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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. I don't think so. It's disanalogous because Ivermectin is definitionally a treatment method (even if it has 0 effect). It's not a prognosis. It's more like you're asking him to say "don't kill yourself" after bringing up a statistic about how likely you are to commit suicide if you have x personality type.
  2. I guess this applies more to white, educated, industrialized, rich, democratic cultures (i.e. well-off Russians, albeit a bit more on the conservative side). Language difficulties also become virtually negligible at that age. When you look the same, speak the same, wear the same, and think nearly the same, there is not that much discordance between home (parents) and outside (school, society etc.). I would like more practical examples of that though. They exist for a reason, but they're also problematic in many ways. If you interact with a person while holding a lot of stereotypical assumptions about them, it will leak into the conversation and they will notice very quickly.
  3. What does that mean in practice?
  4. I'm sure many of us are aware of the Crimea situation. I was quite young back then so I didn't think much about it Sure. Still, growing up to Russian parents still makes you a cross-cultural kid. There are many different flavors of cross-cultural kids, and it's never as simple as "you're this one culture." That doesn't seem quite charitable, although I can't speak for your intel-understanding. Russia seems pretty Blue to me. I don't quite understand what you mean by that.
  5. Maybe an implication there is that you don't want to experience being against the US
  6. Did he really say that? I thought he said his colleges could predict something about COVID using some Ayurvedic personality typology, not anything about using Ayurveda as a treatment for COVID. It's a statement about prognosis, not treatment.
  7. Don't shoot yourself in the foot there pal
  8. He gave an anecdote. What's the big deal?
  9. Are you aware of any other people out of the ~70 interviews on the channel? Leo's interviews don't even hit top 20 in terms of views.
  10. If his invasion is successful, then it's at least less stupid. It doesn't look like that though.
  11. Putin's failed invasion is stupid.
  12. On the contrary, eating healthy food, doing heavy exercise and even doing your work on time can be experienced as maximally desirable and beneficial in the immediate short-term. It just depends on your preferences, which can be changed drastically. I'll use myself as an example: I used to be a full-time stoner back in my late teens; potato chips, pizza, porn and energy drinks 24/7. Then when I discovered meditation and quickly got my first non-dual glimpse, I noticed a couple of days into this new existence that the level of enjoyment I got from eating a pizza had become rather empty. It was such a drastic effect that I'll never forget it. It literally felt empty (they don't call it discovering emptiness for nothing ). Then after years of integrating this understanding into my life, my approach to food, physical exercise and even work itself has completely inverted. It's based on a shift from preferring impulsive and explosive bursts of indulgence (hedonism) to preferring a stable, subtle and refined state of consciousness. It's not really reducible to the dichotomy of long vs. short term: the pleasurable effects of eating healthy food is felt both immediately in the moment, as well as the hours, days and weeks afterwards. It's both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, short and long-term benefits. Same with exercise and following work schedule. Exercise for me has become more and more like a perpetual flow state. There is really no struggle or suffering associated with it. Body and mind are completely aligned, everything is working at optimal performance, effort is pleasure. Similarly, doing work on time fulfills an energetic need in the body. Ignoring work poisons the mind with fear, worry and anxiety, which in turn poisons the body. The distractions, the explosive indulgence, is no longer seen to be the primary desire. That isn't to say they're not experienced in some form or another, but no longer in transaction for baseline health, but rather as a way to complete it.
  13. 70% of Norway's terrain is mountainous, half of the country is too far north to grow anything.
  14. People's diets were shit back in the day. This only became a problem in the 1970s as diseases of poverty fell during the previous decades, causing a subsequent rise in life expectancy and a shift towards diseases of lifestyle. It's absolutely possible to be normal weight on a sub-optimal diet.
  15. Because they are more able to account for contextual factors like geopolitics. You just gave a purely individualistic analysis.
  16. Back when I used to smoke, this only used to be a problem before my awakening. After that, my mind would be blank; no anxiety, no paranoia. I distinctly remember one time that me and 3 other stoned dudes drove all the way to McDonalds and then all of them were too paranoid to want to order anything. I had to spend 10 minutes persuading one of them to join me. The lesson is that it's all in your mind.
  17. ? Good that it's not only me.