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Everything posted by UDT

  1. @non_nothing Hey! Since my life purpose is very similar to becoming a polymath, here my opinion which might help you. 1. Polymaths are dying out because our labour force requires specialization. 2. Polymaths are dying out because even to be on the edge of one scientific field, now requires much more work than ever before. That´s the common answer on the topic. What people discredit is that polymaths did not choose this path on purpose, they have an intrinsic call for all those interests. And that again is God/Truth/YOU telling you that you need to seriously need to step up your game. Life demands full focus on studying and learning all you can. It is your destiny, if you deny it, you´re gonna be pretty miserable. So what does it mean practically? 1. Study your ass of, don´t complain, don´t think to much, you need more action. Be strategic, make plans! 2. Have trust and patience that your skills and knowledge will yield somewhere. Don´t rush it, drop your belief that making money is hard. 3. Have courage to not choose the 9-5 job your parents want you to go to because it is "secure and safe". You´ll not last there, to boring. 4. Drop your beliefs about that the only people who can make money are narcissistic, orange backstabber personalities. This is only the more easy way to do it. Making money authentically costs double the effort. 5. Yes you need money. Work. Best for yourself, if you have insufficient skills and don´t know how, work in a field which is related to your interest and where you can learn something. If this is not available, work some night-shift which is paying more and lets you read and study in off-time. Good Luck!
  3. which will lead to more and more sepparation. The essence of a relationship is to grow together. If you cannot do that, you´re lost some way or the other.
  4. This post forms thoughts about why committing to a life purpose early does not help with becoming independent. I see the point that providing great value is the ultimate formula for becoming independent. Becoming a value provider means better business and better relationships. Now, Leo mentions the point that you need a life purpose in order to get somewhere. While this is true, I think it is barely helping on the journey. Why? Well, there is not one narrow, specialized thing which you can call your purpose and then follow for the rest of your life. While exploring life, you constantly discover new edges, new perspectives, new interesting ideas, concepts and crafts. At least that´s what I noticed. Thus, how do you do you avoid committing yourself to one narrow field which you put all your resources to, just to discover two years later that it is boring? I see that Marketing and Sales are skills which are omni-relevant for all independents, but what comes after? I have put many points in my skill tree into speaking, understanding people, understanding group and individual psychology, understanding how society and business works etc. While this has shifted my perceptions completely and made me a better leader and confident walker on earth, it has little practical value in the sense that I cannot create a business out of that. Meanwhile, someone putting 3-5 years into specializing (e.g. programming, financial services) now can pursue a career as a good paid wage slave or start a business by himself. Yes, the "business" of my described skill-set would be becoming a life-coach, but this is a field in which I cannot really imagine myself. At the end you are manipulating your clients into trusting you, while you actually should teach them to trust in themselves. Some people are just sheeps, and will never rise above that, so you will notice that but still need to coach them because you need to make a living. And finally, I think life boils down to maybe 5 core teachings and you can teach them in maybe 3 hours and this is 80% of everything which is wrong with that person. Then they will not properly listen or implement and you just repeat yourself. People seeking for life-coaching are essentially lost because they try to outsource their inner work. Summary: A narrow purpose will push you into a specialized field. If you discover that it was not the "right" life purpose (and you will most likely change perceptions, because you evolve as a person constantly), then you lost all your time. On the other hand, when you acquire broad skills, which come handy in various situations, you cannot do so much wrong with that, but you also cannot create a valuable business, because you lack specialized skills for it. Do you see my point, what are your suggestions on what to do?
  5. 100%! its crazy. So many guys blame women for their lack of success in life. Just because their mom told them they are snowflakes and can achieve anything without putting in the work. Then they try to become those emotionless grossly material narcissists and OF COURSE only find women who are attracted to that. Deep down they are insecure and just want to be loved but they cannot give love because they are shit scared of opening up to women and making themselves vulnerable, not realizing that THIS is exactly what a true man would do. Its taking a risk, its trusting without being sure of the outcome. Its disgusting how people make money out of that as content producers. Look at this guy called "coach red pill", its pathetic! Do you MGTOWS really want to end up like him? Because thats whats going to happen if you subscribe to his mindset.
  6. What I discovered so far is, that most people are very protective when you start question their life and choices. Its like a light-switch, the Ego recognizes its status quo is being questioned and thus goes into justification mode or changes topic. The bottom line of this, most people dont like their actions being questioned or them given new perspectives on their life.
  7. @see_on_see Great post, I vibe with your input a lot. At the end there is no guarantee that your LP (or call it life-commitment) will not change. At the end you have to start somewhere, even If you are not 100% certain or in flames of passion about it. As you said, research but at some point pull the trigger.
  8. This is the heroes journey and at the top there is your holy grail. But at the end you realize it all was for the fun, not for the price.
  9. You know this is because you actually think to know that they would not accept you if you open up and show your real uniqueness. Of course then faking drains your energy. Why do you think everyone else loves small talk? Do you think you are this unique snowflake that no one will ever understand, ah thats not true, see the world as it is. You are it, you created it, then create it!
  10. So thoughts came into mind after watching the Relativity video of Leo ( the long one). Relativity is like the start of the "tier 2 of concepts", thus it is aquired by contemplation as a yellow thinker. From there one you leave Systems Thinking as a paradigma and begin to utilize it as a tool for navigation in this, yet again, unknown territory. Also, I´m concerned about following you further LEO! As wisdom progresses, You have to choose acceptance and peace, it doesnt come naturally. It becomes a concious action. Just don´t go cynical, big void for people ahead, who are to much exposed to an online forum (or offline in older days). Instead, seek a new mentor, stick with him and learn. You need to meet a Master. A person that transcended your locks. Study him, and evolve under his presence! Peace&Out
  11. uncomfortableness shows you the way. I deeply belive there is no limit in discovering the god, so you dont need to be afraid of walking further.
  12. Resonating with green-yellow-beginning turquoise. However, I'm looking for orange people to talk my green disgust for narcissism and libertarian capitalism out of my system. Maybe I can, in turn, help you move towards green
  13. Hey Bernhard, thank you. I'll keep it a little shorter than you but I think everyone appreciates the time and effort you put in, in sharing this story here. I think most people start with the improvement part, meaning "how can I improve my situation, how can I find love& happiness, how are people ticking, what is this world?" This is a great start. I congratulate everyone who starts the fight with his ego. Beware that this journey goes deep. It goes 1000x deeper than you would believe it is possible. Have fun along the way, never give up, never serve yourself more than you are humble in serving the world. Believe. Question everything. Good luck. All the best Udt
  14. Thank you, YES I UNDERSTAND IT, AND I FEEL IT BUT I CANNOT SEE IT! Anyway thank you, your reply actually helped me, props to you Leo, you are a good version of god ha.
  15. While and after watching and thinking about the consciousness only model actualized.org presents in the video from the 02/06/18, I was left with two questions unanswered and I think these will be the forever unknown. 1) Why does consciousness create sepparation for something like our human experience? So that a seeker (like you & Leo) needs to go trough an exensive time extensive suffering to partly realign for a few hours? 2) What in the world does consciousness want from its sepparated forms of being? Clearly, striving for awakening or realignment can´t be the purpose if alignment was the original state! So was consciousness forced into sepparation? 3) If consciousness is infinite and the only thing there (thus gave birth to itself), how can you be sure there is not a supra consciousness which created our consciousness? 4) WHY? These popped up in my head. Cheers!
  16. Sadghuru was a happy boy. Dont project your own story on 7 billion people. Its more a inner calling which you can numb or listen to.
  17. yes, why? And please dont say unity felt lonely So if it is unlimited, why does it has to create at all? Why cant it limit itself to unity. You say, becasue of infinity, it has to create, so we are back at nihilism. We are (and by that I mean I, you, it, god, everything) experiencing a complete random set of restraints which form our dualistic experience. Ok, for what? For what do we need exactly this is one variation of infinity (and by this I mean your exact life) ? Why the fuck would infinite consciousness not stay in unity for ever? What I want to say is that I do not see the reason why unity would have ever created duality? Just because its infinite and thus has to create everything? Why cant it be infinite in its unity? Which leads me to a doubt that creeped up: Can there be consciousness without duality? I can´t be conscious of nothing. Ok, because I am of the Ego. But then I have to assume that consciousness can be conscious of nothing. When you trip @Leo Gura and you say you were absolute infinity, meaning everything, meaning nothingness, shouldnt it be the same as falling asleep and waking up? And If not, how can you be sure not to doubt your experience? Thanks
  18. Yes but then think further: You see when we also agree on the possibility of infinite intelligence within consciousness, then why the fuck did consciousness create creation (and thus sepparation which is the reason for our existence). You cannot say that consciousness did not create creation but we as Egos have done it ourselves. Then you would assume the EGO came before consciousness came, but no its reverse! Unity was first, then came duality as unity. Was Duality first or was it Unity? Nothing can be first as both are dependent upon another. So the solution is, there is only existence. There is no no-existence, as it would be impossible! So out of existence, out of infinite intelligence, there came duality, thus us, ...WHY?
  19. How about you add overall value to this forum and civilization as such with your writing? Right now, there is no value in this post but the world still has to live with the resources allocated to this here and its opportunity costs.
  20. Exactly. Emanzipation and the working women are a development caused by the decay of our social system. It is no longer possible to have a one income family which can raise children decently. Now women have to work too