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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. I won't doubt a person's awakening unless it's painfully obvious.
  2. @Raptorsin7 Awakening is a very individual process.
  3. Yes. It's incredible how changing the stimuli-reward dynamic for just one occasion can change your behavior forever. It's literally the case that the feel-good dopamine signal strengthens the neural pathways that lead up to that signal, while the feel-bad anti-dopamine signal makes you want to avoid whatever lead up to that signal. Naltrexone is an opioid receptor antagonist which effectively reduces dopamine signalling.
  4. Your absolute identity is infinite. Your human identity is finite.
  5. Man, every time I hear the word lawyer, I just immediately think Better Call Saul Now I'm imagining a timeline where Destiny replaces Saul Goodman for BB and BCS He has made some plans to do some more speaking events and maybe start a media company. He'll probably get to it. I love that clip
  6. Mr. Girl is threading the needle with his 1-on-1 interview-only policy, where there is maximum control of the frame. You can compare it to a documentary, like the one Louis Theroux did about Nick, but even there, Louis has said he wrestled with the issue of whether to amplify extreme voices.
  7. Mr. Girl got way too emotional, but it was needed. Resisting deplatforming or cancel culture should not be a signal to give up all responsibility. I had an eerie feeling when watching the chicken and waffles video before all of this broke out. Like, "Is this ok?"; "are we literally being buddies with this guy now?". Mr. Girl has a deep understanding of context, framing and influence, and he is able to hold people to account for their roles as media figures. He is a systems thinker in this sense (to use that cliché term). Destiny externalizes his locus of control to the intrinsic vagueness of language and to the idea that certain words have been misused and rendered meaningless, meanwhile Mr. Girl is saying that he is in fact in full control of what words mean. He just needs to define them in the conversation. Then Destiny tries to say that the need to define words makes them useless, but that would mean that almost all words are useless, because literally half of all debates are spent just defining words. Defining words does not remove the usefulness of words, because when you've defined them, you go on to use them. Words have power, and Destiny is conceding that power to Nick's survival agenda of obfuscating his identity.
  8. For somebody who claims to care about truth so much, I'm puzzled that you'll genuinely entertain someone who has explicitly stated that he uses irony and jokes to hide his most radical views, meaning he will deliberately blur the lines between truth and untruth for his own devilish gains. Do you understand why I focus so much on the topic of holding contradictory values?
  9. @Danioover9000 When I'm talking about holding contradictory values, I'm talking about things like believing in equal opportunities for men and women but also believing that only men are allowed to be polygamous, or holding both anti-racist and white supremacist views, or believing in democracy but supporting fascists.
  10. 6. A community, family or friends that supports and encourages your decision, whether it's carrot or stick. My mom gave me an ultimatum (quit or move out), and my online spiritual community was suddenly heavily anti-drugs. I managed to quit despite all my friends smoking regularly.
  11. You need to untangle that statement. Way too many conditions in there.
  12. My values are inconsistent with Nick's, and yours might be. That is the argument.
  13. I don't particularly care what Nick wants you to think he is. I mostly care about what his actions say about him. The fact that he even has to spend a millisecond to deny that he wants to genocide the Jews is already too much. But sure, ride that high-consciousness Nazi train. See if you can turn Nick on to meditation and that his next rally be at the SAND conference alongside Rupert Spira etc. ?
  14. Bro, me choosing to stop meditating has nothing to do with how logically sound my conceptual argumentation is. I'm refusing to entertain nazism because I have a set of values which deeply conflict with those of nazism, thus entertaining them would lead to an internal contradiction. The internal contradiction is determinable by logic, but adopting that specific set of values is not. I just don't see any scenario where killing Jews for the crime of being Jewish would be in alignment with my values. If you call that closemindedness, well, good luck with your internally inconsistent value system.
  15. Sure. I just believe I'm dying, usually at several points during the day, where my mind becomes totally silent, my movements become automatic, everything in my visual field becomes in focus, and time disappears. I love it and I fear it. I spent the last of my meditation days like that: just barely submerging myself in a no-mind/no-body state and then quickly out again... until I could no longer get out. It's also funny that I feel like you're trying to make me feel ashamed that I don't want to die, because I know when I actually get into that state, there is no one to be ashamed. Like, why should I try to get rid of the shame when the end result of that means there is no one to be ashamed in the first place? I won't get to have the experience of getting rid of the shame. "I'll show you". Who "I"? Show who?
  16. Firstly, spiritual truth is not conceptual truth, so me fearing the former does not mean I fear the latter. Secondly, there is no way to determine which value system is the best one. It depends on bias and survival. There is no "truth" to be found there. When I say nazis have fucked up values, I say that because my values are very different. What I'm really doing here is probing for an internal inconsistency in your values, as you seem conflicted about these two very different value systems.
  17. I think this is a rather irrelevant ad hominem. The intellect runs on logic and bias. None of them have to do with Absolute Truth. That is why mystics steer away from the intellect. Me being consistent with my own values is a question of logic and bias. I'm honest about fearing death and egolessness because I know what it is. I've experienced it every day for over 2 years. Are you?
  18. Is this also a smear? How do you know Nick Fuentes? Do you truly know who his? Are you trusting him on his word? Can you even do that?
  19. No because I care about my values. "Woah guys, this dude is afraid of death and eternal egolessness! Wow, what a dishonest guy!"
  20. Does he actually want to genocide the Jews? If I'm supposed to know that by judging his sincere words, then I don't know that, and again, that's by design, but I know that there is nobody with the same level of political influence as Nick Fuentes who is more likely to genocide the Jews than Nick Fuentes.