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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. If we didn't vaccinate the population, you wouldn't have a hospital to go to and you would most likely know somebody who died from COVID-19. You're still not understanding the concept of minimizing risk. I swear it's the same thing in every thread: misunderstanding probabilistic measures and misrepresenting statistics.
  2. We're making value judgements like "healthy" based on Tier 2 principles (SD is a Tier 2 framework). Therefore, Tier 1 stages, as self-consistent frameworks of exclusion and contraction, are by definition not healthy. They can still contain specific values that, when expressed in a certain way, would be considered healthy by Tier 2, but then these values would be incorporated into a larger context of inclusion and expansion.
  3. It's true that the higher Tier 1 systems contain some aspects of the lower ones within them, but they also react heavily to them, which creates a skewed picture. I'll elaborate on the first example I gave: Orange may react to Blue's social-order dogmatist-collectivist meme by going full ape-shit anti-establishment rationalist-individualist meme (libertarians/an-caps/nihilists) and want to abolish all laws and regulations, because they think that deep down, everybody actually thinks like them. Truth is that criminals don't act rationally. They don't care about the sanctity of personal property. They need somebody to beat them up if they misbehave, and that is why we have a monopoly of force; the cops, the justice system. Orange isn't just Blue+. It's Orange. It often treads on a lot of "healthy" Blue. We do need some serious order in society to protect people from monsters, and we do need some transcendent purpose to keep people from going insane. Now, Green doesn't necessarily address this either in any comprehensive fashion just because it's a so-called collectivist stage. It can also go full ape-shit anti-establishment trans-rationalist-collectivist (hippies/libertarian socialists/post-modernists). It's not just anti-establishment, it's also anti-rationalist, anti-progress (technically speaking). I used extreme examples to illustrate the differences, but the same dynamics apply to more moderate versions. For Tier 1, as well as there is an integration aspect for every stage, there is a just as significant reactionary aspect. The reactionary aspect comes from a lack of perspective: a lack of ability to see the entire spiral.
  4. Of course statements from 1 year ago don't apply now. We didn't know how well the vaccine would fare in a population with high viral load and so many new variants. Whether or not herd immunity is possible, what we're aiming for is to minimize the damage that the virus is causing to society, which is a complex equation (it's not just about death rate), and we know that vaccines help.
  5. There are no healthy Tier 1 value systems. There are specific "healthy" examples where Tier 2 grabs inspiration, but as self-contained value systems, they're incomplete. Tier 1 is not self-aware: it excludes, judges, fears, otherizes etc. It does not understand its own values, how they relate to other values, or how to differentiate between healthy or toxic expressions of these values.
  6. They flee in the hopes that somebody else will deal with it. What if you have nowhere to flee? What if your people is getting ethnically cleansed? Some types of violence are worse than others, and some violence can only be addressed with violence. Pacifism pushes the problem under the rug and outsources it to someone who is not holier than thou and actually honest about their survival drives.
  7. You kinda caught a half-finished comment. If you care about survival, there are many cases where you will resort to physical violence and war. If you don't think so, you're just blinded by your own privilege. It's easy to be a pacifist while living in a Western democracy.
  8. Pacifists still participate in all kinds of violence, i.e. buying unethical products, eating meat, eating plants, polluting the environment etc. Survival is a game of compromise. Absolutist ideologies don't hold up in a complex world.
  9. Singapore is at 83.4% of population fully vaccinated. The 95% statistic you're referring to is dealing with a certain age limit. Learn to represent statistics accurately.
  10. Take the extreme examples of 1. Orange and 2. Green: 1. Hyper-libertarian autism: "I'm an isolated individual, nobody can tell me what to do, all people are rational, the poor are lazy." 2. Perma-fried hippie New Ager: "Let's come together. We don't need money, work or aspirations, just peace and love and fluffy worldviews... and fuck the rich." It's the case that all the Tier 1 stages are reacting to the other Tier 1 stages in an exclusionary manner, not just the extreme versions of it. Integrating all the stages means discovering the optimal balance that cultivates resilience and vitality on both an individual and collective level. There are no clear cut methods to facilitate this process. It's a process of growth.
  11. We should never discount the value of pioneers
  12. I'm going to make a thread on systems thinking pretty soon. I had some insights after taking some courses on communication theory and community psychology. I was surprised over how much they were based on systems theory. I used to think Destiny was Yellow before too, but now I'm not so sure. I'll give a sneak peak: I've identified three main facets: context awareness > construct awareness > theoretical pluralism (one leads to the next). That's just his shitty childhood of emotional neglect. You don't just grow out of that. Lol no.
  13. There is a tendency to misunderstand karma as something bad. Your decision to get off drugs is also about burning karma. What you should ask yourself is this: what do I really want? Do I really want to do drugs? Find your highest desire and pursue it. If that doesn't work, what is your next highest desire? Is there something you've missed? Go down the list until you have no more desires. Don't start at the bottom of the list.
  14. There is a time and a place for controlled death, but outside of that, we should focus on the death machine that is modern life.