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Everything posted by UDT

  1. Because thats what I feel like. Looks like change is necessary, leaving a lot of money is the price, but thats what following your heart is about isnt it Master @Leo Gura?
  2. well thats not an answer buddy because there is clearly something. Cant neo advaita yourself around that EVEN PERCEPTION IS SOMETHING
  3. . . . Meaning, that as you grow towards becoming INDEPENDENT and creating your own being, grounding yourself in values, you become more clear to yourself as the God. You also understand teachers better. I dont think Leo is quite a good teacher when it comes to really developing yourself. Very good for in depth explanation of concepts, but there is sooo much more. It depends a lot on your character. Realizing God, is the purpose of your life, after that you are free to play. You want it, the main thing the soul wants is to know itself. 1. Dont think it is impossible, its only for 0.0001% of blabla. Bullshit, It has been known for ever, every religion has it as its core before corporate religion took over. You are just blind like everybody else you know, dont let that create a bias that understanding is so hard. 2. It takes time but your curiosity will make you stick with it, once you´ve seen, you cant unsee. 3. Knowing =/ experience. I took a lot of psychedelics, but not 5MEO yet, it clearly helps to get you to think, from Leos descriptions, 5MEO is consciousness, so if you have done enough work and you at least know what you are in theory, then go do 5meo. BUT, be aware, people die if they reach nirvana and dont feel the need to come back. 4. Study Yin/Yang, its really all in this crazy little symbol. Why do you think it survived all these years ? 5. You need a lot of alone time 6. Awakening is an endless process, not binary. It will not make you anything better at what ever you want, go work! to 6: BUT, it will make you cry, laugh, and accept it, dazzle in it, think youre crazy? Yeaa you wanted to know, now you know, doesnt mean you can change the world in an instant or convince your friends. See thats the big problem, thats why teachings failed all over the world for entire humanity, because Ego wants to play for himself. And God doesnt care, he loves evil and good. Its his art! Namaste Bitches
  4. CAN SOMEONE ANSWER THIS PLS. Did god got bored? Everything is the same as nothing!!! but why is there something then? leo pls look into godhead again and tell yourself (us)
  5. Not true. Its not about imagining something! Its about how can you get there when you want to? This you must do, then it is clear
  6. Exactly how it is. And despair, disgust, and disregard are the one and only true feelings towards any such person. This is by nature. As faked beauty is no more than true ugly. The self conflicting person is so apparently uncertain that it will start to trouble your mind if you let yourself get sucked into his influence. Be aware
  7. Yes. Interests but also learn the fundamentals of living. Can you cook? can you clean your room? can you hear your body telling you when you can push yourself or when a cold is approaching? can you cure yourself through food, rest and tea and not rely on medications ? do you know what you should eat daily, what are good sources of carbs, proteins, fat; what not, what diets are out there, what works for you? do you have a decent level of fitness, do you have imbalances in your body which can fuck you up later? do you know when you sit to much, do you know how to stretch, do yoga, mediate, do you know how to defend yourself? do you know how to study, how to take notes, how to keep your notes, do you know how to focus? do you know how to talk with a girl you like? do you know how to keep a girl? do you know how to be assertive yet friendly? do you know how to control your emotions (roughly) do you know how to see behind people? do you know your self worth? do you know how to try and fail without putting yourself out of the game completely and learning something from it? have you dealt with all your past traumas, with how you feel about your parents and your ex girlfriend and your insecurities? I could go on and on here All these things need a mixture of study/theory and practical experience to be acquired at a good level of skill. And these are essential for living a great life. Because you need all these! Remember: Learning = behavior change If you don´t apply in real life the theory you took in, you´ve learned nothing As a suggestions for what to do next you might wanna watch leos wage slavery video Start doing Martial Arts Start cold showers Start contemplating your death Start your soul search, find something you can make your cause, and stick to it. Doesnt need to be for ever, but for now. It shouldnt be "because I can make the most money with it" but rather "because I would do it even if I dont get soo much money from it". And this search can take up your next 10 years if it has to, but start now! If you have no purpose for yourself, the system will create one for you. And that purpose will be. Get up - work - go home - dont break the law - pay taxes - get milked - get replaced
  8. @Actualizer777 How old are you? You need to consider how much you gonna change in the next 5 years. I mean literally, you will not even remember your paradigm from before college, once you are in college for a year and after you graduated you are a very different person. If I would go back to pre college, I would take a year off and just follow my interests. If that is working an online business, then go! But youre probably not gonna be financially independent in 6 months youre probably not gonna be so driven doing your business once you start college what would I do? Travel, read books, meet friends, form connection, build fundamental skills, work out, learn cooking, learn cleaning, learn discipline Believe me, you just started. You cant just look beyond your horizon, that doesnt mean there is not a infinite long road ahead. See you got so much time ______________________________________________ and so much things to do and learn and go to and meet and do whatever __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ So what´s the secret? You start building fundamentals,you start soul searching, you get discipline and health FIRST Then you start building your life So many people try to live the lush life as long as they are young (which means the time in college basically) and then just get trainwrecked by the system and become drone workers for the rest of the day. Once you get older you will realize that you need to focus on something. That does mean you gotta drop other things and let them go. Because there is just to much to start. Its good to start a lot of things until lets say 25 to find your interests, but then you gotta become a master in a field, or atleast become excellent in 2/3 fields which synergize. If you dont get hired for your value you get hired for your time, and thats the capitalism version of slavery. We are still replaceable machine parts of the overall organization. See, do what no one is doing to get the results no one is getting. I know youre young and it is soo hard to go against the current, but thats the secret. Be smart and stop listening to anyone but your rational reasoning.
  9. As the title points out, ALL theory is a trap. It is not actuality, its an escape. Its "Valuetainment". Its procastination. Imagine you are scared of playing soccer. Now what you do? You start investigating the field, study tactics on how to win, and study all your opponents and their history, what is their strong foot, in which corner to they aim most likely and so on. But have you actually played? No. You pet yourself on the head for being such an eager student of the material though. Unfortunately though (if youre name is not Leo Gura and your business is talking about what you´ve learned), then its USELESS. Noone is going to respect you for your knowledge. A leader is respected for the results he generates. When you start playing you´ll discover how hard it actually is. How many variables, how much chance and luck, how many barriers, how enslaved you are. And then it starts.
  10. Great video, watched it again and I see what you mean. To stick to the metaphor of the scale from the video. You begin the theory with a lot of theory and less practice and should end the journey with a lot of practice and no more theory.
  11. Everyone I meet is a lesson Everything I do is true or false or I trapped. Everything I own is present and actuality
  12. That is such an important lesson, not many people make it, try to go back to this realization in your mind every time you need to !
  13. I´m not saying theory is bad or not worth of studying, no in fact it is absolutely needed to actualize yourself. Why? Because society is so largely dysfunctional that humans growing up in it are largely dysfunctional. But then how can you live and theorize about living at the same time? There is only one. Once you´ve come to a certain point, that´s my believe, you will transcend all theory and bite the bullet of reality and just let loose and go.
  14. love you Nahm, great reply
  15. @Yannik Mediations by Marcus Aurelius Book 1-5 or more
  16. You didnt judge anyone, if you see because you´ve learned, then you see. But they dont see since they didnt learn. This can lead to evil. Envy or hate can get you in trouble. So the only thing that is the solution here is the following; assure yourself that nothing that ever happens to men is against nature.
  17. Hey Im writing this to poke you towards a great resource, which you know, but ofc you probably have dismissed it, or started ready 2 pages and since then it collects dust in your room. At least that´s how I did it. Marcus Aurelius - Meditations. First it starts as an incredible precise and sophisticated explanation of what you can learn from others Then the incredible description of his father in law, an example of virtue, mastery, control, and wisdom. Then it gives the most stunning, jaw-dropping lesson about gratefulness (which at this point should already make you "woooowww aaaahhhhh I understaand....!!!") Then the second book starts. Give it a go, seriously.
  18. love it phoenixx! that is exactly how it feels!!
  19. 1) SCREAM 2) Imagine your parents sitting next to you and tell them everything, all the shit they caused, all the trauma, tell them how you felt, cry, say fuck you and move on. If you feel like it, call them and say everything you just said to the imaginative person to the real one! 3) RUN, Start doing martial arts, start feeling your body. 4) Really look at your pathetic self in the mirror. If you are fat, say "Im fucking fat. Im a fucking pathetic fat fuck." See it! Stop hiding! Btw psychedelics are a great mirror 5) Realize that there is only one way you gonna start progressing. And that´s by pathetically trying. And when it doesnt work, find a way! Try something else or try it another way. There is no comfort and there is no one, no not your parents, not your boyfriend/girlfriend/cat/hamster whose gonna solve your problems. Why? Because the price of feeling good is to get problems solved. But I´m sick and ill... Yes you are! From fucking eating garbage and not moving for years. No matter what it is, better start trying to work on it now than later. There is no guarantee, but trying is your best bet.
  20. Its because you are working against your souls desire. You need to go way more deep inside yourself and fix the root issues you have with yourself. Your motivations to do whatever you want to do are still surface patches to bigger problems. Your inner self is still chocked by something and cant articulate itself. And yes its hard to pursue your dream through all the obstacles. But again, THAT IS exactly the point. If youre just on the self actualization train because your life is boring and you need something to bs yourself, then thats what you get! But then you dont want to do it, you want something else! Realize that you only gonna feel worse if you dont start, dont try and try again and try and fail and try. If you stop, you gonna suffer sooo much, its fucking horrible. So there is really only one way. Realize it now or relalize it in 20 years but its the same way. Its only gonna get a lot harder and harder and at some point you gonna leave this realm here and might fucked up so you gonna have to start again!
  21. BS, come on that sounds like window-dressed nihilism. Elon Musk said to Joe Rogan something along the lines of "We probably live in a simulation. But outside of it, it is most likely pretty boring, because why would you make a simulation of the boring stuff? A simulation is the essence of the interesting part, like a video game is the exciting part of some story." Why is suffering bad? Why run away from it? Isnt life counter intuitive? Problems are the juice of life. If you accept yourself, accept life, accept the rules we play with, try to be the best you can be every day, serve god, be a good human, do things that make you like yourself(!!), then you might stop worrying because you have accepted your death at any time BECAUSE YOU LIVE AS AUTHENTICALLY AS YOU CAN EVERY DAY. And then it all clicks and the rest doesnt matter. THEN youre living a pretty purposeful charged and good life. The funny thing is, its all there, but you first need to be ready for it. Life is a big game of conquering yourself, then you get the juice. And SUFFERING IS THE JUICE. Climbing the mountain to the top, and realizing you haven't claimed the mountain but you conquered yourself. The mountain doesnt matter! Its just a mountain, you could be in the jungle instead. Its YOU. You, the one, the fucking universe, consciousness. It tells you what to do but you don´t listen do you. Listen ant do it. That´s mastery of oneself, mastery of life, peace and dignity. Then you are dying in peace. And that´s what it should be about, to die in peace with yourself. People need to stop feeding their inner devil because your mom told you you are to nice, or you are scared to be exploited or taken advantage of or not getting your fair share etc. All those things will happen to you if you don´t learn the lesson and you´ll become bitter. Start small, its okay to fail, go on, its gonna get better if you stick with it. @BlackElephant, I resonate with what you're saying, I had this moment too. And then I lost it, then I had it another time, then I lost it, then I remember, its a constant battle to solidify new insights. All the best
  22. "Re-open" Nice discussion ! Im digging into System Thinking on Amazon, but as I look through the Bestselling List, its a feast of fake review E-Books... I´m looking for a Systems Thinking -type Book which focuses on Applied Methodology! Meaning: 1. How and with which tools can I create Systems 2. What Systems can I use to discover and analyse systems ---