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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. Doesn't it feel good? ?
  2. You also watch "golf"?
  3. Oeaohoo back with his subtle high IQ trolling
  4. You went from one ideological trap to the next.
  5. I'm currently writing a paper on the religiosity of psychology students. 650 participants were given a survey where one of the questions asked to describe their religiosity along a 7-point scale (from very not religious to very religious), and 82 opted for a free text answer. My job is to analyse those answers and find out what definition of religion/religiosity best suits them.
  6. You guys keep looping.
  7. Let's see the narratives in action: MrGirl narrative: Destiny is a sexual abuser. Destiny narrative: MrGirl is an extreme narcissist and a manipulator. I've been very invested in both of their content for the past year, and I probably like both people equally as much, so I feel like I'm forced into a position of impartiality, which is really neat. Watching this development will be just as interesting as back when it all started. If you watch this through the right frame, you can learn a lot about narrative control, bias, the limits of argumentation.
  8. What do you experience in your flashbacks?
  9. What happens at Blue is you start developing your self-monitoring ability (the superego, the voice of conscience), which informs you about your higher values and who you can aspire to be, and that becomes a new important aspect of your psychology. It's generally a greater awareness of past and future and an unveiling of the concept of personal growth. You start to see that you can become something more than your current self, but it requires sacrifice, namely suppression of some aspects of that self, i.e. your impulsive side. It's not that you lose your emotional impulses (your "id"). That's still there. It's that you develop higher functions that can regulate them (neocortex establishing connections to the limbic system). You can still avoid listening to your conscience, but if you're at Blue or beyond, that will start to feel increasingly bad.
  10. Emotional immaturity as being strongly driven by impulses, hence drug abuse, oppurtunistic stealing, gossiping, making fun of others at their expense, etc.
  11. @roopepa
  12. My main wish is that you don't forget this one: I think you've been doing better though.
  13. @DieFree You focused on the wrong things. He also mentioned stealing and general emotional immaturity.
  14. @eos_nyxia Brilliant analogy. You lose subtlety with excessive exclamation.
  15. It makes little sense to compare non-dual schools to self-help schools. It mixes up relative and absolute statements. For example, you can say full surrender is how you take full control of your reality. Either statement is beside the point. They're pointing to direct experience.
  16. The tendency is the deeper you get into the drug world, the more Red you'll find. Many of the people I've met through that world were Red, and I live in a Green country.
  17. Eh, I think he wrote a measured response.
  18. The cult I was in was not a joke. It could've ended very badly (and in a way it did), and it all happened inside a Discord. You can ask other people on the forum who was also in it.
  19. I wish that was just a joke.
  20. @Ethan1 You can add me if you manage to find my picture somewhere on the forum >:)