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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. Possessions, prestige, power and money is all survival. This is why it's hard to break out of the social matrix. People underestimate the extent to which their mind is shaped by their environment. Without the social matrix, you couldn't begin to understand yet read this sentence. All types of human thought is essentially the social matrix trying to make sense of itself. You can't actually think without the social matrix. You have no idea how profound this is: you can't even form the cognitive concept of "self" and "other" without 1. other people to interact with, and 2. language; two of the most basic aspects of the social matrix. Well, you can't actually survive as a human being without depending on the collective in some way or another. Even if you decide to live in some cabin for yourself without electricity or running water, the tools and materials that are used to build the house are a result of thousands of years of collective effort. Any knowledge about natural first aid solutions or how to hunt, forage or eat nutritious food also stems from the collective. Human beings lived in tribes for millions of years. You're a collective creature – that is your nature. You've just lost touch with that because of the incredible material success of the collective. Just like the individual is shaped by his environment, the environment is shaped by the individuals within it. Every biological creature does this, but humans are masters at it, and this is the basis of culture and society. Humans create the social matrix, and therefore the humans are fundamentally the problem. It's just that individual human problems get magnified exponentially when they interact socially and create higher-order emergent phenomena that cannot be reduced to the individual level. Again, we are all imbedded in the social matrix. It's just about how self-aware you can become of that fact. Some aspects of the social matrix are more self-aware than others. The social matrix is a complex system. It's not a black-and-white issue.
  2. If we're dependent on the functioning of the system for us to have freedom, should we be free as individuals to kill that system?
  3. This the way I see it: Cook-Greuter is an ego developmental model, which you can treat as one "line" in Ken Wilber and Don Beck's SDi framework. In other words, there are other aspects to turquoise that are more or less orthogonal to ego development, thus to say that "turquoise is ego-aware" full-stop is a bit inaccurate. For instance, "holistic thinking" is related the cognitive line of development. Just because you're a "holistic thinker" (cognitively turquoise) does not necessarily mean that you're "ego-aware" (egoically turquoise). Likewise, the original SD concept of "vMEME" can be treated as its own developmental line in the SDi. Some lines are more general/inclusive/overarching than others and some are overlapping, but Wilber's observation is that all the lines have to go through the same "developmental altitudes"(order of stages), hence why it all fits into one integrative framework ("Spiral Dynamics Integral").
  4. If God is absolutely infinite, that means God is all those things. If what you're referring to as "people" are only dualistic monotheists, then you're mostly correct. They think God (singular – "mono") is separate from his creation (two parts – "dual"). However, that excludes polytheism (most of Eastern gods), pantheism (e.g. Brahman, or the Spinozian God). These conceptualization of God are anyway beside the point, because what Leo is talking about is the mystical experience of God, and you can only understand it by actually having the experience for yourself. Untill then, you can only take people's word for it, but according to my limited collection of mystical experiences and my intuitions of what lies beyond, the word "God" is the perfect description for whatever this experience is like. God is the unlimited source of creative expression; creating every movement or motion of the apparent physical world, what is alive and what is inert; of mind and spirit, of body and soul; and all of it is done out of infinite Love of all forms – potential and actual – for the whole.
  5. Meditation makes negative emotions less pungent.
  6. You said it yourself: God is infinite spirit, infinite light.
  7. No. It is what it is. There is always a risk.
  8. The mRNA contained in the vaccines codes for the Covid19 spike protein. Any mRNA that enters a cell will cause that cell to produce those spike proteins and place them in their cell membranes.
  9. The mRNA vaccines are literally producing pieces of the virus inside your body.
  10. Something I used to contemplate a lot some years ago: What causes the perception of time? (especially in relationship to the phenomenas of time compression and time expansion caused by mind-altering drugs or being deeply immersed in an activity e.g. flow or a thoughtless state e.g. samadhi).
  11. My dad recently had a small stroke and he hasn't taken the vaccine ?
  12. Really exhaust yourself physically.
  13. Do you have any advice for a guy half your age who doesn't have the balls to directly face this reality that you're speaking of?
  14. The distinctions between Yellow and Turquoise aren't very important. I just refer to them as Tier 2.
  15. What do you mean by this? Do viruses not exist? Do they not cause illness?
  16. The point I'm getting at is this: when it comes to collectivist stages, while it's true that they can be said to share conformism as a general trait, it's more the case that Blue is conformist as a result of the Blue worldview and Green is conformist because of Green. In the context of SDi, to treat this conformist trait as if it's decoupled from its developmental basis and that it can work independently of any specific worldview seems a bit wonky to me. You're maybe more able to do that with traits in personality models, but in this case, I don't think it's appropriate. It's like with spirituality: collectivist stages tend to also be more spiritual/religious (which has to do with community bonding), but Purple has Purple spirituality, Blue has Blue spirituality, and Green has Green etc. They're not really translateable to eachother (Purple is tribal, shamanic, ritualistic; Blue is traditional, devotional, rule-oriented; Green is pluralist, heart-centered, experimental). Likewise, Blue conformism is not really translateable to Green conformism.
  17. I sincerely have no idea what you're talking about ?. What about an example outside of internet forums? So you're saying that when an apparently Green person posts about the need for more LGBTQ+-friendly options in the gender section on one's forum profile, or advocates for the rights of non-binary people in the military, or talks about the benefits of taking a feminist lens on history, or that we should be critical of patriarchical social structures, or that we should be tolerant of different cultures or religions other than western Christianity, or that we should elevate the minimum wage and maybe consider implementing a 4-day work week, and that we should be tolerant of non-traditional relationships and family structures (polygamy and queer parents etc.) – you're saying that this person could in fact be Blue?
  18. How so? Do you have a specific example in mind?
  19. That seems like a low-value activity in itself.
  20. I've only had sober ones, but still; zero visuals.
  21. It's funny, because the main questions I had before tripping was that I wanted to know what the pretty colors were "made out of": "What causes hallucinations?" "What is its mechanics?" "Why does it move like that?" "Why is it symmetrical and morphing?" However, when I actually tripped, those questions never arose. Instead, I got a lesson in The Four Noble Truths. In other words, it wasn't a fun trip
  22. No. The political aspect is probably the worst aspect. It's not just that it "attracts" toxic characters. It builds toxic characters. It's not a coincidence that the word "corruption" and "politics" are so easily mentioned in the same context. Politics is power, and power corrupts. It's filled to the brim self-bias, deception, fear-based thinking, us vs. them narratives. If that is your speciality, then you've spent years deeply immersing yourself in it, building your self-image and mental schemas around it etc., so of course that is going to express itself through your character (unless you've done the work to counter that, which is rare). Now, you may say I expanded the definition of "toxic character", as we were talking about cases of sexual harrassment, but I would say that these more subtle aspects are far worse in the grand scheme of things, because they're actually condoned by the general culture and it ACTUALLY rots you to the core. When everybody has lost the sense that something is rotten, that is when it's allowed to spread and do a lot of damage. Does that mean I don't consume political content? No. It is obviously useful, so you have to make a comprimise: some brain rot in return for avoiding turning into a hermit. There is a trade-off for everything.