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About martin_malin

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  1. It has to be gold plated with illuminating lazer eyes at night
  2. Jesus was an extremist for love! 2000 years later our hearts are still too small for his message.
  3. Lots of garbage / egoic projections in the Bible but the sermon on the mount is pretty dope.
  4. I hope I'd be able to see the holiness in the aggressor and let him take what he wants.
  5. I recently took a deep dive in ''A course in miracles'' and it made me a believer in channeling. There's simply no way an academic with a full-time job and no prior interest or knowledge in spirituality could've written that in the 60s. The IQ/EQ/SQ is simply off the chart. The most logical conclusion is that the words came from Jesus / Christ consciousness.
  6. I agree @Flowerfaeiry One can't be too enlightened to bother being a good person.
  7. To see perfection is to embody perfection.
  8. Genders are useful illusions for playing the game to its fullest, but we are ultimately genderless. That said, If someone identify as ''they'' I'm going to honour their desire and be respectful as its their current truth. No drama there. I find it way more fun to identify as a ''it'' or a spark of light in a male body.
  9. Trump is actually an ascended master who decided to come here to teach humanity a lesson about the Ego. He accepted this difficult mission out of love. Bless you St. Donald
  10. From what I understand, we are our own judge and it can be a difficult experience if we got truly lost. I believe Michael Newton discovered that souls who did a lot of harm are often isolated at their own demand when they transition. Wise beings then keep an eye on them and offer them guidance while they process their last incarnation. Since their soul got heavier / damaged, they also go to an energy restoration station if my memory serves me right where their energy is remolded. Obviously you got to take this information with a grain of salt but it's interesting nonetheless.
  11. If all of your thinking is done through your mind, I guess you can be seduced by Trump and his acolytes. But if you're able to think with your heart and feel the vibration of the words coming out of Trump's mouth, you can't be fooled. When I was listening to Aubrey's podcast a couple years ago, I thought he had a lot of Green and even some Turquoise in him. I liked his pod a lot. But then when Covid came, it seems like he lost his sense of humour and became overly serious / invested in his opinions regarding vaccination. We don't talk much about the disease of seriousness, but we're all contaminated to an extent. It's only a problem when we don't recognize our own seriousness. The Democratic party is surely corrupt, but at least it has policies that support the most vulnerable in our society. Republicans hate America's social safety nets and can't wait to axe them. Not very loving or Christian.
  12. Body consciousness : I see life from the POV of my personality. I am my body, my name, my health, my status, my education, my opinions, my social circle etc. I believe there's a limited amount of time to achieve what I want to achieve. I fear death or falling ill. I see tragedies or serious problems everywhere. I think Trump is a POS. Soul consciousness : I see myself and others as eternal spiritual beings. Life is just a play, and every person is a divine character...even Trump! Nothing is of value to me except love and the wonder of the present moment. I fear nothing because there's nothing I can lose, not even my life. I don't feel the pressure of time because I know that I have an eternity to experience whatever I want to experience. My soul consciousness affirmations : I am eternal and indestructible I am the greatest love I am the highest wisdom I am a pure and peaceful soul I see the divine in everyone When I repeat those affirmations, my heart often swells up and I instantly feel lighter. To remain soul conscious with others, I often try to visualize a point of white light inside their brain. I find it helps me remember their true identity / divinity and in turn it makes me more compassionate and patient. I might be delusional and tricking myself, but whatever, those techniques work with me.
  13. I feel the same whenever I forget who I really am. Body consciousness vs soul consciousness.
  14. There's a Youtube channel called NDE compilations that is simply amazing. I'm most fascinated by the life review testimonies. People report seeing every moment of their life unfold on a panoramic screen and being able to witness the impact their actions and words had on others. Remember that girl you bullied in high school? You relive the scene from her POV and feel her humiliation and fear. You also get to see how your behavior impacted her later in life. All your selfless or loving actions are also shown to you from the perspective of the other. No one ever reported feeling judged during their life review.
  15. Excerpt from CWG on the topic : Neil : Why won't You just say that terminating a pregnancy is murder! God : You cannot kill anyone or anything. Neil : No. But you can end its "individuation"! And in our language, that's killing. God : You cannot stop the process wherein which a part of Me individually expresses in a certain way without the part of Me that is expressing in that way agreeing. Neil : What? What are You saying? God : I am saying that nothing happens against the will of God. I have said in this dialogue, your will is My will. That is because there is only One of Us.