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Everything posted by UDT

  1. In my view, LP is the only way. I might have some isssues Im unaware of, but when I picture 2/3s of my life in a cubicle doing meaningless work I think about living in a van or suicide. @Nahm Im not sure I understand what you mean with "isness" and, yes, I know what I desire but it seems unreachable.. Thats what kills my soul a little.. Question is, why do I have visions which are very unreachable, is it to have an unreachable carrot in front of my face, is it some type of shadow ?
  2. @John Mitchell Go to therapy and start working out. If youre 32, you are making a big mistake if you move back with your parents. Im telling you straight up. You can get rid of your anxiety and social problems in a year or two with adequate help. If you have time and resources, get yourself a coach, heck I can help you, to build your social life. You dont need your parents, you need a few friends and a girl. Moving back maybe is what your parents want, but thats very questionable. Are they lonely and need you? Think about that, why would they not encourage you to go out in the world. See most people are stuck because they have dreams but no skills and no money. You seem to be stuck because of your mind, but you have skills and money. Way better situation to be in.
  3. Yes but its with everything, you can lay the ground work (same as leo does it for spiral dynamics growth) but the click happens by itself. I´m basically teaching people about health education, thats what I found very meaningful. Because once youre healthy, creativity and expression flows way better.
  4. @Javfly33 Do you want to freelance to get some money and grow your portfolio? I'm looking for a dev (mostly back end stuff). Drop me a pn
  5. @bejapuskas Well creativity is in almost everything! There a dude who paints pictures in Excel. @SirVladimir I understand what youre saying but I don't get it! ? See I know myself, I love moving, medicine, and music. And philosophy ofc. Getting deep insights. Going meta. But I need a job which doesn't kill my soul and brings some money. You know? If I had 100M$$ I would study medicine just out of interest, do martial arts every day and educate people on the internet about health or have my own gym/ wellness facility. But right now Im thinking about business strategic design jobs, because it's not so try and it would make money.. I mean Leo did performance marketing from his parents house in like 2008 that's his goldmine. We're not so fortunate here. I know the core concept never work for money again, and I quit a job because of that ?? But it's not easier.. I'd basically need money to just focus on studying like a monk and educating people for free, so that they are more healthy and make better life choices, buy better food, help themselves and help the planet.
  6. Dude do your work out? Get into Muay Thai Classes, it will change your life.
  7. Sounds like a low metabolism to me. Especially when you got to sleep after carbs.
  8. @Raptorsin7 This is the craziest shit Ive heard Please hit me up when you publish
  9. I had this thought how spiral dynamics correlates with immigration, comfort and basically success in our orange society. Without going on a rant now, its basically 1st and 2nd generation immigrants chase the orange dream, become successful. Thats why all tech giants are full of indians (no racism intended) The Western World kids of middle class wealth then grow up with the comfort and it kills them from achieving independence from the system. Its about distraction with comfort until you are old and have no real skill and thus get stuck in the system. The hypothesis is really that early adversity is actually the key to success (and with success I mean happiness). The system tries to keep you sheeple for as long as possible, its a game against time. Keep them blind, let them waste their youth and adolescence and bam there you go, more factory workers. Do you agree?
  10. Haha Thanks I thought the same, left the whole scene in and got a copyright claim x)
  11. You don’t have to do a physically dangerous job to confront a health-destroying, possibly life-threatening, workplace. You´d think you are comfy and safe in your office space. But your body is slowly deteriorating and since I´ve intensely studied this topic, I´m shocked to how bad our "Work" has become for us in the last 50 Years. The Office is literally killing you. For Health Nuts and Office Workers, watch this Video:
  12. I guess the anger comes from your super ego judging how inferior you are to her. And its probably true! However, you cant compare yourself to her because there is sooo much difference in the life you two had before. You dont know if she would be a better you with our upbringing, and vice versa. The only way is, look at what makes you jealous and work to improve yourself on it. For me, a big part of coping with suppressed strong emotions was to do combat sports. Not in a rage way but more iin physical discipline and accepting getting hit in the face. The humble feels good.
  13. The real Problem with Bitcoin is that they are people who hold enormous amounts of BTC and if they dump them, the market is going to crash.
  14. So as many of you, I´ve watched Leos Health Situation Video. Please watch it if you havent because he explains what he has tried so far to fix his Stomach irritations and Hypothyroidism. The purpose of this threat is to dig really deep into the topic of Hypothyroidism with niche knowledge, so we can fix this dude up again. I feel very complied to at least share what I know because my business is all around restoring energy levels and fixing hypothyroid or low metabolic rates in people. So, Why does Leo feel low Energy? (Quick Rundown of Hypothyroidism) A: His thyroid doesn't produce enough Thyroid Hormone (especially T3 and T4). The Thyroid basically signals to the body that either 1 - "There are enough nutrients and calories available in the digestive process, cells get signalled to produce as much energy from glucose as possible, grow and repair functions get triggered, the body knows it is in an abundant food stage. The result is, your thyroid hormone is plenty, and it forms the basis of nearly all steroid hormones in the body, e.g. pregnenolone, progesterone, and out of those the body makes e.g. testosterone. These are anabolic hormones, so there for repair and growth. 2- "There is not enough food, not enough calories there (Liver Glycogen low, blood sugar low), so we are in a survival situation cells! Stop producing so much Energy because we need to conserve to survive longer. The result is, your stress hormones are elevated. Why? Because your stress hormones, especially Adrenaline, release Fatty Acids from your fat storages so your body can use this "reserve energy" to burn it for fuel and to stabilise your energy levels. Remember that, a low blood sugar will trigger a stress response, since your body is very much concerned with keeping your organs and esp. your brain alive and going. If that low energy state persists, we run into problems. Your body slows down your metabolic rate (less energy expenditure), your thyroid does not produce as much hormones as it should be. Cortisol, Adrenaline and Estrogen are elevated. Estrogen converts your Testosterone into even more Cortisol. Now you start burning a lot of fat, which is not as Energy efficient as if you would burn Glucose. Also, when your Glucose out of the blood and endogenous free fatty acids (your survival food) now are both present in the blood, they compete for the entry in the cell (thats called the Rendall effect) and you will increasingly become Insulin Resistant since your cells become deaf to the insulin signalling your cells to take up glucose (simply speaking). It is a negative spiral. ___ Now in addition to that, Leo has the problem that his stomach reacts to nearly all the food he eats, which might be a related or unrelated issue, but it complicates the situation as well, so keep that in mind. ___ @Leo Gura You said you want to try fasting. That makes no sense imo, because your body is already in a low metabolic state, and you want to get out of that state. Fasting only makes sense when you are metabolically healthy and you put your body into autophagy due to nutrient deprivation for a few days so that "positive stress response" makes you stronger and cleans old cells. But you are having a chronic stress response which is why we dont want to further that. Now what I would suggest, based on the work I do with people who have no stomach problems but low energy. For starters: 1. Stop eating any Polyunsaturated fats (PUFAS) (they are thyroid inhibitors, and do oxidative damage, fatten you up, lower your metabolism, suppress immune system) 2. Eat Coconut Oil (Mostly Medium Chain Fatty Acids, are directly put to the cells for Energy. Theres great research showing coconut oil improves metabolism and makes lean) 3. You need to eat more Calories ( I dont know how you do it with your stomach, but you can also IV DRIP yourself some Glucose throughout the day. Fact is, you need enough calories for your body to function properly.) 4. Red Light Therapy. Buy a red light and hold it against your Thyroid glands Morning and Evening for 30 Minutes. Dose according to what feels good after testing. Red light stimulates the cells, so that should directly encourage your Thyroid to make more hormones, which is metabolically stimulating. 5, Glycin, Collagen --> Bone Broth: Start making Bone Broth, and eat that motherfucker every day if you can. You work from home so you can just have a pot simmering. You can cook vegetables into the broth and then eat it as soup, or bare. Try if you can eat that without your stomach going crazy. If your stomach cant handle the fat, reduce the fat by putting the broth in the freezer overnight and then remove the fat on top. 6. Try a Pregnenolone Supplement Thats the basics, nothing crazy. You said you have tried supplementing with micronutrients already and it didn't work for you. Sources and Recommended Readings: My stuff might help you, instagram @highenergynutrition. But I highly recommend http://raypeat.com/articles/ He is a PhD in Biology, I have read all of his publications and it is highly influential to my work. So these were my 2 Cents to the topic, it would be amazing when you have another angle on his two problems A: Hypothyroid and B: Stomach Issues after meals, and you can drop some knowledge and resources. This is a good time for all health nuts to give back to a man whose work helped so many people evolve and find the highest spiritual achievements. All the best!
  15. @Kross Oh man I think a lot of people are off here with their advice. Youre not eating meat so youre missing protein is a huge oversimplification. Even If you get plant protein, it is really about the amino acid balance. But anyway, I dont wanna get into that. What I would try If I were you. 1. Eat goddamn meat (together with fresh fruits and some gelatine powder on top if you can get it). If you dont want to, skip that step. 2. Get yourself Creatine Powder and take 4g in water daily for a week, see how you feel (probably way better) 3. If you are a wheeny internet boy then get yourself Vitamin D3 +K2 Drops in MCT Oil and take around 5000mq each day you dont see the sun. Also, get yourself some Vitamin B12 and B6 supplement, also daily. The B Vitamins are needed for proper energy production 4. Stop cooking with and consuming POLYUNSATURATED VEGETABLE OILS or SEEDS 5. Implement COCONUT OIL into your diet DAILY. You can put them into your oatmeal, cook curry what ever.
  16. Yea it is! Hypothyroidism is the result of a few key dietary mistakes, e.g. PUFAs are in nearly every food you can buy and it suppresses your thyroid and lowers your energy levels. Plastic everywhere plays a role too, because Polybisphenols mimic estrogen and estrogen converts testosterone into cortisol, which ramps up your stress hormones, which shut down your glucose metabolism .... which unravels a negative spiral of many things leaving you in a low metabolic state = hypothyroid. EMF could potentially damage mitochondria, which can play its part in less energy production = more stress hormones @Espaim I know what he said but he knows very well what we will do and if he truly wanted get rid of advice he wouldnt have made the video at all. If you want his work to continue, I think its reasonable to get the health freaks on this forum together to find him some research and solutions which are not bogus bullshit. He probably said pls no advice because some people give terrible advice because some herb worked wonder for them, not including any of his symptoms in their decision to advise.
  17. @Mada_ Dude I said Weight Training, not put heavy weight on your spine so you shrink ? While there is no studies about if weight training can reduce growth in teens (for several reasons I can imagine that study design is quite complex ) I think the hypothesis can be true. Lets say you have a certain amount of growth hormone which your body allocates. If you focus on weight training, your muscles might consume more growth hormone. Also weigh training hardens the bones. Lastly, When your overall tensegric structure gets more stiff, more bundled together, your body might have a harder time to grow because it has to grow against the resistance of your musculoskeletal system. This is all pure speculation but from personal experience I´ve seen a lot of jacked small teens and lengthy tall kids, and physiologically it makes sense that making your physique hard and compressed instead of soft and lengthy makes a difference in your growth potential.
  18. Yes. Weight Training. Thats the only healthy solution. The rest would include starving yourself of nutrients so your body prioritises survival above growth, but that would also impair your health.
  19. Yea I think a lot of office jobs are done while people are drugged on coffee, adderall, kratom, and ofc sugar.
  20. High Vibration = High Clarity = High Quality High Quality: + Great soil + All the Nutrients + No Chemicals and for Meat: + Stressfree life + Grass fed + Slaughtered with no suffering
  21. Sit down with both of them at once . Prepare a little. Tell them exactly what messes you up and what you think is wrong and that you try to help but it doesn't go anywhere and you are fed up with it. Tell them that there is so much potential in them and If they are really wanting to change and need help, they can always ask you. But they have to change themselves. Then you can walk away in peace with no guilt. And that's what you should do
  22. Your self esteem is not what others think of you. So if someone walks over you, you let it go, then you seem to have low self esteem in the eye of the other, but you see it's because you understand consciousness, so you don't bother. That's when you have a lot of self esteem because you can lose in the eye of the other but you see it's not losing for you. If you get triggered and need to be right, then you have no root self esteem but it is dependent upon others collective perspective. Note that over long term, if you let it go and remain self respected, others will see you are. So you win both if you want to, but it's of no desire
  23. It makes sense. Imagine the Mail-In Voting becomes a scandal and we get a civil war.
  24. @Elshaddai Honestly I will give you great advice on this because I was there. I know leo talks about never working for money again in his Life Purpose Course, and you will most likely get more chase your dream answers here. Here is what you need to know: 1) Chasing your dream happens not in academia ANYWAY. Especially if your goal is not academia. 2) The time you have during your studies, are the most important months of your life to invest into your dream, the study you do doesnt matter. 3) Your study wont teach you much if it is not computer science, math, engineering. So care more about how the degree looks than what the courses are (I know its counter intuitive but its actually true) 4) No dream falls from the sky. You need to play the long game. think 7-10 years, not 3 to 4. --> Just because you study business doesnt mean you need to do it for ever. News flash, you can study philosophy by yourself. I have studied so much nutrition and biology that I can have deep conversations with biologists and doctors. So the main perk from studying comes from the free time you have to study what you want to make a living with. If that coincides with your subject than great. And btw you can always take extra courses or just sit in the lectures for your favourite subjects. If not, well think about how you are going to make money out of school to chase your real passion.