess!
  10. The argument is settled. Crowder literally admitted that they were monitoring Sam Seder in real time to avoid just the possibility of encountering him on a separate show. It makes zero sense for him to call Sam a nobody. "I'm just monitoring this nobody so he doesn't ambush me on this highly popular youtube show"... Yeah good one, Stevie
  11. I'm watching Vaush's reaction to it right now and I'm literally dying
  12. There are some valid aspects to New Age spirituality, but a lot of it is self-deception, wishful thinking, absolute-relative conflation etc.
  13. 1977 might be a bit outdated, but this is what came to mind
  14. Is that your idea of fun?
  15. What happens if people stop having children?
  16. What else is there to do?
  17. @Bernardo Carleial At 3:18:18 - 3:21:51, he gives a brilliant cultural-materialist explanation for the transition from Purple to Red and Orange to Green using nothing but plows and tractors . As Lex said, "that was just brilliant".
  18. Kinesin had a good explanation for that. Nothing. I think psychic powers exist, I experience synchronicities every day, and I generally believe in a non-materialistic, mystical universe, but I'm just not particularly convinced in this case.
  19. Is it really that hard to comprehend why he would specifically react to 911?
  20. These are numbers that seem to stand out because of their level of personal or emotional significance, which is determined by your past experiences. For example, I tend to have a reaction when I see the number "73" due to my involvement in a particular niche of internet culture. Additionally, the number has to be rare enough for the response to not be desensitized by repeated exposure. You'll more often see single digit numbers like 1,2,3 etc. than specific two digit numbers like 73 or three digit numbers like 911. It also matters which context the number is seen in. Seing it in a less expected context will lead to a stronger response than in an expected context (like seeing 2021$ in your bank account compared to seeing 2021 in your calendar).
  21. You see a lot of numbers every day. You just notice the familiar ones more because they are familar. It doesn't have to entail a pattern.
  22. Seeing familiar numbers is not proof of spiritual guides.
  23. Meditate every day, no excuses.