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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. This is not a good thing to do with things you can change.
  2. @lxlichael No more personal attacks.
  3. Why limit yourself to logic? Why not approach it experientially? You seem to be very worried about fine conceptual distinctions but not so much about what the concepts are actually referring to. I propose that this is the crux of the issue.
  4. Aside from how it's generally just socially cringe to assess another forum member's "development", to obsessively pin down everything to a hyper-generalized framework like SD just becomes silly at some point. I also think @thisintegrated is an atypical individual in many ways which cannot be captured by SD. But if I were to begrudgingly concede to the task of pinning him down: Orange-Green.
  5. Let me clarify: in the current world, even in the most developed parts of the Western world, you should not expect to find even the tiniest amount of Green 10-14 year olds, except maybe in some extremely extraordinary cases. The way children develop at this current stage of society is generally not conducive to it. If you look at Piaget's stages of cognitive development (actual mainstream science btw), Western children start having just basic logical deduction skills at 12-14 years old ("systematic cognition"), and if you're familiar with Ken Wilber's work, you would know that this correlates with Orange cognition. If you then look at Neo-Piagetian models, "meta-systematic cognition" is the next step above that, which correlates with Green cognition, and this is the start of context/construct awareness. Here, you're not just learning about how parts of a system fit together logically, but you're learning about many types of systems and their connections to other systems, both horizontally (e.g. seeing the differences and similarities between systems) and vertically (e.g. understanding how underlying assumptions affect a system, or how they can belong to a super-ordinate category, e.g. a paradigm). This is how Green people start being aware of things like privilege and cultural relativism, i.e. how things are largely a result of underlying historical and sociocultural systems ("context"), and how their own position in the world and how they understand it ("construct") is not "the only way" and is also a bit arbitrary. In this day and age, this requires a certain amount of life experience; of meeting different people and coming across different ways of thinking; and for people who are prone to Green and live in a place like the West, this usually starts happening at 18-21 years old, i.e. university age, hence why universities are considered the Greenest places (the most cognitively developed children, who of course are the most prone to Green, generally end up going to university and start being receptive to that kind of learning there). Maybe this will change significantly when we get AI and revolutionize information processing, which indeed would be a radical change in our "survival conditions", but for now, we're generally stuck with the 18-21 figure.
  6. They're directly intertwined with each other, and you would know that if you have had any of those experiences. Sure, if we want to be autistic about it, you can have ego death and oneness without cessation, but you can't have cessation without ego death and oneness. Cessation is like I said when you let the effects of ego death and oneness maximize to the point where even sense perceptions (which are dualistic in nature) also disappear, and you're left with non-duality in its purest form.
  7. "three Daniel Schmachtenberger videos"
  8. I just don't like calling people underdeveloped.
  9. Is it just mean, or is it also "for your own good"? ... "I'll just let him believe he is Turquoise, why crush people's egos for no reason?" Well, now there was a reason, so I did it.
  10. I guess I'm sorry for withholding my honest opinion about you until you decided to systematically uproot the existence of the forum for your own personal gain. All the things I've said in this thread have been thoughts I've had since the very first moments of talking with you. I generally try to avoid putting people down unless it's for a very good reason, and in your case it can maybe give you some humility (doubt it) to help with your new-found responsibilities.
  11. If you think that your early teens is a time where you start developing context/construct awareness and not a time where you've barely learned to do basic logical deductions, is just proving that you still lack context/construct awareness and are partially stuck in Orange. Green cognition is something you develop into your late-teens/early-twenties, and it's heavily dependent on general life experience (meeting different people, coming into contact with different ways of thinking, etc.), hence it correlates with age. Just because you adopt some Green practices from your culture doesn't mean you're Green. Kids in kindergarten are being taught social constructionist gender theory now. That doesn't mean they're Green. Your intellect flowers when you get better at doing basic logical deductions, yes. An Orange-Green person is perfectly capable of doing the cognitive operations of the things you're describing. I still don't see any strong references to context/construct awareness. Seeing the relationships between different fields is called learning.
  12. Describe what "Green" was like at 14, and "Yellow" was like at 18. Because ruffling people's feathers would only be about "reputation/status", not about people's emotions, hence Orange.
  13. You're a young Western guy who likely discovered New-Age spirituality in his teens like many people here, so you're at least entering Green. You don't have much insight into how logical argumentation can lead to self-deception, you repeatedly ruffle people's feathers even when it's to your own detriment, and you haphazardly mix contents of established theoretical frameworks with contents of your personal worldview; all signs of a lack of context/construct awareness and not having fully left Orange.
  14. What you think is Yellow is Orange, and what you think is Turquoise is Green.
  15. @Osaid Probably his eye condition.
  16. Make sure to post one article every three days for the next year, or else we're not keeping up.
  17. Because you said it like you were surprised.
  18. There have been performances of Black Metal music on national TV in Norway. It's not a big thing in society in general though.
  19. You're responsible for maximizing your emotional resilience.
  20. You keep saying everything is just consciousness (which is true), but then you're making distinctions like "room". I'm just putting those distinctions in a category called sense perceptions, which is what you do to understand things. Room is also a category, just a less inclusive category. Of course you know the difference between consciousness with a room in it and consciousness without a room in it, so you know the difference between consciousness and a sense perception.