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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. The absolute perspective is that everything is Love. But additional to that, you can also say that pedophiles generally want to have a genuine loving personal relationship with a child, as if they were their husband/wife, not just sexually rape them and leave them on the street. You have to distinguish between pedophile and child molester. Most child molesters aren't actually pedophiles (and vice versa). They just want to exert power and find molesting children as one outlet for that if the opportunity arises. The thing though is that pedophilic relationships are probably not healthy for the child, hence it should be against the law.
  2. I can't make such a list ? Too many genres, too many bands, too many differences.
  3. Everything is a coping mechanism.
  4. All of life, plants and animals, run on roughly the same chemicals. Due to the diversity of life, somewhere down the line, you'll eventually find psychedelic substances, which are just sister chemicals of those inside our brain.
  5. The person he is debating (I assume) is not an expert on the history of science. A discussion about how virology came to be is a discussion about the history of science.
  6. @Leo Gura How do you think it affected you?
  7. The thing with criticizing whole paradigms like virology (or heliocentricism like Flat Earthers do) is that most professionals or scientists aren't actually trained in defending the historical arguments that made those paradigms into the mainstream paradigm. A skeptic can therefore come out from the conversation looking like they're on top when they actually know extremely little, only because the scientist they're debating knows nothing. The skeptic will not have countered the expertise of the expert, only sidestepped it, but he will be falsely perceived as having outdone the expert by the majority of the audience. If you actually want to challenge the validity of whole scientific paradigms, debate a philosopher of science or historian of science.
  8. What you working on? When will you speak with him?
  9. *Someone is curious to hear your opinion* "I DON'T LIKE YOU!" A bit unhinged, but ok ._.
  10. You spent so much time writing all that, but you don't have time to write a little tl;dr?
  11. My intention was to place a question mark behind it, but somehow I didn't. Sorry if it came off as rude. You don't have a tl;dr?
  12. Selfishness -> bad coping strategies -> lack of resilience -> self-created suffering -> relational/collective manifestations of that. My classmate and roommate spent the whole of last year skipping classes and smoking weed, and now he hates the teacher that flunked him in one of his subjects. I was thinking about asking him whether he thinks that feeling (along with his other problems) is self-created? Because I could probably make him agree that he knows how to not smoke so much weed (he is able to take breaks), wake up on time, go to class, buy the books and read them, but that he simply chose not to. Then on the other hand, I was doing the exact same thing in high school, and I was suffering very much from things I didn't feel I could control, so I understand it, but then again, he is generally much more resilient than I was (he goes to parties and pulls girls all the time despite doing all these things). So to me, it feels like he chose to hate the teacher, and he is a smart and self-aware guy, so I even think he might agree. If that is the case, that is also bad (the fact that people can merely choose to do the bad thing).
  13. Deadlifts.
  14. Trillions of anaerobic organisms had to die 2 billion years ago for you to breathe
  15. When your claim is essentially "the whole of science is wrong on this one", you have a massive burden of proof. A couple of YouTube videos ain't going to cut it. Also, if the whole of science, which is an international and multi-corporate enterprise with many independent moving parts, instead is coordinating to hide this supposedly obvious truth from all of us — then firstly, why would they do that? — and secondly, what kind of organ are they all answering to? Because to me, the necessary logical conclusion to all of this is some kind of secret world government conspiracy, which is just completely untenable.
  16. Two songs that encapsulate the historical transition from Thrash Metal to "Djent": 1995: 1998: Since I grew up on Thrash Metal just like these guys (Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Pantera, etc.), I had the idea of going back and experiencing their discography from start to finish, so that I can track their progression from that more familiar style to their current more progressive style. I thought about doing this because I've actually had problems getting the point of their style, all until very recently. I also just found out that the lead guitarist Fredrik Thordendal is highly inspired by Allan Holdsworth, and now his guitar soloing style makes much more sense as well. Generally speaking, this little adventure of mine has raised my respect for the band to a completely new level. What I used to perceive as lazy gimmickry turns out to be absolute technical mastery and stylistic sophistication fed through an innovative vision. So yeah, if you have problems getting the point with some piece of music, track their musical inspirations down to their most familiar root and go from there. It's so worth it. 10/10
  17. What if you're reading Hegel or Heidegger?
  18. No. These guys were around 600-700 years before him. Thales is considered the first philosopher, and Parmenides is the non-duality guy.
  19. If you're doing something like mindfulness meditation (following your breath), then don't try to get rid of thoughts. Just follow the technique.