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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. So making one-liners about death being an illusion is suddenly not the reason why Leo is 10x worse than Tate?
  2. I'm literally just following your statements to their logical conclusion. Making one-liners about death being an illusion => you're 10x worse than Tate.
  3. Yeah, and he is 10x worse than Andrew Tate for making that video...
  4. Yep. We know that humans are capable of human cognition, but a program that moves letters around is not anything close to a human. To claim that there exists anything akin to human cognition which correlates with such a letter-moving process is a wild claim.
  5. You don't know that. I for one discovered Rupert's videos before Leo's forum.
  6. Any suicides would be due to a misunderstanding of Leo's intended message, while any sex trafficking operations would be due to a proper understanding of Tate's intended message
  7. Here is one such one-liner: Yeah, compassion = bad
  8. This is just not reasonable. I don't know how to make you see this. Would you say the same thing for Rupert Spira, Eckhart Tolle, Mooji, etc.?
  9. It's this simple: is a human the same as a computer program?
  10. Well, that erases all the points you just made about Leo being 10x as toxic as Tate. Regardless, I don't think you sincerely believe that repeating a New-Age trope of "you're immortal" is 10x worse than sharing a step-by-step guide on how to sex traffic innocent women.
  11. You could make the case that some spiritual teachings should ideally be locked behind doors and only shared in an intimate teacher-student relationship, as was the case traditionally. However, if we look at the current reality, "death is an illusion, etc." is a common trope which has existed all throughout history in various religions, and today, there are thousands of YouTube videos from especially the Advaita community where this is mouthed ad nauseum. It's virtually certain that a Leo follower who is interested in spirituality already knows about this information. But sure, I think spirituality in general needs an ethical revamping. However, this is not even in the same ballpark as abusing and traumatizing tons of women in a sex trafficking operation aimed to only benefit yourself and sharing a step-by-step guide on how to do those exact things to millions on the internet.
  12. Why should those things be comparable? lol
  13. I can actually somewhat agree to that in some specific cases, but "unambigiously linked" is ironically a very ambigious thing to say, and I wouldn't say that makes him 10x more toxic than Andrew Tate lol.
  14. When it feels like you're communicating with a child. Age of consent laws kick in ;D
  15. I'm a metabolizing organism which is a part of a 4 billion year old lineage of similar metabolizing organisms.
  16. You can find admirable traits in very bad people. Nothing new there.
  17. I got my idea for using ChatGPT to type my MBTI as I was about to wake up one morning
  18. It's a program that shuffles letters around. We don't have AIs walking around picking up objects and stepping on dogs yet.
  19. The devil is very charismatic, intelligent, funny and tempting.