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Everything posted by Source_Mystic

  1. All emotions are transient states not fixed or perment. So no there is no human that is in a perpetual state of happiess.
  2. I use belife everyday @SOUL just not for the process of enlightenment. Good luck on your path. Your welcome @star ark since I was answering the question for you anyway.
  3. First problem have is that this is a absolute statement. Absolute statements are rarely correct. This is a bit harsh. Their are always several factors to getting something and some of them are outside the control of the person. I believe in taking responsibility for my actions and my life but this statement is a hard-line that I can not agree with. Work on compassion @Aquarius understand that you are others and others are self. You are taking a lot for granted. You still see the murder and say " I could never do that he is insane." I make no such assumption I understand that every human has the capacity for what you would consider good and evil. When I see a murder or a criminal I ask a question. "what built this? what was it based on? What pushed this person so far that they just broke and became this." what could they have become if conditions in their life were better. Then I ask myself what would it take for me to be pushed this far that I became a murder or anything else. What would it take? We are all equal in our capacity but what a person is born into drastically changes how they color and deal with there reality. If you are born in a war country you do not have time to meditate and do this work because you have to put all your energy into survival. Violence, hate , bigotry are all learned behaviors. Outside forces influence create and destroy people. Your judgment is cold and naive and it shows your ignorance of the big picture. Please take a step back from statements like these and think out your position completely before you post things like this. If your belief is growth is proportional to suffering then you should be pursuing as much suffering as possible let me know how that goes Aquarius.
  4. It means you are spending to much time here ? Branch out some get other perspectives. Leo has a lot of great information but you not here to digest every video he has made or become him. Find the things that you know you need to improve then look at other sources as well. If you are just looking and learning, perceiving and judging only from's standpoint you are getting a polarized point of view. Integrate knowledge that resonates with you but always look at things from different perspectives.
  5. Yes there is a diference. Thoughts are not awarness and awarness are not thoughts. You can either Think or be aware not both.
  6. What is an evil eye ? What is a curse ? What is magicK ? What is black magicK ? I do not want your perception or opinion of each that is based on a bias or religious dogma. I want you to actually understand what all of these things are from a factual standpoint. Until you do this you do not have the tools to even have a discussion on this. Right now Your Opinion is based on bias, Not fact. That is a form of belief. If you want to talk about facts and what things actually are, I am up for that. If you want to argue a belief and bias based on your cultural religious or personal assumptions, I have absolutely no interest in that and I doubt anyone else here does ether.
  7. @Monkey-man If this is what self inquiry gets you I would stop doing self inquiry. The process of Enlightenment is not attained though thinking. Especially thinking like this that is based on one incorrect assumption that is based on another incorrect assumption. I have self inquired and I find it useful but I must admit it is not and has never been my process toward enlightenment and maybe it is not yours ether. Most of my gains come from meditating and a deeper and more complete understanding of awareness. Your Self inquiry has become a Gordian Knot the more you try to find the end and pull the tighter the knot gets. My suggestion is drop self inquiry and concentrate on different forms of meditation that get you familiar with awareness. All forms of meditation are nothing more than awareness training. Through that awareness you can directly experience what you are looking for. Or if you want to go the burn out your brain route though frustration to achieve awareness. I suggest zen koans. The process of Enlightenment is not based on intelligence. All people can do here is point you in a direction. Telling you anything does not get you the direct experience. You have to get that yourself. Good luck
  8. @Leo Gura Do you have a past dick-sucking hippy testimonial? That is what we are really talking about right. I understand what you are saying it was funny to me the way it was said it. Nonduality seems to me a side-dish not the main course.
  9. @Leo Gura lol .... wtf leo !? " If you do not buy my life purpose course your only options are flipping burgers at McDonald's or living in a hippy commune sucking some dude's dick to pay rent."- Leo Gura That is a great testimonial. Where is this dick sucking hippy that was converted to a meaningful life after using your LPC?
  10. There is a huge difference between leo and Darryl Anka. Leo sells two products as far as I know a life purpose course and a book list. He has also said he does life coaching. He puts out 97% of his content out for free. He genuinely wants people to have the tools to do better he reads study's and meditates. then he shares the conclusions he come to. Leo is not channeling divine truth under a guise or mask. There is definite harm in deception especially deception coming from a supposed enlightened being. Of what use does an multidimensional being from the future have for money. You guys want to be deceived go ahead have at it. I will not even waste anymore time on this thread.
  11. @AleksM Are you fucking kidding me? Seriously you can not see that this is complete bull shit. Well please go and get your $175-200 "permission slip" So you can cast your cosmic vote.
  12. I just looked up Bashar there is nothing revolutionary about the symbolism the concepts are outright stolen then passed off as original revelation of Bashar a multidimensional being, a friend from the future of Darryl Anka. He then channels this divine knowledge to you for a price. I especially love the extensive collection of hundreds of videos that you can have for just 24 -34 $ each Or there fabulous essential contact crystal which is ether not crystal at all merely engraved glass or if it is crystal it has been melted down and molded then engraved which destroys the crystals internal structure and would make it useless energetically. At ether rate you can have your own multidimensional crystal for only 175 - 199$ This shit is a new age scam to line Darryl Anka's pockets. Anytime someone is telling you that they are an intermediate between you and anything and they say they are going to share for a price be skeptical be very skeptical. Mr Darryl Anka's motivations are as transparent as the so called crystals he sells.
  13. The process of enlightenment does not come from reading it comes from practicing awareness. Even the best books I read directed my awareness not my mind. I guess you could read 50 or a 100 books on awareness or enlightenment or you could just meditate and experience it yourself. The point of enlightenment is to see reality. You can only do this though awareness. Meditation is just getting you familiar with how awareness feels and how to get to that state of being. Once that state is achieved the only question you have to ask is what is the next target of my awareness. So read if you have to but I would research techniques and different ways to focus your awareness or how to get to different states of consciousness. good luck
  14. If reality is used as mirror that means see others as self and self a others though other actions and deficits you recognize your own. I have also seen times where I give someone advice and I realize that advice is just as applicable to myself as them.
  15. Here is I post I wrote a while back in it there is a book that I consider the best on the subject of zen Buddhism Hope this helps and good luck to you sir
  16. I am going to tell you the future Leo or one of his parrots "will come in and tell you there is no brains" Then you should tell him/them "there is no words ether." Then there will be silence. Problem solved my work is done.
  17. My power level is over 9000 units
  18. He has to go through the "authentication process" before he can become a religious icon. Those are the rules.
  19. @brovakhiin Can you go get the holy grail and spear of destiny please.
  20. Pops some popcorn opens a chair and sits down ....... Oh sorry I was not meaning to intrude I am just waiting for Leo's response. This should entertaining. Leo will you be dragging your own cross or should we install one ? Nails ....check Crown of thorns ... check Thin scrawny bald man to persecute ...... still waiting Impending martyrdom .....not complete resurrection...... not complete
  21. As the general measure of intelligence is knowledge and application of that knowledge. I have to disagree as the process of enlightenment and meditation does not really give you any knowledge it in fact does the exact opposite. You see the futility of knowledge and thought as it is commonly understood. What meditation does do though is gives you access to an stream of awareness and focus that can be shined on anything. Intelligence produces stream of thought. Meditation produces stream of awareness. So my answer would be no meditation does not make one smarter. That being said I could see how a person that meditates could do better on test or application of knowledge just because they have learned how to focus their awareness and thus use the same amount of information more efficiently.
  22. Virtual Crypto currency is very interesting but personalty I have no use for such things at the moment. In new York all the bitcoin brokers left because the federal government tried to regulate it thus tax it and make it part of legal tender currency. Personally as advanced as bitcoin is it is still virtual currency 1.0 even now it is still in the prototype phase. It has not reached the level of sophistication yet to be the one virtual currency of the future. It is merely a complex research and development phase. I have no interest in investing it as a system or a currency.
  23. My views on magick have changed as many will notice I took down any and all of my post relating to the subject as well as my journal. Why did I do this ? I will not go into details but suffice to say I had a very powerful experience that went sideways, I would not change anything I did I learned too much. Than again I am doing a banishing warding and personal rituals every day for a month maybe more to completely close a path I opened. It really made me realize that if I was new to magick and did not have the knowledge that I did and know the people I do things would have turned out differently. I never want to place anyone in that situation. Magick is not something to be played with or trivialized. My foundation has always been meditation. Now I have studied occultism metaphysics a very long time 20 + years I have practiced on and off. I have all the tools and resources at my disposal to do what I need in this respect even when things do not go as wanted. I know what needs to be done. If I do not I have people more experienced than me to use as counsel. I have a strong mind and I have directly dealt with spiritual influences in the past. I think most people here should stick with the law of attraction it is a rather simple technique that gets results with much less effort and it side steps 99% of the pitfalls and traps fallacies that magick practitioners will face. If you put even 25% the amount of energy into manifesting things using the law of attraction then perfect that operation with strong meditation skills exploring and achieving different states of consciousness magick will not even be needed. Meditation practice should be strong and stable as well as completely understood before magick is ever even considered. Even then it takes a expansive amount of reading and researching to even begin to understand operations of magick. I think the subject of magick is too complex too dangerous to be discussed here. I also thing the time spent on magical study is expansive and for most of the peopl here would do well to choose other Actualization and enlightenment practices to get better faster results than studding and practicing magick. Magic takes expansive amount knowledge, strong mental mindset, dedication , a strong foundation in meditation , and more failure than success for a extended amount of time until you discover what works and what does not. It is also a very demanding path to walk time wise it consumes a lot of time that could be spent elsewhere. If you have you mind set on doing magick than start with a strong focus on meditation and the states that can be achieved through that. Then start using the law of attraction. After you start getting effect from the law of attraction keep working with it until you feel like you are getting solid results. Then read , read , read, you ass off. Banishment and protective ritual should be your foundation when starting. Go slow and stay away from evoking or invoking as they are some of the most advanced magical operations and are some of the most dangerous things that you can do, I can not this emphasize this enough. Seriously if you value your sanity do not play with these two disciplines. has more practices and exercises than any of you can probably complete in a life time my suggestion is work on them and stay on a directed path of strengthening your mind and meditation practice before you even think about diving into the waters of magick. A undisciplined mind using magick is like giving a child a loaded fully automatic gun and telling him to go play cops and robbers. Someone is going to get hurt. This is the last post I will ever write on magick please do not come to me as a resource as I will not respond to any questions regarding magick. My stance is use the law of attraction perfect that then meditate and explore states you can achieve through that. I take magick extremely seriously. I also take complete responsibility for all of my actions. I do not take any responsibility for yours if you Ignore what little counsel I have given on this topic. Be safe and smart where you place your energy.
  24. @JohnLeyo There is no enemy of consequence greater than oneself.
  25. @kieranperez It does not matter if it feels like a lie. PUSH THAT NEGATIVE SHIT OUT OF YOUR MIND AND KEEP PUSHING NEVER STOP. You have been negatively conditioned for 22 years and that negative conditioning feels like the truth because it has been so efficiently pushed into your subconscious. It is in fact the lie. But you have to go one step further and change you behavior as well. You can not just push positive thought and affirmations. You have to actively change your behavior. Like the room example you walk in say "I am a lazy fuck" then proceed to say "I am clean and organized" then proceed to sit down in your trashed room and play video games and procrastinate. YOU HAVE CHANGE YOUR BEHAVIOR with the positive affirmations action is just another repetition as far as you subconscious is concerned. Also know that you mind is programed to be negative and that there will be subconscious resistance.... like it feels like a lie that is a subconscious resistance to trick you to stop. Don't stop view resistance of you mind as a sign of progress and success and ignore it and keep pushing. TO TAKES 40 DAYS TO BREAK THE MIND AND DEVELOP A NEW HABIT AFTER THAT IT IS MUCH EASIER IT BECOMES A NEW RULE AND PATTERN THAT YOU SUBCONSCIOUS ACCEPTS. I know affirmations and this repetition sounds crazy but it is how your mind works. I would suggest mala beads strongly as well I use them myself you can get some for 7 - 20 bucks there all the same it does not matter if it is wood glass or crystal. I suggest just a cheep wood one it will get the job done. When it breaks and it will especially if you use it a lot just take it as a badge "ya I did so many affirmations I wore this out "realize at the same that you broke your subconsciousness resistance as well and know you are more positive for it.