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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. Looks like the deterrent effect is actually not that good. So we're stuck with economics. Should we kill severely disabled people?
  2. Ok, so other than deterrence and economics, what does the death penalty reliably achieve? I have a suspicion that people who are pro-death penalty are trying in a roundabout way to justify their feelings of retribution ("well, they deserve it"), because I'm trying to find another example where we can justifiably kill somebody for economical reasons, and the first argument that pops up is "but who deserves to die?" I don't think anyone deserves to die.
  3. I'll leave this here:
  4. The Cartesian-Newtonian worldview reduces the world down to atoms and physical laws, and it splits the mind/soul away from the physical and makes it secondary and unimportant. When the scientists became the new priestly class, this became the prevailing metaphysics in the mind of the modern man, and so even the atheists who pretend to only reject the claims of theism, uses their unconscious metaphysical assumptions as arguments against theism.
  5. It just feels wrong. We need to distinguish between killing to neutralize an immediate threat and the death penalty. You can kill in self-defense if somebody is posing an immediate threat to your life. The police can kill you if you're an immediate threat to somebody else's life. A country will kill foreign soldiers who pose an immediate threat to their country. But if you're in jail, you're no longer an immediate threat to anyone. So what message does the state send to its citizens with the death penalty? "We will kill you not because we have to, but because we can".
  6. @Raptorsin7 I've had some thought about your recent posts. If you want to stay on the forum, you have to stop signal boosting Nick Fuentes' ideological viewpoints. It's fine to talk about Nick Fuentes or criticize his views, but to endorse his views like this is against what this forum stands for: The amount of uncritical posting of Fuentes content and the favorable reviews you're writing about him is creating a space for radicalization towards these extreme ideologies, and it will inevitably cause harm in the real world.
  7. You should be thinking about whatever your mind wants to think about. You can't stop thinking. Your only job in the meditation session is to practice the technique you've chosen. Preferably quiet, secluded and hidden from view. You should be sitting upright on a decently firm surface, but you should also be comfortable and relaxed.
  8. Meditation has been to shown to correlate with health behaviors. I personally think most of this effect is mediated through the immediate internal feelings that healthy behaviors produce, more so than believing in the future promises of said behaviors (e.g. decrease in morality, increased longevity, illness prevention). One benefit of the immediate nature of those feelings is that it bypasses much of the problem of delayed gratification usually associated with investing in health behaviors. Examples of internal feelings (I'm choosing things you would want to avoid to be more illustrative) could be eating too much cake and feeling nauseous, or eating too much junk food and feeling fatigued and mentally dull, or drinking caffeine and then experiencing the crash, or cheating on your workout routine and feeling dull because you're not getting those feelgood chemicals. I'm probably going to write a thesis on this subject which you can read in year
  9. Atheism is really just another name for the Cartesian-Newtonian worldview.
  10. Destiny's weakest arguments: Defining a word makes the word useless. People only use words like "nazi" for the emotional appeal and moral condemnation, not for their descriptive and pragmatic utility. Words like "nazi" have been destroyed, language is inherently vague, and words depend on context, therefore there is no reason for me to define the word "nazi" in any conversation or generally control how "nazi" is used in my community.
  11. When I think about it, me being "pretty ADD" in my teen years was more a combination of brain fog from fapping so much and probably wrong diet, anxiety and lack of meaning (and the stress and drain of energy from all of that) than an actual ADD condition. My struggles were spiritual, emotional and physiological rather than cognitive/neurological.
  12. It's like scratching yourself when you feel an itch. Nothing can replace that.
  13. Flashback to when my dealer said he smoked 50g in a day with a friend and his friend had to go to the mental hospital afterwards ?
  14. Back when I used to fap often, I was pretty ADD. Ejaculation causes a surge of prolactin (quite literally anti-dopamine) which lasts for days. But you might want to try it out if you're out of options and it's really limiting you.
  15. Oh for sure. While the benefits of nofap are generally exaggerated, there is a baby in the bathwater there. Limiting fapping/porn to around 2-3 times a week makes a huge difference for me (compared to fapping at least every night).
  16. I'm just trying to balance out this complete psychosis of language that is going on But yes, we should stay on topic. Working memory and IQ is just one of those things that you're born with. The things you can work on other than meditation that maximizes your cognitive potential is just to optimize all forms of health: physical exercise, diet, sleep etc.
  17. I'm basing it on psychonautwiki which is based off of probably hundreds of trip reports.
  18. Math skews towards the "drier" aspects of the intellect: logical capacity & conceptual knowledge > creativity & intuition, while e.g. psychology skews towards the more moist side. Basically left-brain vs. right-brain. As for "good employee", IQ (decent measurement for intellect) is the best predictor for occupational success alongside conscientiousness, so again you're off.
  19. You have to think of the working memory as the main stage of the mind. The mind is a memory machine: it takes in, sorts through and stores impressions. Conceptual thinking is done in the working memory, long-term memory recall is done in the working memory, visualizing things is done in the working memory, counting, rehearsing, and talking to yourself is done in the working memory. Because smart people can act unwise, and so-called dumb people can act wise. Wisdom displays itself in every situation, in every aspect of your life, and the complexity of that cannot be captured by linear lines of logical reasoning. Overcoming life challenges, not just intellectual challenges. One can pretend to intellectually understand the problem in hindsight, but it takes the collective wisdom of history and trial-and-error for that understanding to be revealed. Also, if you experience the fall of communism first-hand, by being inside of it and living your life under communism every day, you'll be much wiser about the reason for why it fell than somebody who came to a similar conclusion intellectually. The intellect is very fallible and can jump to unwise conclusions. Just look at how many differing opinions exist between different intellectuals. You're melting my brain.
  20. @KH2 I spotted 5 spelling errors in that short post.
  21. That is long-term memory. It's like you're maximally wrong The concept of "wisdom" is often reserved to that which is not possible to be articulated by the intellect and which increases through life experience, and without long-term memory, you can't learn from experience, and thus you can't become wise. "Intellect" is conceptual thinking: logical capacity + conceptual knowledge (+ creativity + intuition), and that also requires decent long-term memory, or else you can't retain conceptual knowledge. Intellect is also not the same as "intelligence", which goes beyond conceptual thinking, e.g. things like social, emotional and kinesthetic intelligence.
  22. I heard it was the other way around. He wanted to experience it to see if his theory holds up.
  23. In many ways, working memory is intellect. While working memory isn't necessarily limited to logical operations, working memory decides how computationally dense your logic is (e.g. 2+2=4 vs. a+xy(bc^2)=4). When short-term memory changed name to working memory, it went from being thought of as a storage space to a working space. When you say "memory", you're thinking about long-term memory.
  24. Meditation improves executive functioning, a part of working memory. Heavy weight training decreases age-related deterioation of IQ.