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Everything posted by martin_malin

  1. To clarify, I'm not a hater who wishes harm or anything like that. When I see a top performer bringing his A game, I'm in awe. I see what's possible and I feel inspired. But at the same time, there's always a little voice in my head saying : ''Oh you think you're good heh? Just wait for it pal. I'm coming.'' I can't help it.
  2. I really dislike all my competitors. The closer they are to my niche, the worst it is. It’s so bad that I pay very little attention to what they are doing. Which can be good and bad…I’m able to recognize those who are gifted and the value they provide but it hurts me a little. I want to be NUMBER 1. The number one chimp in my field. I want to elevate the bar and bring it to a whole new level. What’s funny is the service I provide is very GREEN. But here I am, ORANGE as fuck wanting to crush everyone. What’s going on here?
  3. As an avid golfer, I'm completely behind you on this. It's just that I want to be like Tiger Woods and crush everyone in my field. In his prime, Tiger was only friend with pros who didn't posed a serious threat to him. He's a bit insane too.
  4. It's indeed an interesting perspective. How do we reconcile the chimp that lives within us with our highest human aspirations?
  5. You might be on to something. Deep down, I know that I've yet to reach 20% of my potential. I'm doing great work, but not phenomenal work yet. I'm still an insecure chimp.
  6. Wanting to find something that makes us happy is problematic. To quote Emerson: ''The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.'' The LP course is all about that. It’s about creating a meaningful life, not a happy life. I don't think it's realistic to expect our LP to make us happy every day. Mine certainly tortures me from time to time. In fact, 90% of what I do isn’t all that fun. But each time I want to quit, I picture myself having 6 months to live and I realize I wouldn’t change a damn thing. I find my work so meaningfull and satisfying that, a couple times per year, tears of joy roll down my cheeks. Those moments make it all worth it. Back to you. You seem to fit the definition of the dabbler perfectly (read Mastery from Leonard). The dabbler LOVES to embark on a new journey. But as soon as the going gets tough or progress slows, she becomes frustrated and disinterested. That’s until she finds a new project…To find fulfillment, Leonard advises us to learn to love being on the plateau and having things suck. Why? Because mastery and fulfillment lie just on the other side. Meaning and mastery!
  7. To me, creativity is the same as panning for gold in a river. Pick your spot diligently, work hard, be mindful and you might find a minuscule gold nugget before sunset. Rinse and repeat for 20 years. Great ideas come by simply showing up everyday.
  8. It reflects my Orange-Green mix pretty well.
  9. In all honesty, the same thing I'm doing right now with just a couple more toys. Another one that I like is what would you refuse to sell for all the money in the world? What can't be bought from you? It can be a gift, a passion etc.
  10. If your heart really longs for it, I say jump off the cliff and try to make it work. Is it irresponsible? Yes. But when your life is on the line, you often find resources you didn't even suspect you had. You learn things you wouldn't have been able to learn had you stayed on the sidelines. Personally, I was at peace with the idea of renting a small room and eating rice for 10 years. I didn't give a shit and it worked out. If you stop caring about material success, status and comfort, you are free to do anything.
  11. Nicely put. Once the vision is clear, your domain of mastery will emerge.
  12. Been on this journey for a solid 3 or 4 years now. Today is day 5.
  13. You're right, he did not exactly said that. He said you could've been born as a bus which is pretty close.
  14. Gary is Turquoise. He says there's no difference between you and a bus
  15. A few years ago, your video called How To Love Yourself made me come to peace with my baldness. Today, I fully embrace my bowling ball.
  16. One of my happiest moment is me crying like a baby after a breakup. I was so sad that it was beautiful.
  17. Yup, triggered. This guy probably thinks Viktor E. Frankl is insane too. After all, the guy experienced moments of bliss at Auschwitz while he knew everyone he loved had been killed.
  18. Write a letter to a friend for no other reason than to tell that friend what you like about him or her. I just did that with my homie and it felt amazing. I listed all of his character strenghts and said a bunch of shit that were coming straight from the heart. #notdrunk #nohomo #justlove
  19. Osho wrote a nice little book about courage. “Spontaneousness is thought to be madness. Formalities are thought to be sanity. Just the opposite is the reality.” ― Osho, Courage: The Joy of Living Dangerously
  20. I can relate since I’m going through something similar. I think part of it might simply be hedonic adaptation. We have to reconnect to our LP constantly. It’s so easy to forget our “why” when tasks and responsibilities pile up because of our successes. Finally, remember that your LP will keep evolving and it’s OK to not really what’s happening in real time.
  21. Take the LP course man. There's no shortcut to figuring this stuff out. I'll just say that LP is all about meaning and impact. It's something that you create, not something that you ''find''. You need to figure out who you really are, what you value, and what you want. Right now, it doesn't seem like you have much of a clue. It doesn't matter how old you are, it's never too late to walk this path. Being in the age of self-education and entrepreneurship, there are infinite ways to make it work outside of the traditional school system.
  22. @kieranperez The birther poster in the background is the icing on the cake! Wow...Tolle and satanism in the same sentence. That's glorious. @Leo Gura After listening to the whole thing, I really hope he never finds your ''What is God?'' video. But seriously, this video made me appreciate just how lucky I am to be on this forum and not think it's a Satanist cult. After laughing at him for a minute, I became fascinated by the way he was interpreting Tolle’s message. He really seems like a pretty good's just way over his head.