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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. I'm a Norwegian talking about US politics and nobody is harassing me about it.
  2. I know this isn't that relevant from a global perspective, but there is this small but prominent political party in Norway called Rødt ("Red") who have been strongly anti-NATO since their conception, and their bigger brother Sosialistisk Venstre ("Socialist Left") have been back and forth on the issue for half a century and is now reconsidering their pro-NATO stance since the Ukraine war. EDIT: Oops, they're in fact anti-NATO today. They were reconsidering whether Ukraine should be given NATO membership or not (they used to be against it).
  3. I submit that enjoying life and understanding life are synergistic. If you're carrying a heavy backpack, and it hurts and all you can think about is wanting to put it down, you don't have much time for proper understanding, and even if you think you do, your understanding is filtered through the constant aching. And your understanding can help you to put the backpack down.
  4. Technology needs wisdom to not be corrupted. When were given self-awareness and conceptual thinking, we unlocked the power of technology, but it happened too soon, because we lacked the wisdom to use it well. That is why the story of the Garden of Eden was a fall.
  5. You don't have to try to read my mind if you're bad at it.
  6. My parents named me Carl-Richard (by combining the first names of my two grandfathers), which is such an odd name. It has definitely had many weird psychological effects on me.
  7. You can't balance personal responsibility and compassionate care?
  8. Who is talking about looking forward? lol "plz gimme insight"
  9. Adults know how to properly balance the two.
  10. Why should insights be lost?
  11. When you listen to people like Rupert Spira, or people who are adept at these practices, what can you firstly feel from them on an energetic level, and secondly, what can you observe about them on a behavioral level that you think is admirable? If you can identify those things, that should be a motivation enough to continue the work, and it's probably a big reason why you started the work in the first place. Distractions will always pop up. That is life. Just go back to the reason why you were drawn to the work in the first place if you need to remind yourself why you're doing it.
  12. The one true superfood
  13. Burnout is when your performance drops significantly, and it's more visceral and actually physical than the feelings associated with a lack of discipline. It's like you lack basic life energy, and it affects everything else you do. On the other hand, the feelings that arise due to a lack of discipline are usually more psychological: emotional turmoil, indecision, feelings of inadequacy, shame and anxiety. You don't have the same problems with energy, only that you're aiming it in the wrong direction, and your mind will tell you about it.
  14. The organism and the mind comes before everything else. How does the mind learn about math, physics, chemistry, programming? What are the traps of learning, of thinking you deeply understand a subject when you really don't? Which types of assumptions underlie each subject which most people take for granted and which skew their perception of these subjects and reality in general? Why are these subjects generally considered as more fundamental than other subjects? What are the historical reasons, cultural, psychological or biological reasons for how humans approach these subjects?
  15. Disruptive practices that break habitual frames and also increase general resilience are perfect tools for spiritual practice. As for torture, if it's either intense and/or long-lasting, it could be considered a disruptive practice, which could lead to a shift in perspective that could facilitate an awakening experience. However, if it otherwise leads to permanent physical or psychological damage, it's of course not recommended.
  16. For people who use TikTok in here, what do you usually use it for?
  17. I'm a capitalist — reality is infinite value. I'm also an anarchist — reality cannot be encapsulated by a finite set of rules. I'm also a libertarian — I'm free to re-define words whichever way I see fit, without thinking about the social consequences. This is how I feel when I read discussions about solipsism.
  18. You're giving a reductionistic read of what writing is and what thinking is. Writing is a type of thinking. It's not as simple as copying and pasting the contents of your mind over to text form. It's a recursive process of thinking something, writing something, re-reading it, evaluating what needs to be written based on the last phrase and the text as a whole, etc. Writing, when done properly, allows for a deeper form of thinking, one of structure, focus and refinement. Thinking is never just one thing. It's always embedded in a context. When you're talking with somebody, you're vocalizing thoughts and getting a response, and you build thoughts on top of that. When you're watching a movie, or going for a walk, you're responding to the input from that environment and building thoughts on top of that. Writing is a special type of context that is very conducive to organizing your thoughts and formulating in-depth thoughts in a longer format.
  19. How exactly would you do that? Can you train your legs to walk faster than a car?
  20. Not writing things down is like not using a phone. It's a mind-extending tool, and it can be used quite effectively to organize everything from general life problems to emotions and intellectual ideas. The mind is not transparent to itself. You have a conscious mind and a subconscious mind, and the conscious mind has a very limited capacity. Also, the very act of thinking itself is limited, nevermind useless thinking, but even so, most thoughts are in fact useless. It's usually a repetition of the same thing for the 100th time, or wishing something was different, or some fear or frustration. Many problems can be solved and many hours of emotional labor can be avoided by simply writing it down and commiting to a decision on how to move forward, no matter how small that decision might be. Your memory will not be as good, but it's like how our legs aren't as strong as if we didn't use a car. You will still choose to drive if the situation is appropriate. In general, using mind-extending tools in a smart way when there is no reasonable scenario where you will not have access to such tools, can only be smart.
  21. For all of you guys coping, listen to your common sense. None of this is ok behavior. This is embarrassing.
  22. Because reality is a certain way. Imagine that reality is like a river. The water flows downstream. Why can you not paddle upstream just as easily as downstream? Because that is the nature of the river.