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Everything posted by doronshadmi

  1. As I understand it, useful science (whether it is abstract or non-abstract) is actually done by achieving results that can be tested and used beyond some particular observation. It means that the observation is not-one-of-many observation, which naturally can be used as the substance of any one-of-many observation (not-one-of-many observation AND one-of-many observation will be explained later by using the model of Möbius strip). I find Mathematics as one of the most powerful tools that enable to develop the natural linkage among not-one-of-many observation AND one-of-many observation. In my opinion, in order to actually be such a tool, mathematicians can't partially use their own brain during mathematical activity. As I understand it, for the past 150 years almost every mathematical work has to be translated into verbal-symbolic form in order to be accepted as a valid mathematical work. As I understand it, both visual_spatial AND verbal_symbolic brain skills have to be used during mathematical activity, where mathematical results are accepted as the association among both visual_spatial AND verbal_symbolic brain skills. For example, let's use both visual_spatial AND verbal_symbolic brain skills in order to define the natural linkage among not-one-of-many observation AND one-of-many observation. The minimal amount of many things is two things (that may be taken step-by-step). Question: What enables the knowledge that there are two things, in the first place? By using almost only verbal_symbolic brain skills, this question is not asked at the basis of fundamental mathematical concept like Set, where {5,pi} is some example (without loss of generality) of two things (the outer "{" and "}" is not mathematically defined). So, by Modern Mathematics (which is (as I observe it) currently mostly verbal_symbolic_only framework) the ability to gather at least two things is too obviously done. A simple visual_spatial AND verbal_symbolic tool, which naturally enables to answer to this question (by also define the outer "{" and "}" as an essential thing of fundamental mathematical concept like Set), is Möbius strip: By locally observe it, it has two edges (represented here by brown color), where each edge is one-of-many thing. This observation is actually possible because also global observation is done, which provides the knowledge that there is one edge along the Möbius strip (which is not-one-of-many thing) where this knowledge is represented by the outer "{" and "}" (which is not any one-of-many things between them). The visual_spatial knowledge of not-one-of-many thing (represented here by one edge along the Möbius strip), which is also represented by the outer "{" and "}", actually enables to gather one-of-many things like 5,pi into a set (for example: {5,pi}). So, fundamental mathematical concept like Set is not rigorously defined, unless both visual_spatial AND verbal_symbolic brain skills are used. You may ask: "What, for example, about {{}}? Is the one object between the the outer "{" and "}" defined as not-one-of-many thing or as one-of-many thing?" My answer: It is one-of-many thing, since it is locally observed with respect to the outer "{" and "}", which is the global observation, where the global can't be its own member. As I get it, the model of Möbius strip demonstrates the linkage among being aware of one thing at once (the visual_spatial brain skill) as the substance of being aware of multiple things step-by-step (the verbal_symbolic brain skill). Moreover, this awareness (may be known also as Unity consciousness) is exactly the core of useful scientific work, which actually achieving results that can be tested and used beyond some particular observation. Furthermore, the observed, the observer and the tool of observation are actually one thing, which is not the sum of its expressions, and as a fundamental result we get non-entropic realm, which is essentially open to new expressions (infinitely many things can't be defined by a fixed limit, fixed cardinality, etc., as usually done by the current main stream of Modern Mathematics). Generally, by this notion one's awareness is fully activated only by simultaneously using his\her visual_spatial AND verbal_symbolic brain skills. As I understand it ,without it, no actual scientific progression is possible. I do not think that mathematical work that is done by using only verbal_symbolic brain skills (where visual_spatial brain skills are used only as tools for demonstration, and not as fundamental entities of mathematical work) enables to actually gather the observed, the observer and the tool of observation into Unity consciousness. Moreover, in my opinion, the challenge is to develop natural Unity consciousness among us as human beings directly within our biological systems, instead of seeking after our external agents in terms of Artificial Intelligence. Uncertainty by this notion, is exactly the field of creativity for any brain that enables to define the linkage among Simplicity and Complexity in daily life (where the simple is not the trivial and the complex is not the complicated, such that the wrong pair is trivial_complicated and the right pair is simple_complex). ------------------------ According to some latest scientific researches (for example: [1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6]) visual_spatial AND verbal_symbolic brain skills are activated during mathematical work. I wish to share with you some model (some analogy based on visual_spatial AND verbal_symbolic brain skills) that demonstrates the linkage between Logic and Physics. The following scheme illustrates the possible associations between Bose-Einstein statistics (even function) and Fermi-Dirac statistics (odd function) and the mathematical concepts of contradiction (expressed as sine-like wave) and tautology (expressed as cosine-like wave). By this model contradiction is the separator among universes, where each universe has its own tautology (its own natural constants and, so called, the laws of nature). The simplest form in this model is illustrated by non-composed endless straight line, which is essentially not the sum of its vibrations simply because being non-composed endless straight line is independent of its sine-like/cosine-like vibrations, yet they are depend on it. This asymmetry of dependency defines a non-entropic realm since no amount of vibrations is the non-composed line in itself. Being aware of the non-composed line during its vibrations, is actually Unity consciousness that is, in my opinion, the ultimate goal of life phenomena, that has no limits to its developed expressions, exactly because no amount of vibrations is the non-composed line in itself. By not being limited by contradiction and tautology, life phenomena is beyond AND among the expressed universes, such that they become harmonious organs of an organism, which is ever developed exactly because no organ harms the developments of the other organs, since the development is naturally derived from cross-universes' source, which is their cause. From this notion, Mathematics is a fulfilled tool only if it supports the development of Unity consciousness among the expressed universes, such that they become ever developed organs of one harmonious self aware realm. As I see it, Contemporary Mathematics that defines collections of infinitely many members by using fixed sizes like |N|, |R|, or defines the sum of infinitely many numbers, or multiplication of infinitely many (0,1] members by a single finite result, blocks the ever developed nature of multiplicity and the direct awareness of Unity as the cause of multiplicity, which can't express the full potential of Unity, since, unlike Unity, multiplicity is limited by contradiction and tautology. I wish to clarify something. Given a non-composed endless straight line and a point not on that line, there are endless larger non-composed circles that are smaller than that line, and there are endless smaller non-composed circles that are larger than that point. Yet pi is a proportion among the endless larger and the endless smaller non-composed circles. So a fixed value can be related to infinitely many things as long as it is not used to define their amount, their sum or any other fixed value that contradicts their property of being endless larger or endless smaller things. For more details, please search for Nicholas of Cusa. Here is an example of a mathematical work that is done by using visual_spatial AND verbal_symbolic brain skills: Please observe the following diagram: In that diagram the constant non-composed orange figure (straight or bent) is equivalent to the outer "{" and "}" of what is defined as set. The empty set {} is equivalent to the straight orange figure, which has no bending. A member is some bend among the constant orange figure, which does not change it into a composed figure, since no point on the orange figure is composed. By using visual_spatial AND verbal_symbolic brain skills in case of the given diagram, the notion of constant non-composed orange figure among any amount of bent figures, is given by the set {{}//4^1, {}//4^2, {}//4^3, ...}, which is obviously bijective with set {1, 2, 3, ...}, where {}//4^n expression means that {} is a constant non-composed figure under any amount of bending. Another way to spatially AND verbally define the outer "{" and "}" in case of the considered diagram is {{}//4^1, {}//4^2, {}//4^3, ...}//4^0 (the straight figure is not one of its members). Since {} is non-composed, whether it is straight or bent, no amount of its non-composed figures defines it as a composed figure, therefore it is not the sum of the convergent projected 2(a+b+c+d+...) among it, which is equivalent to the inaccessibility of 1,2,3,... to the outer "{" and "}" in {1, 2, 3, ...}, known as the set of natural numbers. The inaccessibility of 1,2,3,... to the outer "{" and "}" prevents the definition of fixed size like ℵ0 to an infinite amount of members between the outer "{" and "}", and such understanding is available only by using visual_spatial AND verbal_symbolic brain skills. Actually, by using visual_spatial AND verbal_symbolic brain skills one understands the linkage between the inability to define the constant non-composed X>0 by the convergent series 2(a+b+c+d+...) AND the inability to define the amount of set {1, 2, 3, ...} by a fixed value like ℵ0. This inability is exactly the non-entropic realm, which has no limits for further development of its expressions, because no amount of expressions is the non-composed. As I see it, Mathematics is actually fulfilled in case that (by using visual_spatial AND verbal_symbolic brain skills) it also goes beyond contradiction and tautology, and enables one to directly be aware of Unity as their cause (or in terms of Physics, it enables one to directly be aware of Unity as the cause of Bose-Einstein statistics (even function) and Fermi-Dirac statistics (odd function)). Direct awareness of Unity is not achieved at the realm of thoughts process, which is closed under multiplicity. As I get it, one enables to transcend multiplicity by being aware of finer vibrations' levels of thoughts' process without being restricted to their semantics (they are taken only in terms of different levels of vibrations)) which enables quantum leap (finite step) into the non-composed source of multiplicity and quantum leap back to multiplicity. More such bidirectional quantum leaps are exercised in one's brain, more one's brain enables the awareness of Unity as the source of multiplicity during daily life. In my opinion, Mathematical science has to deeply be involved in such exercises in order to really be fulfilled, where reasoning at the level of thoughts (which is restricted by contradiction and tautology, like any multiple phenomena) as currently done by Contemporary Mathematics, can't fulfill the actual abilities of this science among human beings. ------------------------------------------ [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
  2. @molosku I'll share your beautiful music with my friends. (b.t.w I hope that you will like my music in
  3. @Fushigi, my musical portrait of you in .
  4. The proposed use of the considered tool also goes beyond its boundaries, such that it becomes a linkage among simplicity (the absolute (the calm aspect)) and complexity (the relative (the wavy aspect)) of the same sea.
  5. An old discussion of mine on the considered subject can be found here. Some of its details may help to understand the way of how my investigation is developed. For example, unlike the analogy of "{" and "}" it terms of Unity (as done in the link above), currently "{" and "}" represents tautology and the emptiness between "{" and "}" represents contradiction. So Unity (the non-dual) is thing among NOthing (contradiction) and YESthing (tautology), which is not limited by its opposite expressions, nor by its members (the intermediate terms between NOthing and YESthing) represented as SOMEthing and EVERYthing. By directly (without any agent) know thing, one is Unity consciousness (enlightenment is actual in daily life, which is naturally expressed as an ever developed harmoniums phenomena in terms of superconductivity). Without Unity consciousness no universe is developed in terms of superconductivity (any two given phenomena may block each other development, instead of supporting each other development). So as I get it, Life is exactly the path of a given universe into enlightenment, where death is a temporary phenomena that completely disappears in an actual enlighten universe. Currently and in the past, Life phenomena in our universe is still under construction into actual daily life enlightenment, and this process must not be done by agents (for example psychedelic drugs) that do not have the needed natural genteelness for an actual profound AND balanced development into an actual enlighten universe. Infinite refinement is the clear signature of an actual enlighten universe.
  6. This is not enough because the basic principle is a WIN WIN situation, such that the health of one supports the health of others (it is called mutual responsibility). For more details please look at this post and also see who gave it reputations. As for psychedelics, in most cases they distort one's spacetime perception until one loses his\her free will judgment and more easily decides to drive a car, to jump from a roof as if he\she is a bird, etc. In simple words, his\her sense of responsibility to take care of his\her own heathy life and\or at least do not harm others' heathy life, is clearly decreased because of the use of psychodial drugs. Richard Alpert says: "Water, vegetables, fruits are also external. Mushroom is close to vegetable. And weed is a plant. They are as much external as fruits and vegetables." Richard, I am clearly talking about external stuffs that have psychedelics effects (as described above) on one's brain. Hsinhav, having sex does not have psychedelics effects (as described above) on one's brain. You also said: "He has already answered every bit of your questions" Hsinhav, please support your argument by providing concrete examples. ---------------------------- In other words, this post has a case. Morevover, trolls are not necessarily some human beings, as can be seen in this post. ---------------------------- Meanwhile, until Leo may honestly answer to my questions to him, I wish to say some things on this video (and especially about LSD). Leo you honestly do your best in order to direct some potential user to use psychedelics in the most possible responsible way. But here are some important issues that you are missing: 1) No matter how many researches through books, videos etc. you are doing as a preparation for using psychedelics, all you get is a perception about psychedelics, which is not the perception during direct experience of this stuff within your system. For example: You can do all the possible researches from books, videos etc. on the taste of tomatoes, but they can't provide you the experience of actually tasting tomatoes. In case of psychedelics, the difference between knowing about psychedelics and actually be under their influence, is extremely bigger than the tomatoes' example, because one's perception itself is manipulated by gross external interference of the naturally balanced delicate structure and function required for the maintenance of a healthy central nervous system. I call this gross external interference (whether it is experienced as a good or bad trip) Forcing Buds To Become Folwers simply because it rippes up your subconsciousness, even if you are not ready yet to be exposed to it. 2) By violently being exposed to your subconsciousness, your central nervous system tries to recover itself, but there is no guarantee that it can actually be recovered from this gross external interference even if you are doing your best to gradually manipulate its naturally balanced delicate structure and function. 3) More you externally interfere in the naturally balanced delicate structure and function of your central nervous system, more the chance of irreversible damage may occur. 4) Possible phenomena of such repeated external interference in one's central nervous system can be anxiety attacks, depression and even flashbacks. 5) So Leo no matter if you do your best, external interference in one's central nervous system by psychedelics does not give a shit to your videos or your guidance (and this exactly why you suggest to hide guns and knives in some closet or fill the refrigerator with some food, before you use psychedelics). ---------------------------------- What I wish to say is this: There are no shortcuts in an actual self development. It means that patience and responsibility are cornerstones of actual self development. Moreover, actual self development goes also beyond one's ego tripping, such that self patience is developed into mutual patience (known also as compassion if mixed with natural (drugs free) Love) and self responsibility is developed into mutual responsibility. Only by at least mutual patience AND mutual responsibility a given universe actually supports and develops WIN WIN situations, such that the health of one supports the health of others. Leo, you say: "Keep at it. You are growing even if you don’t notice it yet. Remember, gains in this work are highly non-linear." In my view, your statement is a partial view of the discussed issue, because the development process can be linear, non-linear are any possible mixture of the two, depending on the healthy natural abilities of one's system.
  7. In the blog Leo writes: As I get it, taking psychedelics is like forcing buds to become flowers. No flowers will actually bloom by violently opening buds and there are no shortcuts here, linear or non-linear. According to the notions above, being tolerant or encouraging people to use psychedelics (especially without knowing enough about their health background) in order to grow, is an irresponsible act, and I suggest to honestly re-examine the attitude about this nontrivial subject, in this community. Please air your view about it.
  8. @Principium Nexus You beautifully and profoundly express yourself on this subject.
  9. Let's see: Leo says: "Yes, psychedelics can kill you. That's whole point of using them!" Leo also says: "And if you feel totally stuck in your self-inquiry, psychedelics are the answer. A few trips can save you a few years of mental-masturbation on the cushion." In other words, Leo suggests to the posters here to use killers in order to improve their life. And no, he did not honestly answered (yet) to any of my questions to him.
  10. @Monkey-man I mean that the same sea is both calm (absolute) any wavy (relative), where the non-duality of being the same sea, enables its calm (absolute) aspect to be the common source of finitely or infinitely many wavy (relative) fresh (new, original) phenomena, which are created (expressed) from the calm (absolute) aspect and developed into WIN WIN (harmonious) complex phenomena, in terms of superconductivity (zero entropy). More details can be found in these posts:
  11. spoiler: leo's not gonna answer your questions neither. Leo, I do not hide under nicknames and I gave you my honest answers to your questions. Please honestly answer to my questions to you. Thank you.
  12. Unless infinity is also endless next new original things (the term "already" does not hold, which means that creativity is an essential property of reality).
  13. Hi Nham, Please answer to my question to you in Thank you.
  14. Did Leo actually told you that he is not going to answer to my questions to him? Do união do vegetal people use also LSD as one of their psychodial drugs? Please pay attention that Leo does not say no to drugs like LSD in this forum, even if LSD can easily be added to your list of heavy drugs. You say: "we can let them ..." Please tell us on what society ("them") you are talking about that without these "we" (who are exactly these "we"?) "falls into egoic traps such as adultery, pornography, alcoholism, heavy drug use (crack and heroin [I add LSD to your list]), smoking, divorces and end up destroying the life of their children."?
  15. I am waiting to Leo's honest answers to my questions to him. For the rest of the posters in this forum, please honestly answer to the following simple questions: Can you guarantee that you are more responsible (for not being harmed and\or harm others) under psychodial drugs' influence than without them, in a given daily life situation? What do you prefer, to be dependent on external sources (for example: psychodial drugs) as tools for your development or relying on your internal sources (for example: your natural brain chemistry) as tools for your development?
  16. I disagree with any method that uses external tools in order to manipulate highly delicate and naturally autonomous organic systems. Take for example a disease like diabetes that is the result of impaired pancreatic function. No external insulin supply is optimal for the health of the organic system, such as the natural secretion of insulin from a healthy pancreatic gland. The same principle is much more profund in the case of the subtlety and precision required to maintain a healthy central nervous system. Psychodial drugs are gross external interference in the delicate structure and function required for the maintenance of a healthy central nervous system. Without a healthy nervous system there is no chance of actually developing deeper (or, if you wish, higher) levels of consciousness. By using psychodial drugs one actually trapped in a viscus circle of destruction\recovery, where all the energy is used to feed this viscus circle of destruction\recovery (which is actually a troll in one's system that prevents his\her actual further development).
  17. Please provide a concrete proof of your claim.
  18. Great, but it is much better to get this happiness in your system without the need of external stuff like psychedelics. All the stuff that you need is naturally within you. When you actually get that, then and only then you are naturally walking in an actual path of enlightenment.
  19. Please read all of It is not entirely about me. Try to get things beyond your personal ego. Care about others is one of the ways not to be stuck in your personal ego.
  20. Where is this society are you talking about this forum?
  21. I am still waiting to Leo's honest answers to my questions to him.
  22. Why do you avoid a straightforward answer? Also please answer to this question: Can you guarantee that you are more responsible under drugs' influence than without them, in a given situation?