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Everything posted by Carl-Richard

  1. There is a thing called adaptation, which makes you adapt to your circumstances, but there is also a thing called dynamism and growth, which allows you to change your circumstances, but which requires challenge. Living on the balance between adaptation and challenge is what growth is, and that is where most pleasure is found. When you have adaptation but no challenge, you have degeneration and a downward spiral of of more and more pain. Look at drug addicts, sick people, or dying people. Are they experiencing more or less pain? Are they growing or degenerating, active or inactive, responsive or inert, living or dying?
  2. Meshuggah is in a league of their own though. They basically revolutionized modern metal all on their own. And they're jazz fusion inspired. And aliens.
  3. If they're not time travelling AIs from the future, they're at least aliens from outer space. Just listen to Fredrik Thordendal's soloing style in this song. It's like alien morse code or something: Omg the "blue jeans and bloody tears" was so funny. It's like a fever dream.
  4. That has existed since the early 2000s. It's called Meshuggah
  5. Based. You want an entourage of disruptive practices to go along with the main event. That is how you increase the odds of a deeper transformation taking place. And this is actually supported by Western science, just the very cutting edge of cognitive science.
  6. @Gesundheit2 Omg that is so genius
  7. I had a fully spontaneous awakening while sitting an university lecture ?
  8. She would drag him to an orgy every day by the sounds of it. I don't think the true solution here is more sex.
  9. I think surrendering fully to God and giving up control over your human existence is the biggest challenge in life, and all the other challenges are just practice for that moment.
  10. Bro that was not the intention Solutions are usually wet, biology is wet. Mechanical devices are dry, elementary particles are dry.
  11. Depends if you want to know more about wet stuff than dry stuff. Some of the concepts overlap, like the table of elements, temperature, energy or space and time. So technically, no. Physics comes before chemistry in the terms of things like particle physics and quantum physics (which informs the table of elements), but things like classical mechanics or astrophysics does not. Physics comes before chemistry in the terms of things like particle physics and quantum physics (which informs the table of elements), but things like classical mechanics or astrophysics does not.
  12. Feeling like you're constantly on the verge of psychological death for 2 years straight.
  13. You can try, but don't be surprised if you don't like what you see. I can only speak from my experience (which also happens to line up with many schools of thought on the topic), but also, there are of course cases where young people have woken up and didn't have an averse reaction at all. Besides, when are we ever truly grown up?
  14. Even if I have good sleep and eat animals, if I fap too frequently, I will feel like a snail (without its shell). That was my life from 12-20 years old lol. I have video clips from school projects when I was 15, and I was speaking so slowly like I had a brain disorder or something lol.
  15. Those three are literally the Holy Trinity of raising your energy levels.
  16. I was always an anxious kid. I was 18 when I got addicted to weed, started isolating myself, skipping school. Kept looping like that for almost 1.5 years, then came my turning point. I was getting more and more sucked into my own mind, my mental health was deteriorating, and one of my friends told me "you're acting weird", and it made me have a moment of self-awareness where I realized that I was going down the road of mental illness if I didn't do something about it. I had just started watching Leo's videos, and I stumbled upon "40 signs that you're neurotic", and it hit me like a ton of bricks. That is when I discovered self-improvement. Then shortly after, I discovered his videos on meditation and enlightenment, and I was instinctively drawn to that. The true turning point was when I traveled to the mountains with my family for a one-week winter vacation. To understand what I'm about to talk about, you have to view this through the concept of "disruptive practices", i.e. behaviors that disrupt normal functioning and creates a contrast or a change in perspective, and sometimes it can lead to deep insights into the workings of your own mind. So going to the mountains with family made me have to break my weed habit (which was intense, daily heavy smoking), which put me in a severely disrupted state of pharmacological withdrawal. A side effect of weed withdrawal is a complete lack of sex drive, which also plunged me into a week of nofap, which is also a disruptive practice. For that week, I had decided for the first time ever to engage in 24/7 active mindfulness practice (feeling into every bodily movement, being very deliberate and smooth about basic hand movements, intensely staring at objects as I would pick them up, controlling the breath, etc.). Also, skiing in the mountains cross-country, being in nature and listening to the silence was itself a disruptive practice relative to everyday life at home (sights, sounds, activities, etc.). Also, this was back when we had no WiFi, so no computer usage. Then as if that wasn't enough, after coming home from that week, I decided to start doing seated meditations instead of going back to my weed habit, yet another disruptive practice. Then on nothing less than the 3rd meditation, I had my first sober mystical experience, and it pretty much changed me forever. How much of that was due to genetics I can never know for sure, but I think it's undeniable that the massive amounts of disruptive practices prior to that experience definitely had an effect. So when people say that meditation doesn't work for them, maybe the answer shouldn't be "do it more", but rather "what else are you doing?".
  17. I'm close to 300 participants already, so I'll close this
  18. So I was coming up on a bachelor thesis in psychology, and I figured this was a viable option for a thesis: what is the relationship between mindfulness and physical activity? I looked up the relevant scientific research and was surprised to find a substantial amount of studies on the topic, but the research is still very new, a little more than a decade old. More research is needed, and my thesis will be an original (but small) contribution to that. I've now come to the point of having to collect data, and this community, among others, is a very good candidate for this type of study (everybody here is, if not directly interested in mindfulness, at least acquainted with the concept, and even if that is not true, you do share similar beliefs, values and interests). That is why I'm very thankful for the opportunity to share this with you guys, and I hope that you also appreciate the opportunity of contributing to my little contribution to scientific research on a topic that we all value very much and has changed our lives for the better. The survey is short and simple and only takes about 5 minutes to complete. It's completely anonymous and completely voluntary (nothing bad will happen to you if you choose to not participate), but again, I would highly appreciate your contribution. I would also appreciate if you could share the survey with other people you know who are also interested in mindfulness and self-improvement. The more the better Here is the link to the survey: Thank you for participating! (For the people who are unsure if this is against the guidelines, I believe one thread like this is fine, and so did other moderators in the past.)
  19. Just when you think life is about to become a lot better, it throws a completely new set of challenges at you
  20. Bro, are we talking about orgasm or are we talking about enjoyable sex?
  21. You seem to be using the word mystical in a non-traditional sense. Would you say you're not in agreement with tradition in general on this matter?