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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. It's a one-sided critique of the excesses of liberalism. You can take all his points and flip them back on themselves.
  2. You're essentially conflating femininity with higher development. Red is more complex, capable, ambitious, oppurtunistic and forward thinking than Purple. To break out of the mold of your ancestors and claim your own sense of identity, to see beyond the horizon and claim what you desire, to rally troops, to conquer; it's a step up in development.
  3. Yeah I saw pictures of that. Spooky. I don't know how I'll be able to sleep when my ear is like Thomas the Tank Engine.
  4. That's fine by me. I've been there It's more about avoiding wild rants and weird behavior than a specific drug.
  5. Posting while high or drunk is against the rules
  6. A trip has a therapeutic aspect to it. You get to see an alternative perspective on yourself from a state of higher consciousness/wisdom, which is what the therapist tries to facilitate within the client. There is a lasting reduction in self-talk, the mechanism with which most psychological patologies are experienced and perpetuated. Awareness alone is curative.
  7. You're treating this like a personal journal, which is why it will be moved to the appropriate section. Please don't call people idiots or make posts in all CAPS.
  8. Pascal's wager is essentially about telling a non-believer to pretend that they believe in God; to lie, which is a sin
  9. Is there a chance you can live without denying yourself social media?
  10. I don't think it's right to assume that God is like a human being, who believes it makes choices, who thinks in logical terms, who is limited by emotions.
  11. It works both ways. I like to kill people with kindness
  13. I kept doing it until it caused so much suffering that I couldn't take it anymore
  14. Correct. You've lost me.
  15. Maslow defined it as aligning yourself with growth needs and outgrowing deficit needs. Find what inspires you and become a source of inspiration. Self-actualized people spend more time in states of flow in all aspects of their lives; less time worrying, more time creating.
  16. Gotta have compassion for the spiritual bypassers too you know
  17. I showed how it's inconsistent from the perspective of idealism. You said that a sense perception like the brain (form) correlates with other sense perceptions like experiences of faces (form), thus the brain creates consciousness (which is the perceptual+non-perceptual reality, or form+formlessness). Form correlates with form, which creates form and formlessness? ?
  18. Yeah I thought about that.
  19. Ah, he was originally a mathematician. That might explain it ? Process philosophy sounds interesting. Reminds me of Walter White's quote: "chemistry is the study of matter. But I prefer to see it as the study of change".
  20. If you saw Leo's last announcement, you know it means "dummy."
  21. Correlation between forms disproves the formless? How?