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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. Does your car exist when it's in the garage and you're in your house?
  2. I used to be able to change it back and forth, but now I only see it clockwise, so right-brain 🤭 Maybe it's because I'm tired.
  3. I sometimes want to look at a tree just feel rage. Jk that's horrible.
  4. Your values might change, so you might become less effective in the way you're defining it, but not less empathetic, and certainly not less effective in a more general sense. Whatever you're doing, in my experience, you will unequivocally do it better from a baseline state of happiness. And being happy makes you less self-concerned and more concerned about others in a big way. Frankly, unhappiness is basically synonymous with self-concern.
  5. I just see those as two slightly different ways of viewing a problem. Finding out what you ultimately want to do is sort of orthogonal to any model and simply requires an inner sense. There are 100s of ways to model the psyche, and most of them are very similar, just like the two you mentioned. So in the end, it doesn't really matter that much which one you choose to focus on. All of them provide you some tools for structured sensemaking and a sense of direction. Even if they're sort of bad and lead you astray, you'll learn and grow anyway, and your inner sense will keep taking you where you want to go.
  6. How are they contradictory?
  7. That's a continuous work in progress, unless you're enlightened (actually it's even true for enlightened people, but in a more subtle way). I don't think anyone has "maxed out" their peace and tranquility while still in human form.
  8. Lust in itself isn't really a problem. Getting stuck on it like it's the only solution to your life is more like a problem.
  9. What does that look like to you?
  10. He got stuck in one of the dimensions 😁
  11. It ignites and opens up your experience of the world. It pushes you and guides you. It emboldens you and enlightens you. There are some theoretical definitions of meaning. Here is one with four components: Purpose is about goal-oriented behavior; setting goals, making plans, finding a purpose to strive towards. It gives you a sense of direction, progression and growth. You can strive to become something better, something more valuable. That is why having a life purpose is a great source of meaning. Significance is when something is intrinsically valuable. Flow states, pleasurable experiences, virtues and ideals: things that you do for their own sake, things that valuable in and of themselves; be it eating ice cream, playing football or reading fiction, be it seeking wisdom or spiritual enlightenment. Coherence is when something makes sense; when there is an orderliness to things and things are understandable. Logic and rationality are big sources of coherence; theoretical frameworks, heuristics, maps (Spiral Dynamics is an example); stories, narratives, language itself. Coherence is a big reason why reading fiction (or reading any thing at all, even dry scientific articles) can be experienced as meaningful. Mattering is when you do something of value to others, when it matters to something outside yourself. You want to make society a better place, you want other people to wake up, you want people to suffer less, to become more aware, less ignorant, more wise. Being a part of a community, a family or an organization is therefore a big source of meaning which is also routinely neglected in Western society.
  12. I remember seeing this my first times on LSD (100-150 mcg range) and I've always been mystified about why it happens: I've also gotten it from MDMA, especially on the comedown (the metabolite MDA has substantial 5HT2A activity), and also very slightly from weed (CB1 circuits with 5HT2A activity). Even nowadays while fully sober, I can get mesmerized by looking at simple textures on the ground or any grainy surface, although I don't see the overtly symmetrical textures. Curiously, this amplified quite a lot after I reduced my fluoride exposure (flouride is known to cause eye problems and dampens brain activity in general).
  13. If you come across a problem in your life where you currently see no optimal outcome, you will probably think a lot of negative thoughts, but you'll also become very creative in trying to find that optimal outcome. However, there eventually comes a point where the negative thinking becomes too much of a burden and hinders your ability to find an optimal outcome, and then you need to come to terms with what is, and that requires accepting the situation and moving forward. Accepting the situation might involve reframing what is an optimal outcome and seeing the positive sides in a situation, i.e. positive thinking. It might also require a radical leap in how you fundamentally approach your own values, or even a leap in the very way you think, hopefully towards a place of more complexity and nuance (an evolution) and not a place of more simplicity and black-and-white thinking (a de-evolution).
  14. You're missing out because you're spending 1 hr at the gym a couple of times a week and 0.5-1 hr to cook every day? Man, you must be a busy person. I can admit I started working out because of looks (and because my mom wanted me to be healthy lol). But what kept me working out is that it feels too good not to. It's like a drug without any side effects (roughly speaking), and it makes you more functional in virtually all domains (bodily, cognitively, energy levels, etc.). But it's not like I stopped caring about looks either. The times I have gotten an injury where I had to slow down my training, I felt dysphoria, like I was not in the right body. But when I'm in peak shape, I feel pretty fine about my body. People with body dysmorphia basically never feel fine about their bodies, and that can definitely be a problem.
  15. First LSD trip. I had planned so many things to do which I thought would be fun to experience on the substance, but when I did them, I was left with a huge feeling of emptiness inside me. That taught me about the truth of suffering (Dukkha), which in hindsight was better than anything I could ever want.
  16. It does affect your consciousness in a subtle way, but so does many other things, and it's hard to control for these things just based on your feels.
  17. There are many things that affect how you feel and that vary from day to day which can skew your perception of these things (e.g. what and how much you've eaten, how much sun exposure you've gotten, how much you've been moving, general mood). Many of these things even literally affect your zinc levels. This is analogous to "set and setting" with psychedelics, which as you know can produce strong dose-independent effects. And when it comes to more subtle things like supplements, especially low doses, the likelihood of misattributing some effect is probably very high. Try this: get someone to randomly give you either a placebo pill or a real zinc pill every day, and write down how it makes you feel (e.g. on a scale from 1 to 7). Let them write down what they gave you and each time they give you a random dosage within a selected range (say 0.1-50 mg). Then after 14 days or so, compare your feelings with the dose and see if there is a statistically significant correlation. Even better: try to guess the exact dosage you were given. Also, preferably introduce some blinding measures. For example, let them place the pill on a table so that you can take it without them being present (so there is a lesser chance of being influenced by their expressions, etc.), and of course avoid talking about the experiment with the person during the experiment (unless you somehow manage to introduce double-blinding, which is probably hard in an everyday context).
  18. You're maxing out your feels. You don't know what your actual Zinc levels are.
  19. It's like you're entering a black hole and time stands still, but somehow things are still moving and changing around you. You will be walking across your room, but you're not walking across it — the room is walking you across it.
  20. You have to really mean it if you actually want liberation/enlightenment. That is why enlightenment is no joke. The price for enlightenment is your life. What — you expect to still have an ego while living in an egoless state? You expect to be able to do things, to have goals and desires, to feel accomplishment and pride, to feel like you're just a normal everyday person? Your only job while being enlightened is to channel God's will. There is no more you in that picture. Again, from the outside, you might look just like any other person; with goals and desires, with meaning and purpose; but from the inside, you're God's puppet.
  21. How are you so convinced that 1 mg is sufficient?
  22. It's probably based on feels. I take 25 mg zinc capsule every day and I feel fine.
  23. Play dumb: a prototype of Spiral Wizardry.