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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. Well, that could be possible. However, it just seems weird that esteemed researchers like John Vervaeke would do work on it. Yes, it's indeed a mistake to think of autism and schizophrenia as consistent entities which are mutually exclusive. They're statistical constructs based on how many symptoms you have. However, if you then look at the individual symptoms, even from an intuitive laymen standpoint, you can certainly find opposites, and that is what the table I presented is trying to show. This could still be explained by the mechanism for social cues and abstract inferences being pathologized at the extremes. If in the case of schizophrenia, the mechanism becomes over-activated as opposed to under-activated, you could indeed end up with similar problems displaying normative levels of empathy or theory of mind just like with autism. I don't know about the exact empirical validity of this claim, but it's at least a plausible explanation. I already said this. The comorbidity rate is about 35%.
  2. Well, depends how much you fumble with the lock. He has certainly done psychedelics before.
  3. He dabbles in a more expanded/metaphysical notion of survival. It's the survival of the self-aware ego, the perpetuation of a limited psychological identity.
  4. I was modded by Hitler himself.
  5. Temple Grandin talks about three types of thinkers: visual thinkers, visuospatial thinkers, and verbal thinkers. I just wanted to correlate visual to Se, visuospatial to Ti, and verbal to Te and probably never mention it again :>
  6. Ah, the Burzum album cover rip offs.
  7. Bro, your tone is the pinnacle of flatulence ?
  8. It also depends on whether you're sitting on the toilet or not. Not sure why we're talking about it.
  9. He is talking about within the format of YouTube talking heads. It's actually an aged hippie beard
  10. @Danioover9000 No idea why we're talking about states.
  11. I used to be exactly like this not many years ago. I just got dragged into it somehow through YouTube.
  12. Taking my role as the art commentator of the thread: completely the inverse of the subtlety of the original poster Only similarity is the sardonicism (thank you Atheistic).
  13. "Threatening"? ? Slightly psychotic use of words there. I think "psychotic" is my new favorite term
  14. I guess he was being psychotic
  15. Where on the autism-psychosis continuum would you place yourselves? Because I think me and O might be a bit too subtle for you guys ?
  16. I don't know which layer of irony you're on or if you missed the context of the other thread, but if anything, I was praising him ?
  17. @DrugsBunny He doesn't know either That picture is hilarious. If I remember correctly, I did actually hear that from Destiny
  18. Well, we don't know that these things are good in the big picture. We're just more idealistic than conservatives.
  19. The next one will be even better.
  20. MrGirl of all people just had an interview with Temple Grandin about autism. Interesting :>
  21. I think it's the other way around: This might be an overgeneralization, but predictive processing seems like it relies on top-down processing (signals originating from the neocortex and moving downwards through the hierarchies), while bottom-up processing originates from the sense organs. So if the autist mostly relies on the raw sense perceptions of the ball as it stands in mid-air as opposed to drawing on relevant internal models, they won't be able predict its trajectory. The schizophrenic on the other hand may be relying on a completely wacky internal model and also miss the ball. The pathology happens at the extremes.