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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. Many things cause permanent changes to the brain. That doesn't mean it's a pathological change.
  2. 5-MeO-DMT is notorious for so-called "reactivations" (a type of flashback) where you re-experience some of the effects, often while falling asleep, but these often subside within a short time span. I don't know much about it, but I haven't heard about permanent reactivations. On the other hand, it can completely alter how you experience other psychedelics in the future, and I think that is more or less permanent. That said, all psychedelics tend to cause lasting changes to the individuals who take them, and the brain is just a reflection of the individual, so it surely causes changes to the brain, but so does anything.
  3. 5-MeO-DMT is a neurotransmitter-like molecule with a very similar structure to melatonin, which derives most of its characteristic effects by docking at various serotonin sub-receptor cites, particularly 5HT1a, and consequentially, it absolutely obliterates the sense of self in space and time. It's considered a part of the substance class of classical psychedelics, as it mediates most of its effects by working on the aforementioned receptor system, but it's atypical in its selectivity for the 5HT1a sub-receptor and its relatively low affinity for 5HT2a, which explains its relative lack of psychedelic visuals that are otherwise so characteristic of classical psychedelics. It's well-known for consistently producing experiences of complete and utter ego death without much of the visual circus of N'N-DMT which it is often compared to in terms of its intense and short-acting nature.
  4. We're talking about IQ, brother. It's a measurement instrument and a way to operationalize intelligence. It's not equal to whatever definition you have of intelligence (theoretical definition ≠ operational definition). You're also giving a Leonian definition of intelligence, which is far away from most people's or scientists' definition. The world is not inside Leo's mind, even though he likes to say that
  5. So you're just a burden on society then? What are you creating? What is your purpose? Is being a burden on society your idea of being spiritually mature?
  6. Imagine two identical twins growing up in the same household: one started working at a farm, as did all of his descendants, and the other became a banker, as did all of his descendants. Then 1000 years later, it turns out the descendants of the banker have a higher IQ than the descendants of the farmer. Are the bankers more genetically gifted than the farmers? Probably. Was genetics the underlying cause for why they became a lineage of bankers? No. It was rather historical happenstance. Jews were mandated by their religion to be literate and undergo religious schooling. This made them more likely to take up jobs associated with education, wealth and success today compared to other groups, and this also probably created a selection pressure for things like IQ.
  7. Least favorite fruit: grapefruit ? Here is my real list tastewise: 1. Strawberries 2. Mango 3. Orange 4. Watermelon 5. Kiwi
  8. @KH2 Would you become a vegan if it was objectively healthier than eating meat but you would have to supplement with B12?
  9. What is your life purpose as a human being (not as God)?
  10. 1. Kiwi 2. Kiwi 3. Kiwi 4. Kiwi 5. Kiwi
  11. Onion, garlic and chili have stimulant effects, so it has the same reasoning for why you should avoid coffee. Eggplant has natural toxins in it.
  12. What does that mean?
  13. I'm 1% Greek. I'm essentially Socrates.
  14. What did we eat before those millions of years? Does eating plants require agriculture? ? In what way should we appeal to evolution to inform our dietary choices? Should we eat things that increased reproductive fitness during a certain period of our history in a world of pre-modern scarcity, or should we eat things that increase health and longevity today in a world of modern post-scarcity? Are those the same?
  15. These were tools of cognition; ways of categorizing and making sense of reality, which increases the fluidity of processing. It is what we today call rationality and science in their nascent forms. They have the same identical function — as useful fictions — and they're not any more delusional than knowing how to read or write. Ken Wilber aces this distinction by calling it "Waking Up" vs. "Growing Up". Even if you have deep mystical experiences, you're still very much stuck with the cognitive machinery of your culture. Awakening does not automatically grant things like rationality or universal human rights. Those are cognitively complex phenomena which require millenia of cultural evolution, and they must be learnt from an early age. You don't pull that stuff from the sky. Even the Socratics who "invented" Western thinking were deeply influenced by the gradual cultural evolution of their society. Your true nature is beyond culture, beyond cognition.
  16. The World Health Organization and various government health departments around the world agree that you should limit the consumption of processed meat and red meat. My physiology professor also said the same thing during a lecture some years ago.
  17. This experience I had blew yours out of the water: last night, I dreamt I owned a pet rat and a kitten, and I had to run around and try really hard to keep the cat from killing the rat.
  18. This experience I had blew yours out of the water: last night, I dreamt I owned a pet rat and a kitten, and I had to run around and try really hard to keep the cat from killing the rat.
  19. @thisintegrated What is my enneagram?
  20. You're interpreting it too literally. I'm trying to convey the narrow nature of the approach: accepting logic as a valid epistemology without questioning it too much. It's like "here is one logical argument, and here is another logical argument; they're each internally logically consistent, so they're valid for strengthening my position". The opposing approach zooms out a bit and looks at other factors as well (cognitive biases, statistics), but it's not devoid of logic either. It's just more self-critical and context-aware.
  21. I'm 25 ? Rip neural plasticity.