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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. What are you doing on a day to day basis?
  2. @Razard86 Is it possible that there exist sense perceptions that you are not currently aware of?
  3. Do you consider it crazy that this happens every day? Empathy is the transfer of consciousness from one person to the next one. Just looking at a person can radically change your state. Just a warm touch from a loving person can radically change your state. A smile, a hug, a kiss. These are viewed as normal states, but there is principally no reason why more elevated states cannot be transfered as well. Try trip sitting a bunch of people on LSD or mushrooms and see what happens (this is a known phenomena; "contact high"). As for why Shaktipat doesn't seem to work well for some people but is very effective for others, it can have to do with how open and allowing you are, similarly to how for empathy, you have to be open and allowing to tune into another person's state. If you are skeptical (which you seemed to be), you will be more closed, and the energy will be less able to get in. So if you manage to put down your barriers and completely buy into the process, that is maybe when you will see more drastic effects. As a self-proclaimed empathetic person, when I try my fullest to tune into Jan's state in some of his videos (e.g. this one, it's crazy), and the times I have been rather successful at that, I have sensed that he is in a extremely different state than most people are in. It's actually unbelievable how he is able to even talk in that state. It's like he is constantly shooting heroin into his veins. So to me, it would actually be quite odd that him touching you for a prolonged period would not cause at least some effect on you, even if you are closed empathetically in that particular situation. I personally don't find him "depressing", but maybe a bit low on interpersonal warmth at times. Interestingly, people tend to have similar mixed feelings about Sadhguru. As we discussed briefly earlier, the personality of enlightened people can be highly variable, especially in aspects such as interpersonal warmth, lifestyle choices and general thinking style. What is more standardized is a lack of worry, overthinking and rumination. Look up e.g. "Rumination-Reflection Questionnaire" (RRQ) for examples. My prediction is if you give that questionnaire to enlightened people, they will regularly score 0 or close to 0. But indeed, they can definitely still have weird personalities. And this is understandable, especially in cases like Jan where there was an almost pure obsession about enlightenment since a young age. Ramana had a similar approach. He neglected his body so much that he needed other people to care for him at points so he didn't die. Similarly, if you pursue enlightenment obsessively and happen to eat too much food and drink Pepsi and you finally get enlightened, probably not much will change. Even if you ask less interpersonally controversial people like Mooji, Eckhart Tolle or Rupert Spira, I would bet they still probably go to the same store, buy the roughly same foods, and eat with the same knife and fork as they used to before they became enlightened. There is still a person there with distinct behavioral patterns that logically follow from their past actions and that have to live themselves out (prarabdha karma). "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop food, carry water".
  4. Sounds like exactly what @UnbornTao is looking for 😂 Cool that you met Jan. I met him in a dream once and he gave me some advice about spirituality which I can't remember.
  5. @Sugarcoat I mentioned Jan Esmann earlier. He has a very sober explanation of Enlightenment ("Self-realization") and its various stages ("God-consciousness", etc.) in this interview: He also explains the curious phenomena of Shaktipat, which is a focused type of transmission of the enlightened state (which otherwise happens passively by just being with them and empathically tuning in to their state). I would love to study that scientifically one day. And of course, the story about meeting the Blue Being
  6. What's funny is if everybody on the forum had experienced cessation, nobody would be talking about solipsism. You would see that your own body and mind, and not just other people's bodies and minds, are secondary.
  7. You just haven't heard the good production metal yet 😌 Early 90s metal is quite dry sonically. Try something like "Reverie/Harlequin forest" by Opeth. Or if you want to get really eased into it, "Language I: Intuition" by The Contortionist.
  8. Are you really deconstructing or are you filling your head with ideas? If it's the latter and it causes anxiety, you could try to deconstruct those. Try to return to a more practical way of making sense of reality. What do you need to merely function day to day? Use that as your starting point.
  9. You being eternal and God is actual, not potential. It doesn't just have the potential to happen. It is happening right now.
  10. True, and solipsism arises as a concept only after you differentiate the soup. It's not what the soup is as a whole. And it's not equal to the concept of the soup either. Solipsism is quite specifically something else, in the same league as materialism.
  11. Ironically, those are the airy fairy concepts that I'm trying to bring down, into more concrete terms. It's useful to talk about things more concretely, even if there is generalization going on that might not capture edge cases well. But so it is for all topics, not just enlightenment. Language is limited, and there are trade-offs between different levels of analysis. And I'm not discounting the higher level either. I'm saying "why not both?". Because when things are concrete, you can understand things, predict things, and give concrete advice. If you're stuck at "realizing your true nature", you're not very useful. It might be safer, it might be less prone to inaccuracies, but it's a bit like only wanting to use a hammer and refusing to sow a shirt because you would have to use a needle.
  12. You simply have an apophatic disposition to talking about it. You feel more secure saying what it isn't than what it is. Which is fine, but the kataphatic way (saying what it is) is just another way of talking about it and is just as legitimate. Regardless of which way you prefer, the mere act of talking about it is of course not it, and you can recognize this regardless of which way you choose to talk about it. The apopathic way is useful to make someone recognize that it can't be talked about, but when you do recognize it, I think the kataphatic way is more useful. That's what talking is for anyway: saying what things are.
  13. Firstly, the clip of Sadhguru talking about Trump being elected is from 2016, not 2024. Secondly, the intro is horrendously dishonestly chopped up. It literally spliced together two separate points in the video into one sentence. At no point in the video did he claim that Trump will cause less war. He claimed that Trump, who cares about wealth, maybe can make America become an image of wealth rather than its current image for many people (war). And at no point did he "support" Trump. That would be like saying my prime minister (Norwegian left-wing) or Kamala Harris herself support Trump because they called him and congratulated him on winning. He is congratulating America (in 2016) on the election and commenting on the political trend of caring about wealth over more fine-grained, highfalutin political ideas (which is still a relevant observation today). The thread is locked for spreading misinformation.
  14. Steps from most fundamental and metaphysical to concrete and practical: Being (connect with reality): Tell the truth Accept yourself Contemplate Meditate Meaning (what should be happening in reality?): pursue what is meaningful. Abstract principles and virtues (what is meaningful?): goal-oriented movement functionality health balance holism integration Concrete domains (what is meaningful?): Systemic: commit to long-term goals and daily habits; write lists, plans, journals; do yearly, biyearly, monthly evaluations of progress. Bio - psycho - social (Engel); also, id - ego - superego (Freud); reptilian brain - neocortex - limbic system (MacLean); competence - autonomy - belonging (Deci & Ryan); monster - man - lion (Plato). Bio: diet, exercise, pleasures, hobbies. Psycho: knowledge, wisdom, self-insight, values, self-esteem. Social: friends, family, partner, community. Summarized, you should connect with reality and pursue what is meaningful in reality; in alignment with abstract principles and virtues; using systemic techniques, habits, goals and practices; while covering all of the three bio-psycho-social domains. To illustrate with one example of each (not at all exhaustive): you should meditate, balance all aspects of your life, work for a set period every day, while going to the gym, expanding your knowledge base and hanging out with your friends. Another version: you should tell the truth, pursue health, write down everything your mind tells you is important to do or remember, engage in some short-term pleasures if you so desire, act in accordance with your inner values and keep up with your family members. As a side note, this map shows what happens when things work as they should. It's not a given that things will work as they should, and in those cases, you need to fix yourself. Often, fixing yourself is not a matter of knowledge or will, but of untangling unconscious mechanisms and trauma. For that, conventional therapy, energy work and even psychedelics might be useful. In other cases, it may boil down to medical problems, which require medical solutions. Even though the map will fall short of addressing certain pathology, it does lay the foundation of health (in my opinion), and it's therefore relevant to everybody.
  15. It only helps if you implement it in your life.
  16. Timing your practice (by using a literal timer where you pre-set how long you will meditate), besides mere practicality with respect to your overall schedule and ensuring consistency in your practice (which is probably the single most important thing), it can eliminate indecisive thoughts like "have I meditated long enough?" or "should I meditate more?" or expectations like "when will I enter the feel-good zone?". If you know that you're going to sit for e.g. 30 minutes no matter what, that ironically puts a lot of pressure off of you. You just sit there and do the practice and then you stop when it's over. That's as simple as it gets. There is no pressure to perform, because even if you're doing bad, nothing changes. And if you feel it's too long or too short, you can adjust the time for the next session. In general, offloading responsibility from your impulsive and limited-capacity homosapien mind onto structured habits (e.g. schedules, plans, lists, journalling) is beneficial for keeping a calm mind. This of course applies to meditation as well.
  17. Not only in psychology and neuroscience but also many wisdom traditions, sense perceptions are quite specific happenings, a bit like thoughts — you can call them "proto-thoughts" in that they are the precursors of thought and similarly limited packets of illusory appearances; form, illusion, Maya. They are something quite more than just "this".
  18. I don't care if you have been or even are in the mental hospital as long as you're making sense. Either way, psychoeducation lies in my profession ;D
  19. Spontaneous Thought and Vulnerability to Mood Disorders: The Dark Side of the Wandering Mind - Self-referential processing in our brain—A meta-analysis of imaging studies on the self - Functional-Anatomic Fractionation of the Brain's Default Network -
  20. Which is non-duality. It's true that there are many aspects of the mind that are not instantly transformed as you reach a non-dual baseline. You don't instantly become a saint. You can be flawed in many ways. However, you don't torture yourself over it. You have let go of your attachments and disidentified with the entire game. The character can be flawed, but you are not it. You can define enlightenment as the disidentification that happens when all attachments are let go, going from being identified with the personal self to the trans-personal self. But that's not very easy to measure "scientifically", through observation. That's where self-referential thoughts at baseline comes in.