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Detox treatment is a primary measure for all types of addictions including that for drugs and alcohol. All the alcohol treatment centers ensure that the addicts undergo detox treatment either through herbal or supplement drinks. The man-made drug ecstasy is both a stimulant and hallucinogenic. Since it appears as a fine powder it is also called as Molly or MDMA. Ingestion of this fine powder produces feelings of euphoria, temporary happiness, sensory perception, warmth, and bursts of energy. Drug addicts take ecstasy alongside other strong stimulants like methenamine, cocaine, and ketamine. Many gay people combine ecstasy with Viagra so heighten their sexual experiences during one-night stands in nightclubs. It is true that not everyone who drinks alcohol or ecstasy becomes an addict but regular intake of both these things can lead to both psychological and physical addiction. One of the major indications of addiction is ecstasy withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking it. Understanding Ecstasy Withdrawal..... Visit this article for more details: https://www.woolibrary.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-detox-drinks-ecstasy-withdrawal/
The Definitive Book of Body Language is a great book for getting an overview of how to improve your own & read others body language. Not only about making impressions of yourself on other, a lot more crucial takeaway here is about how you can create better turnouts for common goals. Did that meeting go bad because you disagree so much or because you had unknowingly assumed a competing body/sitting arrangement? Before telling my business partner about this example after having a few too intense meetings, I just switched up the seating arrangement & worked like a charm - we found common ground on all our disagreements, and we’ll both appreciate body language more after this. here is an animated summary of the book: https://www.woolibrary.com/the-definitive-book-of-body-language-book-summary/
Books! Does anyone read today? That last question is a complete joke. Reading is something that I picked up later in life and I fell in love. The inspiration, education, and passion that has been added to my character from reading or listening to audio books, has enhanced my life in many ways today. The foundation for my journey to success is made up of five amazing books written by five amazing authors. We all need tools that will keep us on a path to success. These five books are great tools on your path to success and should always be accessible. "You are the books you read, the films you watch, the music you listen to, the people you meet, the dreams you have, and the conversations you engage in. Choose wisely what you feed your mind" YOUR DOWNLOADABLE BONUS IS AT THE BOTTOM 1. He’s One Of The Greatest Creators In History… “Steve Jobs” written by: Walter Isaacson. This book (biography) was written at the request of Jobs by Walter Isaacson. This book was an easy choice of mine based on my love for Apple products. I wanted to know the man that co-found a technology power house brand that I was attached to. I find all entrepreneurs greatly interesting, but Steve Jobs story has always been intriguing to me. This book gives you insight of a man that made the brand bigger than life and wasn’t the “creator” of the technology that was being sold. The biography gives inspiration and a great understanding of an innovative “mad-man”. The book is inspiring but entertaining as well. This book gave me the understanding that you don’t have to be the inventor of the product to make it your own and create wealth. 2. It Makes You ‘Think & Grow Rich’… “Think And Grow Rich”, written by Napoleon Hill. I am sure that most of the world has read this book or at least heard of it. The book was written in 1937 but has stood the test of time and is still relevant and life changing. Napoleon writes the book to show that desire, faith, and persistence can help one reach their goals if you suppress negative thoughts. I read this book and I realized how being positive and focusing on long-term goals helps eliminate negative thoughts. The title of the book tells you exactly what to expect when you sit down to read this classic material. 3. Do You Give A F**k? “The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F**k”, written by Mark Manson is my next choice on your journey to success. This book gives you a counterintuitive approach to living a good life. This book is for the person that needs a good swift kick in the ass. This kick is to let you know to live your life as you want and how not to let others influence how you approach your life. This is a book of “real-talk” and it holds no punches. The book is filled with amazing and entertaining stories in combination with profane, ruthless humor. I read this book after “not giving a f**k “was already part of my character. This book gave me some great entertainment and reassurance of what I was practicing. Mark will help the person that likes feedback direct and to the point, without any sugar coating. I know most of us find ourselves caring more about others, than ourselves and this book will help you narrow it down to the things that really should matter in your life. – Top 5 Books For Success 4. The Deeper Side To Success… The fourth book of the five is my absolute favorite and written by my favorite author. The book “Outliers” written by Malcolm Gladwell is the key to starting my journey to success. This book gives you a much different perspective on the outlier’s success story. Gladwell wrote the book for the reader to get better insight on the brightest, most famous, and most successful. He lets you know that the story that they tell or the story that is told about their life is much deeper than you are told. Gladwell gives you an understanding of how chance and luck played a major part in an outlier becoming an outlier. I read this book and realized that putting in your 10,000 hours is the key to success, and that the key is put in the hands of an outlier by chance and luck. The book inspired me to put my 10,000 hours of practice into my passion for it to become a success. It takes 10,000 hours of practice to achieve mastery in a passion of your choice. Gladwell makes you understand that the generation you’re in, the location of your home, your parents, race, economic background, and a list of other things play a huge part in you becoming an outlier. – Top 5 Books For Success 5. It’s Someone YOU Know… Now, this next book may be a shock to you, but this book is authored by YOU! Yes, the fifth book on this list is your life story. This book is something that has been collecting dust on your mental shelf . I first read the book that I wrote about myself at the age of thirty. I opened my book and realized that it was an original piece that could not be duplicated. The book was full of life lessons, failures, great moments, with joy and pain. This book will help you the most on your journey to success because it gives you the tools and insight that is needed within you to move forward. This book has a chapter for your passion and how to get to your passion. There is a chapter on your failures and how they have given you wisdom and knowledge to be successful. There are also many pages in the book without writing. It is up to you to fill the rest of those pages with happiness, gratitude, understanding, knowledge, wisdom and ultimately success! This book should be passed down for family, friends, and everyone else to read after your final chapter. FREE 30-Day Trial and 2 Free Audiobooks sign up for an audible 30-day trial, get free audiobooks. YOUR BONUS!! Click Here to Download These Ebooks for Free in PDF Format, enjoy it. Cheers, JohnL
No matter how successful you already are in your career, chances are you still dream of a future where you enjoy even more career success. If you want to make this future a reality, you've got to take actions toward your goals. The problem is that many people do not know which actions are the right ones to take. This means that they often end up not taking any action at all and instead just accept where they are now for how it will always be. Thankfully, there are a set of well-defined steps that will help you enjoy career success no matter what career you are pursuing. These six steps are time-proven, and I have seen how effective they can be first-hand many times before. That's why Brian Tracy decided to put a video called "3 Overlooked Success Hacks". In this video, Brian Tracy outline the most effective path to career success and discuss why each step in this path is so important. If you've been searching for a little guidance in your career to help you get to the next step, be sure to check out this video today. >>> Click here to watch my new video To Your Success, John Leyo
**Warning this answer might change your subjective way of thinking towards your goals** If waking up in the morning doesn't require an alarm.. If getting ready soon enough without wasting time on your useless newsfeed has become your habit.. If you close your eyes and you see just the dream you always saw.. If you keep on thinking about better ways which will bring u close to your goals in efficient way.. If people around you say “ Bhai kya ho gya h tereko..sb kuch bhul gaye ho..” (brother what has happened to you..you are ignoring everything in life) If small talks, TV's, group out's are no where exciting now.. If going to sleep is nowhere a concern anymore.. If the goals you have set will bring a positive disruptment in your and your loved one’s lives.. If the goals doesn't really require any kind of motivation to push your limits everyday.. If you have the same rush towards your goals in your most adrenalined moment or in the most lethargic moment.. When u go to your bed and your dreams have no space except for that one single dream.. & my friend if this answer made u nod at every point.. Then you are on the right path..don’t let anything stop you.. If u agree..do share for the people who need to read this.. Finally I Recommend You to Start with this 14-STEP GOAL- SETTING GUIDE by Brian Tracy
-Running: Help Focus and give self discipline, so run daily at night for ten minutes. -Speaking with clarity: Add pencil in your mouth and try to speak clearly for fifteen minutes at top of your voice. IT will improve clarity. -Relax: You need time to get recover from events, so relax your mind for one hour. Stress and work free. -Meditation: its important, more then taking bath, give clarity, self decipline and improve life. -Morning routine: Wake up, bath, meditation, start plan and doing. -Try Photographing your memory. -Read, purchase, borrow Books as you get time. They will make you solid. Do following things if you really want to change your life. -READ 2 books a month (of various genre; specially autobiography) 5 Actualized forum answers while on commute A Medium article a day -RUN 5 days a week A 5k/10k by yourself. You don’t always need a company. -WRITE 1 Actualized forum answer a day A blog post on your personal blog. -LEARN A foreign language. Never did I know, languages are so interconnected. -WATCH A TED talk daily A NatGeo documentry on World War II An art film that didn’t do well on Box Office -DIET Less overprocessed sugar Low Carb More Protein More vegetables and meat -PLAN Today’s work Your month Next presentation Don’t forget to detect why some them did not work -TALK To that girl/boy you find cute. Who cares if they say no?! To your old friends. Friendship is like wine, gets better with time. Tell your parents how much you love them. -APPRECIATE People for their service Your teachers. Their hard work are the reason you can read this post. -LOVE Your spouse. She really cares. You just don’t know. Your family. It comes first. You’ll understand. TRAVEL To places of historical interest. Try to feel the then people. You’ll feel like living several lives.
Motivation comes from goals.
When you face a challenging situation, do you take control and accept responsibility? When you need to finish multiple projects, do you create a balance between personal, career, and self-improvement goals? Brian Tracy does. I am talking about a man who has written over 80 books in his successful career, and aa world-renowned leader in the personal development and goal setting industry. He’s made millions writing, speaking, and building businesses about topics he loves and he wants you to do the same. Today is your chance to join him and other motivated goal-setters like yourself to begin accomplishing every goal you’ve ever set for yourself. Brian uses what he refers to as the 4 Keys to Set & Achieve ANY Goal, and his method has worked so well for him, he is sharing it in his brand new webinar this Thursday. Have a look at the page below. On it, you’ll discover his latest, proven goal-setting webinar for individuals who want to easily set and accomplish all their goals to finally live an ideal life… … without scouring the internet reading self-help blogs or spending big money on ineffective goal-setting programs. Sign up now and discover how to accomplish all your goals. To your success, JohnLeyo
Before understanding the difference, it is imperative to understand the roots of the two terms. Self actualization as denoted in psychology means man's aspiration to achieve goals and fulfill his potential. According to wiki. The term was originally introduced by the organismic theorist Kurt Goldstein for the motive to realize one's full potential. Expressing one's creativity, quest for spiritual enlightenment, pursuit of knowledge, and the desire to give to society are examples of self-actualization. In Goldstein's view, it is the organism's master motive, the only real motive: "the tendency to actualize itself as fully as possible is the basic drive... the drive of self-actualization."[1]Carl Rogers similarly wrote of "the curative force in psychotherapy - man's tendency to actualize himself, to become his potentialities... to express and activate all the capacities of the organism." Self realization on the other hand is to know oneself. The term can be traced to Advaita Vedanta which means to realize the truth of one's existence. Now here is the interesting part. I believe the two terms have the same intention per se which is to realize man's potential. However, the former takes world view into account whereas the latter says the real potential does not lie in the "outward" aspect of the world but the "internal" wholeness of the self. To clarify, western theories on psychology place the world on the same plane as the entity called man. So they believe that man's fullness can be reached only when he expresses and interacts with the outside world. To this end, all psychological theories base their truth and understanding on the existence of the world and man. Advaita Vedanta on the other hand puts man before the world. In order to understand the "world" you first have to understand the entity for whom the world exists. Why so? Simply because it is our common experience that our existence is imperative for knowing or confirming a secondary existence. Advaita further states that man's potential is reached only when he turns inward and cognizes the true meaning of this "I". “Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” ― Ramana Maharshi ( 1879 - 1950, Arguably the greatest sage expounding Advaita in modern times) Source
Do you struggle with procrastination? Do you keep delaying your work until the last minute? do you know want to know how to overcome procrastination and get more done in less time? This video shares 20 valuable lessons from the book Eat That Frog by Brain Tracy on how to overcome procrastination and get more things done in less time. Here are 20 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time – Eat That Frog by Brain Tracy Brian Tracey puts together a book full of useful ideas on how to be more productive. His chapter summaries on p113 are a good resource to review. 1. Set the table: Decide what you want 2. Plan the day in advance: Think on paper 3. Apply the 80/20 rule: 20% of activity produces 80% of the results 4. Consider the consequences: of your 20% activities 5. Practice creative procrastination: put off things of low value 6. Use the A B C D E Method continually: prioritize 7. Focus on key result areas: concentrate on results you HAVE to have 8. The Law of Three: ID and focus on the top three before anything else 9. Prepare thoroughly before you begin: get set up to get things done 10. Take it one oil barrel at a time: do it one step at a time 11. Upgrade your key skills: sharpen your sword to do more and better 12. Leverage your special talents:do things are good at wholeheartedly 13. Identify your key constraints: get rid of bottlenecks, choke points 14. Put pressure on yourself: think like you are on vacation tomorrow 15. Maximize your personal power: work hard at your best times of day 16. Motivate yourself into action: look at the positive now and move on 17. Get out of tech sinks: tech stuff can be time killers 18. Slice and dice the task: break it down, do one piece 19. Create large chunks of time: to focus on certain things 20. Develop sense of urgency: move fast on key tasks 21. Single handle every task: start and fully complete most imp't task
Actually, there are a few. And the better you know them the easier you can combat them on your road toward massive success. Procrastination From the very beginning when you get your idea born, you start postponing the starting point of its fulfillment for “better times”. You always bear it in your mind, but never take an action. It seems like you are waiting for some miracle, for some lightning of inspiration to strike you and make you act. Once you generate an idea, invest some time in order to conduct a small research and validate its relevance. The sooner you start doing something the sooner you enjoy the results of your fruitful work. Never let yourself postpone anything. Adopt a habit to act. There will not be a better chance to fulfill your idea or complete the current task. The best time for action is now. Doubts When you think too much, you usually end up with a huge bunch of doubts, that often make you change your mind. All that fail statistics, your friends` tales and even bad weather forecast easily become an origin of all your doubts. You should not be bothered with someone`s failure story. It happened to somebody, not you. You should not be bothered with your friends` advice. Usually they do not have a clue what they are talking about. You should not be bothered too much by the risks. You would rather be inspired by opportunities. Do not let doubts change your mind and stop you from acting. Concentrate on results. Get down to work! Fear All those accumulated doubts can easily transform into fears. Those feelings of uncertainty eventually make you be afraid of taking the first step. Fear is the thing that paralyzes you and stops you from acting. The only remedy that cures your fears is action. Only via confident action you can enter your discomfort zone and expand your comfort one. Fear is what holds you back. Every time you postpone the meeting with your fears, you automatically postpone the realization of your dreams. Having made the first step towards vanquishment of your fears, you are already halfway towards your goal. Distraction Distraction is definitely one of the worst enemies of young entrepreneurs and beginners of different spheres. Staying focused and dedicated is crucial while working on the project. Every single accomplishment is about attention and commitment. Every time you switch attention to another object, your concentration vanishes. You lose ideas and thoughts that have been circulating in your head for the last few minutes. Then it takes some precious time to restore your focus completely and get down to work again. It merely kills your productivity and makes your performance suck. The only way to stay productive and constantly produce the results of high quality is to remain focused with all the attention concentrated on the current work flow. Have a set time to work on your project. Choose a place to work. It needs to be time and space you feel comfortable to work at and can be sure nobody can disturb you at. Switch your smartphone off and leave no chances to be interrupted by unnecessary calls and messages.
This is one of the best books I read in my list. Simon Sinek, the author of the book, narrated very clear how great leaders started with WHY and inspired people. The best part of this book is 'The Golden Circle', which has three layers of WHY at the core, followed by 'HOW', followed by 'WHAT', and which is very much similar to the biological arrangement of human brain of limbic and neocortex. If we have the clarity of WHY we do, know the HOW we can do and maintain consistency of that WHAT we do, that's enough to be successful in any work we do. Examples of great companies, like Apple, SouthWest Airlines, Walmart, Harley Davidson, Microsoft, and people like Wright brothers, Dr.Martin Luther King inspires the way they changed the world. They succeeded because they were crystal clear of WHY they do things and people who know HOW to do had followed them. I agree with the author's point of Manipulations and energy will bring the customers but that will no longer work. Instead, Inspirations and Charisma will have longer impact, when people believes what we believe they will be with us for long time. Finally, I learnt, before start doing anything, just to think WHY to do that, then HOW and then WHAT.!!!
The goal isn’t to beat, it is to play amongst. Our goal isn’t to be a champion, especially in the intellectual realm where there are no clear winners, it is to work with people who inspire us, so that you can make a lasting impact on humankind. When you focus on beating people who you assume are smarter than you, you will focus on them. This will take away the amount of time and focus you can devote to mastering the material. Mastery is what will get you invited to exclusive groups. Hard work most definitely can most definitely get you in the most exclusive circles, and it can definitely make you perform better than people who are just gifted but don’t work hard. That being said, there will always be hyper talented individuals who will just “Get it” faster than you. Rather than measure yourself up next to them in a competition that doesn’t exist, look at their work product and try to understand how they think. Most people who we perceive as incredibly intelligent, just use better thinking techniques when they approach a problem. The more you focus on thinking like a smart person, rather than trying to beat a smart person, the easier it will be for you to play amongst them.
1) Life is a battle. You are the warrior. You have swords and you have the armour. Nature is your army and the only enemy that side is the doubt that you cannot win. 2) Magic doesn't stop happening. It's only people who realize that they too can do it. 3) If some external words from some external person hurts your heart and disturb your emotions which should been completely under your control, it is the highest form of slavery you can ever experience. 4) Nobody knows what the correct choice to make in life is, you only need to make a choice and prove it right enough. 5) Every single person in this world is the greatest trickster ever, yet most of them spend their entire life in tricking someone who was actually the easiest one to fool- they themselves. 6) There is no purpose of life but there can be a purpose of what you want to do in life. 7) Devote your maximum time to YOURSELF and you will be much happier. 8)You will not be known by sacrifices you made, but will be, by the success you achieved over the sacrifices of many others. 9) One never finds satisfaction in readymade pleasures. One must always pursue. 10) While being extra nice to some people, I got despised by them. Never try to understand someone so much that they forget to acknowledge you in their lives. 11) Calling a talent "god gifted" is more of an understatement. Telling that it happened all of sudden is even worse, "Hey, you just suddenly have started to write good! :)". Because, you just ignored all the efforts he took this while to polish his talent. Remember, what god gives us can never be directly utilized. 12) Sometimes being predictable is necessary to win over over-confidentguys. 13) Challenge everyone but remain unbeatable. 14) Judge people by the possibility of them standing by you when you need them. But, if in particular situations, you happen to stand against them they shouldn't cry, they should FIGHT! 15) Happiness is having a goal. 16) The biggest lesson you can learn is to how to teach yourself. 17) We all are judged by identical, almost archaic yardsticks in our education system, your ability to read, add some numbers, learn by rote and score high marks. Failing to do so, we are marked out as failures, someone who can do nothing in life which is both unfair and incorrect. 18) We forget too much that we should forget to think too much. 19) If you are good at something and you do not tell that to anybody, you are as good as the one who isn't. 20) I will promise you one thing. That I will live a lifestyle like you. Not just because you are living an awesome life but honestly I am too jealous to let you have all the fun! 21) You can either just sit and think BIG or go out and start from doing something small. Choose wisely! 22) Helpful people are more worth your friendship than self-centered talented egoists. "Never chase people". 23) Grasses are meant to be trimmed, chewed and walked over. Don't be like a grass. Be a thorn 24) You will get something just because you "think" you deserved it? Tch 25) Intellectual connection is the only bond for a real friendship. Not trust. Not will. Nothing. 26) Religion is the law for thiests and law is religion for an atheist. 27) I see people who instead of spending the whole day with their family, busy texting each and every one "Merry Christmas". 28) For everything that you want, with everything you have. Get up and FIGHT! 29) I cannot win to a person who is already defeated. 30) Don't read other people's quotes. Make your own
this book is so interesting and I learned so much from it I felt like I needed to. Normally after I read a book I trade it in unless its outstanding then I keep it. This one is a keeper! Everyone should read this book!
Self confidence can be boosted immediately. Here is why. Your self-esteem is your “self-respect” (pay attention to what the word esteem actually means” On the subconscious level you can start respecting yourself by playing a little game with your unconscious. How to do it. In the morning think about your upcoming day. Maybe you can look at what activities you may be doing, no matter how trivial. In the evening go through the memory of the day and look at how you reacted to things and what you can respect yourself for. Make it a habit. If you can do it for about 21 days you will form a habit of respecting yourself for what you do and as a result - for who you are.
Some people are just born to work hard. If you were not and need external motivation, you are at a distinct disadvantage. Because hard work is one of the most predictive traits of success. It is very possible to succeed without working hard. And it is very possible not to succeed even though you do work hard. But working hard massively improves your odds of success. Some people come out of the womb loving to work hard. These people instinctually sacrifice the present for some imaginable future benefit. Deep Insecurities Drive Working Hard Some who work crazy hours are motivated because of deep insecurities. This person often holds two opposing views himself: both an inflated view of themselves and an insecurity about who they are. They constantly think people are not giving them the respect they deserve. They are driven to work to get that respect. Of course, having these insecurities is not really a good thing. It generally is not good for the person (though it can have positive benefits to society due to all the great things that come from hard work). So if you are looking to work hard, I would not suggest you develop a new personality where you feel both that the world is ganging up on you AND that you are insecure. But just know that you are at a disadvantage to those that do feel that way because they will be driven to work the long hours you may avoid. Mission-Driven: A Healthier Alternative Another way to to be driven to work super hard is to care greatly about a cause and work towards solving that cause. That’s often the healthier way to motivate yourself. By working on something mission-driven, you can overpower your motivation to waste time. Working on something mission-driven can give you the motivation to put in the long hours and focus … because you have the opportunity to change the world for the better.
when we constantly compare ourselves to others, we waste precious energy focusing on other peoples' lives rather than our own. Never ever compare yourself with other people.
Thank you so much for all these information . God Bless you
Omg best bodybuliding story I watched.
Coffe is useful and you don't need to quit it totally. 1 cup per day is usuaĺly good - at least for focusing your attention- try to start with mildly caffeniated coffe then decaf if you want or not. You can get caffeine from black tea, cola and choclate as well.
if you think that your mode is related to coffee drinking every morning and you want to feel control over your life then do it . however, gradually decrease the amount untill you stop the coffee after 1 month period. it's psychological empowerment !
This book gives an insight into a relatively new branch of sport. eSports is rapidly growing throughout the world and obtaining large amounts of followers. This book shows how eSport athletes mentally prepare for and carry out competitions. It shows huge similarities to how conventional sport athletes mentally prepare for competition. I really enjoyed reading this and it has opened my mind to eSports.
The tone of this book is fantastic, as is the practical information it contains. I will be reading this again.
This was truly an amazing book. Swimmer or not, I think that everyone should read this book and laugh and cry for the greatest Olympian ever, Michael Phelps. Full of inspiration, emotion, and action, this book will keep you in the edge of your seat as you read and remember the great swims he made 10 years ago. Michael had always wanted to change swimming, and he truly did. Enjoy.