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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. @zurew Oh shit, thank you! I was waiting for that one
  2. We're already doing that in sectors such as public health, at least in my country. The biopsychosocial model is becoming more and more prevalent, i.e. how factors like biology, psychology and socioeconomics all impact health, which is a holistic model. For example. you have reforms like Samhandlingsreformen from 2009 which focuses on bettering coordination between different health services, preventative approaches, challenges associated with changes in demographics etc. Other examples are emerging fields, like clinical health psychology, which addresses the connection between physical disorders and mental health, and community psychology, which deals with the connection between social challenges (marginalization etc.) and mental health. There is also a greater focus on patient participation in general as well as in more traditional healthcare, which challenges the paternalistic doctor-patient dynamic. These are mostly examples of Green systems thinking and context awareness, which have aspiring holistic features to them. To get to Tier 2, we need more radical proposals which aim to change the very structure of society, like the kind Game B talks about: fostering a post-rivalrous society where we can genuinely recognize our shared existence as humans, deep ecology where we also include nature into the equation, and of course construct updated psychotechnologies (and other technologies) for addressing the meaning crisis (reclaiming the healthy essence of religion and spirituality) and the public health crisis (which of course both overlap as mentioned in the beginning).
  3. Weed is also known to make you more paranoid and sensitive to sounds and threats in general. With increased amygdala activation and decreased latent inhibition, you're more likely to remember such events and make connections between different factors.
  4. Being able to fight is a proxy for general resilience.
  5. I'm just talking about what makes something good.
  6. Yeah. No. Remember feeling inspired?
  7. How much contrast do you want? Who is the most likely to fuck up contrasts?
  8. @thisintegrated You're throwing in a lot of flat descriptive words while trying capture something that is really normative, virtuous or good, which is why you feel like writing an essay about it. You say you want things like contrast, tonality, complexity etc., but you don't just want these things to be present (they always are in a sense), but you want them to come in the right proportions, in a certain way. You can describe this through virtues like balance, intelligence, creativity, neatness, beauty.
  9. Shipping Colombian products to Europe.
  10. This is a hate lyrics thread. Stop posting videos and keep hating lyrics
  11. Such a shit debate lol. I'll sum it up in one ginormous sentence: the language of Tate's past statements is way too imprecise for the debate bro space, which makes him come off as making universal truth claims about women, when in reality he is just talking about how he lives his life, and Tate spends the entire discussion failing to make Hasan acknowledge this distinction, partially because Hasan is just a dense motherfucker, and partially because Hasan is being too sarcastic and unserious.
  12. This is such a retarded thing to argue about.
  13. There is nothing better out there in the same vein.
  14. You literally are Destiny in an alternate timeline. Studied music, ENTP, "logic is my God", watches everything at 4x speed, doesn't read
  15. Peak energy levels today ;D
  16. And reading comprehension? Everything is coming together @thisintegrated Jking