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Everything posted by molosku

  1. Do you know the 7 principles of Leonardo Da Vinci? No? Well, that is why I'll just go ahead an neatly list them here: Curiosita – You need an insatiable curiosity for life. Great minds have one characteristic in common: they continuously ask questions throughout their lives. Dimostrazione– A commitment to test knowledge through experience. Wisdom comes from experience and the principle of Dimostrazione helps you get the most out of your experience Sensazione– The continual refinement of the senses, especially sight, as the means to clarify experience. According to Da Vinci, we can best practice Dimostrazione through our senses, particularly sight. Sfumato- A willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox, and uncertainty. An essential characteristic of Da Vinci’s genius is his ability to handle a sense of mystery. Arte/Scienza– The development of the balance between science and art, logic and imagination (“whole-brain thinking”). The development of the balance between science and art, logic and imagination”. This is thinking with the “whole brain”. Corporalita- The cultivation of ambidexterity, fitness, and poise. Corporalità is “the cultivation of grace, ambidexterity, fitness, and poise”. Leonardo had amazing physical ability that complemented his genius in science and arts. Connessione – A recognition and appreciation for the connectedness of all things and phenomena; “systems thinking.” In other words, is systems thinking. One main source of Leonardo’s creativity is his ability to form new patterns through connections and combinations of different elements. Wow. If he were alive I'm sure he would troll around on this forum Leo is such a Leonardo copycat, engineering background and all that lol. It's a bit revealing of his mind that there is no direct mention of consciousness, although it is touched upon indirectly on almost all of the principles. Somethings are better left unsaid, maybe? Next book I will buy will definitely be hes biography. Rehash: CURIOSITÀ(CURIOSITY) DIMONSTRATZIONE (INDEPENDENT THINKING) SENSAZIONE (REFINE YOUR SENSES) SFUMATO (EMBRACE UNCERTAINTY) ARTE/SCIENZA (ART & SCIENCE, WHOLE-BRAIN THINKING) CORPORALITA (MIND-BODY CARE) CONNESSIONE (INTERCONNECTEDNESS)
  2. Obvious answer would be that it is not a thought that knows it. That itself is a thought that is known, but I sense that it's not quite what you mean? If I got it right, I have a counter question for you: What is it that (seemingly) disconnects the body from thoughts? What part of reality makes that distinction and how is THAT something distinct?
  3. Russel brands trews is a green source, thats all I know
  4. Internet actually! I dont own the booklist, too many unread books even without it
  5. Unqiueness does not imply clarity or truth in itself.
  6. This. Realizing the movie totally recontextualizes what evil is, and after that "giving up the notion of evil is bad is hard" just falls away.
  7. @Fool of all trades if there is no writer of a post, how come you posted? Same reason.
  8. @Strikr My man I've assembled a spotify playlist you might be interested, send a pm and i'll share it if you are interested. Listening to music while meditating tends to make my thoughts go storymode way easier so... Does not work for me
  9. Awesome! Going to Thailand next year, Pai is one of our destinations can you tell me a littlebit what is the practical status of weed/shrooms/psychedelics there. I know the laws, but still there seems to be quite of an open culture about them at some places
  10. Try journaling about it in the same way you would do shadow work. Go into details of the situations and your thoughts.
  11. @Emerald How to overcome overlooking, that is the question. How many times and in how many ways we as humans spend time looking for that diamond that ensds up being found from our very own pockets. It seems like there is a sweetspot between simplicity and complexity that humans thrive on. How many of our individual and collective problems stem from trying to simplify the complex or trying to complexify the simple?
  12. I don't mean a total 100% shift, but just one joint can loosen up a physically tense person loosen up a mentally tense person give a mild to moderate (or even full on) psychedelic experience make one see what a huge joke everything is (life is not perceived to be this huge alpha vs. beta competition arena. Mundane and ordinary stuff becomes hilarious.) make one connect with art in a new and different way I'm referring to a general knot-loosening effect that weed tends to have, granted the strain is well suited to a specific person. Orange can be quite tense, neurotic, workaholistic and cut-throat, that weed can help to break down. It can be a powerful catalyst towards green, it won't in itself MAKE one green. That requires additional introspection, self-honesty, emotional work and things like that. I've seen this happen in a few of my friends, and I'm sure you could find other examples from well known persons.
  13. Is anything as much an instant-level-up as psychedelics? One mushroom trip can be all it takes to release a lifetime of emotional trauma. One DMT/ 5-meo-dmt trip can be all it takes to crush the materialistic paradigm. One ketamine "trip" can be a huge headstart in working with depression. One cannabis joint can be all it takes to shift a person from stagnating in SD orange to going green. One LSD trip can be all it takes to solve/ come up with an idea to solve some pesky systemic/technical problem.
  14. @How to be wise What do you think Byron Katie would think about your post? Anyway, I hope your hard work pays off
  15. So recipe for enlightenment is what you are asking? If someone posts it, please let me know If I had the ingredients for a cake, and I knew that a cake is possible but the instructions were missing, I would be left with no other option but to experiment and trust my instinct.
  16. There is still craving for meaning, if that is the case. Who is it, who wants it all to have a grand purpose?
  17. Imagine the astonishment of future historians over the fact that the human race survived the delusion of seperation, all the killing, war, torture, evil and exploitation. "Humans ACTUALLY believed they were seperate from each other, while they had the nerve to laugh at people who once thought the earth was flat??? " "Humans fought WARS???? Over concepts???? " "scientists discovered the quantum world but they STILL did not get it, despite the fact that the truth was literally on paper in front of them??"
  18. I doubt anyone can give you any good advice as you english is so broken. Ive noticed you most often post about "negative thinking patterns" that "torture" you or somethibg like that. There is really only a few things that can be said about that: If you haven't already, start a meditation habbit. Benefits of meditation and instructions on how to meditate are discussed here and in Leos videos quite extensively. Do it, stick with it. Journal about your thoughs. Sit down and write down all the patterns you can recognize. Then just be mindful of them, notice when your thoughts swing to that direction. Seek professional help. Speak to a psychiatrist/psychotherapist about your thoughts and problems. One thing is for sure: this forum wont help you overcome your dilemas, it can only guide you further on your path. Less posting, more action.
  19. you forgot the most important and foremost reason DISTRACTION
  20. I just deleted multiple rows of reply, because I realized I can't help you. No one can. No one can tell you what to do, really. It is a path you walk alone, and when you are alone there is no one to tell you what you should do. Follow your instinct, be watchful of your intentions and open up. Open up to others and your environment, but most importantly, open up to yourself. Yoga? try it and see what it does for you. Meditation, contemplation, self-inquiry, solitude, being in nature, shadow work, being strict, being lazy, new age stuff, spend time alone, spend time with a partner or friends...? Go and see for yourself. Fight all the battles you create for yourself, eventually there will be a surrender when the time is right.
  21. It surprising that there is so much talk about stages beyond turquoise on this forum. How is the SD model in any way relevant if one is truly so developed, that he/she is considered a true turquoise with zero lower stage shadow/tendencies? How can one ever deepen their turquoisness so much that it can't be called turquoise anymore, and it has developed into a distinctly higher stage? If there are people higher up the spiral than turquoise, I seriously doubt you could find them on this forum debating about SD.
  22. Made a thread about this some time ago. I hope this one catches more wind as that debate is neat