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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. Not much good is going to come out of this.
  2. I mean, there has to be at least some redneck who is naturally spiritually inclined and is a mystic in their own right, and naturally he would be attracted to the Bible instead of say the Vedas. It's not so straightforward to separate spirituality from tradition.
  3. oH wELL I'm gLAd yOu aSKeD! *shameless self-promotion*
  4. Hmm. What are they? I can't remember.
  5. Bernardo Kastrup @thisintegrated Vote in my poll ?
  6. Daniel: "Hey guys, I saw there is a leak under the sink. I think we should handle this before it causes a flood." Devin: "You're just fostering fear!!!"
  7. You should try as many things as possible all at once. I'll name the things that worked for me when I quit weed (some of which have been mentioned already): 1. Smoke until you puke. It will recondition you from associating smoking with something good to something bad. That is essentially how naltrexone treatment works. The last time I smoked weed and got truly high, I got the mental equivalent of a panic attack, and every time I thought about weed again after that, I was only thinking about that horrible experience. 2. Replace the smoking with something else. I replaced weed-fuelled philosophizing with green tea-fuelled mindfulness meditation. And yes, the green tea was central 3. Your desire to change must be coupled with a concrete goal. I realized weed was interfering with my ability to meditate and achieve enlightenment. 4. Awareness alone is curative. Whether it comes to catching your cravings dead in their tracks, or being able to generally feel good, think clearly or be internally motivated, a daily meditation habit is essential. Your mind needs everything it can get of in terms of that meta-cognitive edge. 5. Usually a big life change comes with a big change in perspective and priorities. Consider having a psychedelic experience, or aim for something spectacular which requires your highest potential. For me, again, I had decided to dedicate myself to enlightenment.
  9. When you look at smart people and ask yourself how their values can be so different from your own, you learn that some values are just chosen a priori and indoctrinated into you as a child, and then you're stuck defending those values as your intellect grows. So-called "reasoning out your worldview from first principles" is not a thing.
  10. @Aleister Crowleyy "Hehehe the truth isn't pleasant, therefore I can be an asshole." Get real.
  11. I think quoting the Bible and then referring to a concept like the Holy Trinity for how to live a good life couldn't be a better example of Blue.
  12. @Tyler Robinson What do you think about the video?
  13. Ah yes, the wisdom of tradition, validated by experience. Traditions that have survived for long periods of time, especially those based on divine insight, contain knowledge of things like holism, which may not be exhaustively articulated in an intellectual sense, but which can be adopted by affiliation and still be experienced the benefits of. That could actually be a general definition of wisdom: knowledge that cannot be fully articulated, but which can be pointed towards through symbols (e.g. the Holy Trinity). The way he applies the Holy Trinity to the human being sounds like the biopsychosocial model of health, a modern approach to holism.
  14. I don't think Schmachtenberger or the other Game B guys are saying "this will work". Many of them are actually rather pessimistic. They're rather saying "if it were to work, this is how it would work". So whether Game B is actually possible or not is not settled. They're entertaining the possibility, sure, but at least somebody has got to do it. However, we know that humans are able to make massive adaptive changes to their culture. After all, the current game ("Game A") was preceded by "The First Game", i.e. pre-agricultural collectivist tribes. In a sense, Game B is about reintegrating some of those traits in a modern context (the "Global tribe", or an "Archaic Revival"). It's not really a new project, only on a different scale. I guess your question is about whether this change will mainly have to come from the "inside" of culture (i.e. "man-made", or figured out by some genius), or whether there has to be a strong outside force pushing it (like what agriculture was for Game A), and the latter is certainly possible if we look at technological growth. That is what agriculture was in the first place; technology. You can say all you want about society being in decay, but you can't say that technology is not progressing
  15. I'm interested in your views, but you don't talk to me
  16. What is your prescription for society?
  17. Sitting down and intending to sit for a minimum amount of time. Now I want to do a poll specifically about people's meditation habits
  18. I'm curious, how do you guys interpret "daily meditation habit"?
  19. So according to the poll I posted, even on a spirituality forum, only half of people who have taken psychedelics are meditating daily (without specifying technique and time spent). I wouldn't consider spirituality truly going mainstream unless most people have at least a daily meditation practice (or at least if you want it to be able to save the world). So unless everybody in the world tries psychedelics and are exposed to the information equivalent to, it doesn't look very promising. If you disagree with my criteria (daily meditation), what would you pick? For example, I don't think most of people talking about spirituality is a good criteria, because talk is not walk. Infrequent meditation is also not very likely to produce much results either.
  20. I don't think that tells you much about your natural inclination towards spirituality.
  21. Well, you have to remember that these people haven't been introduced to the same level of spiritual ideas as you have. That also matters a lot. I was pretty clueless about spirituality the few times I tried LSD. It just didn't last very long