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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. They're the same thing from the absolute perspective, but they're not the same thing from the relative perspective, which is the perspective we're talking about — you know, the place where we make distinctions.
  2. It's possible to break identification with the human and live from the identification with Mind most of the time. That is what spiritual practice is pointing towards.
  3. Why is not the universe the same as a single human being? The same reason why a swimming pool in not the same as an amoeba.
  4. Absolutely not. The entire universe is not the same thing as a single human being.
  5. True. The only being that is conscious is not a person, so to say that other people have no consciousness is meaningless, because no person has consciousness in the first place. The person, the human character, does not have consciousness. It's an apparent limitation of consciousness, which we refer to as perception (sights, sounds, smells, tastes, sensations, etc.). Consciousness is an infinite being, not a finite person.
  6. The solipsist thinks their finite mind is the only thing that exists, but reality cannot be reduced to something finite.
  7. I very well know the difference between my anus and my back, thank you.
  8. Make sure to only turn it on at the very end (and obviously no clothes on). You don't want to get desensitized
  9. I wasn't exactly crouching over the fan
  10. Explain to me how it works.
  11. Damn, that was pretty progressive. Any particular people that inspired you? I would listen to more of that.
  12. While it's true that you can't sell absolute garbage, there is something to be said about audience capture. People listen to tons of different artists where there is no true "better or worse". If it's bringing something unique and creative to the table, or if it's just something that people generally like which is decently executed, and if you're persistent about it, you'll eventually build an audience.
  13. Whatever level of suffering exists, there will be people who think it's the greatest injustice, "how could God do such a thing?", etc. The thing about life is that it's adaptive, and what makes us adaptive also makes us suffer. Suffering is what makes us play the game. If you didn't suffer, you would become infinite formlessness right now. Even a person who spends most of their time in non-dual states has moments of resistance, subtle residual patterns that still needs working on.
  14. To repress anger is easy. To express it responsibly is harder. I do not recommend repressing all anger. Closing yourself off internally has external consequences. You'll turn into a rock.
  15. @Tyler Robinson Notice the message behind the thread you're commenting under.
  16. I'm essentially saying I won't believe it before I see it You currently don't have the capacity to imagine the full extent of the cohesive whole in its entirety, let alone the entirety of each "part" that you're proposing. It's just an abstract idea. So whatever you're proposing is not the thing, and I want to see the thing. I currently only know this thing (reality 1.0), and so do you.
  17. @AtheisticNonduality Tbh, I feel to decisively label him as Orange-Green, when I don't feel comfortable labeling him at all, is inappropriate. He is kinda all over the place: sometimes he comes off as an epistemically arrogant Orange, sometimes he comes off as a Green New-Ager, and sometimes he comes off like a perspectivally complex Yellow. Of course, it's to some extent like this for all people, but it's very noticeable with thisintegrated, and I can give detailed accounts for all of these examples. And I can hear him saying "what if me being different just means I'm Turquoise?". Maybe? Could someone at Turquoise come off as an Orange dunce 1/3rd of the time? Maybe Turquoise is just completely wild, I don't know. The best explanation I've got is just thisintegrated being an atypical guy with an atypical personality, way of thinking and history.
  18. Doesn't really work on young people
  19. First time on LSD at 18 years old: chasing and grasping onto experiences leads to suffering.
  20. Trust your experience and trust your rationality. They're talking about conceptual distinctions that are useful for describing some limited aspects of reality. They're not describing the ultimate nature of pure consciousness, which is unlimited. You do you. I used to be like this. I prefer to have my rational mind on team with my spiritual experiences as much as possible (which is never 100%, but it's better than being perpetually confused).