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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. Impress them real good πŸ˜‚
  2. While not engaging actively in a task: very little mind-wandering, self-referential thinking, probably zero rumination. This correlates with a de-activation of the Default Mode Network in the brain. From the outside, it looks like someone who is highly present, attentive and emotionally stable, drives Rolls Royces; stuff like that.
  3. πŸ€” What is wrong with the world 10 years in the future that was not wrong with the world 10 years ago?
  4. Now, that required a brain πŸ§ πŸ˜›
  5. I don't understand. Enlightened people tend to act a certain way, so why can't their brains act a certain way?
  6. Why 10 years in the future and not 10 years ago? πŸ€”
  7. How do you reasonably confirm it's a demon (and not something else)? Can you ever confirm a demon?
  8. I want you to have an out-of-body, telepathic, mind-merging psychedelic experience which people sometimes talk about and see how the notion of "solipsism" collapses quite quickly and all that is left is Transpersonal Consciousness. Imagine what you would see if you could gradually slide into my body and see the world from my perspective. That's the experience I'm talking about. You can also have a taste of it sober just through empathy.
  9. It's only you forever, but it's not your body, not your mind, not even your soul. It's Consciousness, which is everywhere all at the same time. It's not distinct from anything else. It's not something "you" have which other people don't have. That's the misunderstanding Spira is pointing to and which I've tried to point out to you many times before. The problem is that it takes direct experience to truly grasp what is being said.
  10. Find an analogy or a point that works then πŸ˜‚ Literally Buddhism. I'm still waiting for that definition. I think you can ask the people at the Mooji satsang why they're singing and dancing and they will give you a straight answer, which might only be partially true, but still true.
  11. That's another way to look at it. When you engage actively with literally anything at all, you activate the task-positive network in your brain (and deactivate the Default Mode Network), and you stop thinking about yourself if only for a moment. When you engage with something deeply and intensely, like when you love something or you're deeply passionate for it, you stop thinking about yourself even more. And at the highest levels, you might completely lose yourself, and then there is only reality.
  12. You know what I mean when I say it's a perspective. When we talk about the Absolute in conversation, it becomes a perspective. But a tree is also merely a carving out of reality. It can be carved into many other individual constituents (e.g. cells). In reality, all forms in reality are interconnected; cells, trees and forests alike. But your individual cells are singing and dancing in a fantastical cult of biology, yet you call that spirituality. On a serious note, all spiritual practice boils down to engaging in some kind of behavior, and it can be done either individually or collectively. If you want to provide some strict definition of what counts as spiritual practice, you can do that, but singing and dancing in a context that orients itself towards the sacred (the highest value, e.g. enlightenment) and inspires feelings of devotion towards the sacred, is traditionally considered a spiritual practice.
  13. If you're talking from the Absolute perspective, the individual as distinct from the social doesn't exist either. Why?
  14. When you love something, even in a limited human way, you experience it more intensely. The more you love something, the more access you have to it, the more deeply intimate your experience of it is β€” the more real it is. If love gives you access to what is real, then love in the highest degree is reality itself.
  15. Social method, individual method; any method is not the thing
  16. History repeats itself: We should be hailing circular developmental models, not linear ones like Spiral Dynamics 😝 EDIT: Man, I used to be long-winded.
  17. For example in a niche where the foliage and general environment have pizza patterns on them. Camouflage is critical for predator and prey animals alike.
  18. Imagine creating an evolutionary niche where animals with coat patterns most resembling pizza have the highest fitness πŸ˜†
  19. I'm going off topic and posting kundalini pasta, because I'm that edgy.
  20. Nowadays, I avoid it like the plague, namely because of the cognitive effects. All the times I've gotten high lately (unintentionally might I add), it was only a nuisance. The way I would describe the effect for me nowadays (in the mini- to microdoses I've been exposed to it) is that it dissociates me from my memories in the same way that looking through a keyhole constricts your field of vision. It's like you have 100 toys in your toy box but you only get to play with 5 of them at a given time, which sure, it can make you more creative, as creativity often spawns from working within certain limitations, but it obviously sucks for thinking sober and grounded thoughts.
  21. I'm talking with my advisor about doing a study which could satisfy your question (I won't reveal the exact hypothesis, but it essentially investigates the overlap between mindfulness and music). I'll come back to you in a year with the results πŸ˜†
  22. I prefer silence in the morning.