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About anthony

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  1. You have to become a Postive person . You attract what you are . Become the type of person you want to attract into your life .
  2. Your best option is to get a girlfriend once she sees you with another girl she's gunna see you as boyfriend material . That's how girls work . Another thing you could do is tell her how you feel , who cares if she doesn't feel the same and the friendship ends . it's better to get rejected then being secretly in love with her forever . The last thing you can do is get out the friendzone which is the hardest thing to do , some people say it's impossible only few guys have done it . The way you could is give her hints that you like her ,flirt with her . Make her get used to you flirting with her . You could also act different , don't return her calls right away or text her back right just don't act like you usually do . There's a lot of other small things you can do but that's a start , good luck man. Oh and another thing the longer you wait to make a move the worse it's going to get your going to get deeper in the friendzone or even worse she light get a boyfriend and that's gunna hurt you bad .
  3. I have been meditating consistently for over a month now and I still don't feel any different , how long did it take for you guys to start getting the benefits of meditation ?