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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. Strength as it's defined here is an outdated concept. It implies emotional discalibration. You might get girls, but you might also beat girls if you catch my drift. Vitality and resilience are two useful concepts from psychology that emphasize emotional integration rather than suppression. A vital and resilient man is able to extert power and be sensitive both at the same time, which comes from a healthy emotion regulation system – the ability to express/externalize emotions and use them as a source of power. Incels actually tend to have a suppressive regulative style that internalizes emotional energy to the psyche and creates circular patterns of thought and unresolved sympathic activation (pent up emotions), leading to anxiety, depression etc. This decreases vitality and resilience. The cases where this leads to "strength", the emotions either get completely disconnected or they create highly unstable patterns, leading to antisocial behavior like lack of empathy or increased aggression. You don't want sociopathy and aggression. You want sensitivity and stability.
  2. Growth depends on your goals. For me, formulating my thoughts through writing is a good source of growth. If your goal is enlightenment, go meditate. That used to be my goal, but now I have other priorities (let's say it's postponed.)
  3. He is overwhelmingly an analytical thinker. Systems thinking is a side dish. He primarily needs to deconstruct his Cartesian-Newtonian worldview: reductionism, mechanism, positivism, atomism (causality, determinism, physicalism). He has been dabbling in constructivist thought since his mushrooms trips, so he only needs the right push. Or it might never happen because of a survival blockage he has that fuels his debate ego and bars him from grasping the teachings of psychedelics. I mean his takeaway from psychs was that truth is not worth pursuing if it doesn't make you happy. That's a deep emotional wound right there.
  4. Depends what you mean by growth.
  5. The Abrahamic religions got intertwined in a memetic arms race by catering to the survival challenges of the times in between the rise and fall of great empires. Basically, the memes that replicate the most, win. The most truthful memes die, because they're not about survival. The newer religions are typically more survival-based: Islam > Christianity > Judaism. They cater more to laws, power and conquest, because that is what survives in a growing world. Back when the older religions were created, the world was a much smaller place, rivalry was much more local and empires had less power. During the Abrahamic times, rivalry became global.
  6. ...until they go home and watch Seinfield
  7. Leo: What they need is 5-MeO up the ass. Now that is how you become a real man
  8. True, and now imagine this being magnified by the environment you live in: people performing shamanistic rituals, summoning spirits, chanting magic spells, going into trance states. Now that's magic
  9. It's still really hard to imagine what true Purple is like. At 3-4 years old, you're a tribal creature embedded within a modern environment. It's a Purple experience of an Orange world. Try to imagine what a Purple experience is like within a Purple environment. Is that even possible? Even if you traveled to a Purple society today and lived there for 10 years, you would still have the same problem, just in reverse: it's an Orange experience of a Purple world. Our perceptual structures are shaped by experience, and with our current perceptual configuration, we cannot truly imagine an authentic Purple experience (maybe through past life memories).
  10. @AdroseAkise Careful with that channel.
  11. Is there a new deadman already? ? I fought in the 1v1s last time and got humiliated first round ?
  12. 2:29:19 - 2:32:23 Heinrich Himmler and Bhagavad Gita. Zen and Japanese imperialism. JP and Zizek agree that happiness is not an inherent good, only if it comes as a byproduct of meaning, and that the pathway to meaning is found through feeling, by searching within. But what about the corruption of meaning? Here is an excerpt about the latter, namely Zen Devilry. The lesson is that survival, self-bias and self-deception are very sticky.
  13. Make the mind and body disappear in samadhi.
  14. 24:09 - 45:44 Alan Wallace is fucking brilliant. He is like a supercharged Fritjof Capra.
  15. Beige utilizes various techniques to keep a steady caloric intake, avoid immediate environmental threats etc. This may include tool use, advanced hunting techniques, planning etc. It's about the most basic aspects of survival. Purple doesn't merely survive. It creates sophisticated narratives about the tribe and the environment, stories that seek to explain things like the origins of existence, the weather, the nature of animals, spirits, natural elements etc. There is a rich use of language and symbolism that informs cultural expression, social norms and rituals. However, there is a typical lack of ability to identify abstract properties across classes. Explanations are very specific, essence-oriented and magical (animism). It's about the spirit of the river, the wind, the sun, the earth, not elementary particles, physical forces or aggregate states (mechanism and determinism). There also a lack of the concept of a linear progression of history and a very contracted sense of self. Time, the extent to which it is experienced, is cyclical and day-to-day. The world is experienced as constant and eternal, and the tribe is the world. There is no large scale planning of anything, like civilization building. These impulses don't arrive before agrarian Red where local resource scarcity gets replaced by up-scaled power disputes and tribal warfare.
  16. Physical pleasure and mental happiness cannot be hoarded. Your adaptive mechanisms will balance it out according to your survival needs. However, cultivating resilience and vitality, or the ability to deal with survival effortlessly, leads to a refinement of one's being, physiologically, psychologically and emotionally, which leads to increased physical health and mental clarity – the basis of pleasure and happiness and richness of experience. Maximize internal integrity, minimize external dependency, integrate all faculties.
  17. As Zizek would say: the reversal – it's so funny
  18. He has intuited being, but has yet to take the plunge and actually swim in it
  19. @bloomer ? I always laugh at that one