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Everything posted by UDT

  1. Michael did it justice here. Regarding the OLIVE OIL --> Its UNSATURATED AND HEATED, that means it goes rancid, and is oxidated --> causes cell, tissue and dna damage in your body. Actually the most toxic part of any potatoe chip brand is the oxidized oil (most of the time they even use vegetable oils, which are even more heat sensitive). You never want to heat olive oil (only very mildly if you must). Avoid vegetable oils all together. If you want to eat potato chips for some carbs, then go for coconut oil fried brands. Coconut oil is saturated fat, thus way more heat stable, so you dont get the rancicity and the oxidative damage!
  2. First of all GLAD you made it and huge CONGRATS! I talk a lot about how a low thyroid causes a low metabolism and thus METABOLIC SYNDROME (Channel in my bio) EXTREME FATIGUE LOW ENERGY NO MOTIVATION Your thyroid hormones are incredibly impportant signals to your bodies energy metabolism. Your cold hands, feet, low body temperature etc. all stem from this issue that your metabolism is low. Very glad thyroid supps could help you but there is sooo much you can do! Especially be aware of of unsaturated oils (vegetable oils), avoid it! Did you check your testosterone and Cholesterol as well? You probably have a lack in steroid hormones, taking Vitamin A + Butter + Coffee in the morning can be a real booster in that regard, because the body uses Vit A + Cholesterol to convert to progesterone and testosterone.
  3. @UKPete Damn thats great stuff, definately 1) 2) & 3). But I guess doubt is always there, I am passionate about three main areas and I pursue all of them since they all kinda flow together. @Byun Sean Thanks man! What are some of your goals? Im heavily prepping for a test which puts me further into the field of medicine & health. I wanna do that and develop my online presence helping people with their health and nutrition (for real biochemically, not some dogma influencer stuff) At the same time I love music and some days I end up more training music skills, as I would have the chance to be 1960s pink floyd I guess I would swap being a musician for being a medical professional, but Im dreaming. Reality is, med is fascinating too, its just not as expressive, but Im trying to do both. Can you describe this feeling of getting better at X but still feels insignificant? Just feels Im running in circles, like I am pretending to do something but In fact Im not, just playing around. What do you think is stopping you from having the end result of those goals right now? Thats so hard to pinpoint, Im trying to get rid of my limiting beliefs, but I guess deep down I except failure because of the odds or maybe because I doubt my ability. Maybe thats why I have trouble doing more, I need to do less so my expectation of failure can succeed... ? Does that make sense? What kind of experience are you looking for on the other end of accomplishing those goals? Relief of stress, having overcome a huge dragon to go further. Thats the med field. For music, I just wanna be a pro, make some dope music and share it. Lastly. What expectations do you usually when you start working toward your goals? Its never good enough, always can be better, but at the same time Im not very disciplined, its like I feel bad about my performance on purpose. Its a negative motivator, because what if I did enough and still failed, that would spike my ego probably.. ___ U know when I think about these things it somehow always loops back at " Dude shut up analyzing and just do more" I need this as a tattoo..
  4. Highly recommend this interview with Thingvsvarious: https://anchor.fm/highenergynutrition/episodes/How-A-Med-Student-Fixed-All-His-Hormones-12-elb2bc If you find interest in this topic. It´s fascinating!
  5. If you can see the universe as intelligent and loving, your mind will explode, everywhere they are connections and meta connections. it feels like going insane Just one goofy example: Carbon is the foundation of all life. What makes carbon special? It is the atom which most loves to make fair bindings with other atoms. It doesn't drag electrons to it like e.g. oxygen, which is also important but also can cause oxidative damage in cells and DNA. Do you have more?
  6. Not sorted list: (note that you might need to pick, and that there is no 1 test including everything i mention here) - Fasted Blood Glucose - Triglycerides - Cholesterol (I´d say only harmful when both, glucose and cholesterol are high) - Iron - Thyroid Hormone levels T3 T4 - Testosterone / Estrogen Levels - Then you can check for Vitamins like D, A, and the Bs (so you can supplement a little ) - Heavy Metals: Note that heavy metals are not really floating around in your blood 24/7, your body stores poison like this in your fat tissue! But you still can do a heavy metal panel, whose reliability is sort of questionable. I think the most important think to understand about a blood test is that its a picture of a movie, a momental analysis of your day. So dont do anything special before and dont eat some time before (doc will tell you that hopefully)
  7. @AlphaAbundance You dont need to live like most people. You can do whatever you want bro. What you do is look at your entire life as this horrible struggle in front of you, ofc you have no motivation. Its like "Either I become a tech founder millionaire in a year, or I die in this fucking job". That clearly tells me that a tech engineering is not the right thing for you. You say you burnt your orange motivation out of you, but in the end you limit yourself to good paying and secure careers because you are yet to be open minded enough to drop this and truly seek what makes you happy, even tough it might not be a reputable modern career (which is exactly what the trap is !)
  8. The emotions in my mind triggered by this intro makes me very confident we are in a cult
  9. Asthma is a inflammatory condition. Reduce systemic inflammation, cure asthma. (I did it that way)
  10. When you stand at the beach on sunrise/sunset, your direct experience will show you the curve of the earth.
  11. I do but I see only me :0 Even though everything else is moving.
  12. Topic: Hard Science, Empiricism critique of your view of science: Even if you are right and mind is the ultimate substance of reality. This mind still produces reliable observations which can be understood and used. Engineering, Chemistry, Medicine are all "hard science" but essential to our life. Chemical reactions are predictable, same with meds. This was studied through research. We might tap into our own mind studying it, but that's just semantics. This stuff works. questions to your view of science: 0) Why does science work? 1) What should the scientific method of empirical research and double blind studies be replaced with to be closer to truth? 2) Is science the best way to discover the processes of reality ? If not, what is (requirement: needs to be visible for others) 3) How can you get rid of the need for science ? 4) We know that all models are wrong, the map is not the territory, but we have nothing else than models and they mostly work. What could we possibly do otherwise?
  13. Im making the claim that value is in fact not subjective from the most macro perspective of living. Edit: Being a good/conscious being, or "awakening" is just step 1. (Granted there are probably 0,01 x N steps in between 0 and 1, but thats life) Once you wake up, you are exactly where you are so what to do with life? And there I think there is a pre-designed value structure intrinsically. Because there is only one highest philosophy so to speak. Its like you are in a fleshy themepark with a ticket valid for 72 hours. There is clearly things you should do, and things to not do. Step 1 is looking at the dao and then every other step can be mapped against the realization of the dao and its consequences. You get me? In the end there is only one way manifesting itself in infinite circumstances and situations. @Leo Gura Said it approx. like this " You realize and then you think why was I so harsh and grindy about life in the past 10 years and didnt enjoy being more.." Exactly but enjoying being is not sitting around or doing excel spreadsheets for 8hours x 40 years. Its like you only look at and interact with the left toenail of your girlfriend. Reality is infinitely profound internally AND externally.
  14. Hey! I wanna ask a question to the wise about life purpose across our spiral development. Stage Orange LP: It is clear to me that making money as a marketer, sales rep, financial analyst, in an office, is a soulless stage orange brain wash trap. (at least imp) Also being a startup founder of some new technology app, SaaS Solution for businesses etc., is just a trap. Its a better life if you make money, than the above, but its still orange money chase, building upon the pyramid of business solutions and value pyramid schemes where ultimately you serve consumerist exploitation of the "workforce" / consumer. Green has idealistic motives, but teaching meditation or working in an eco friendly cafe is also delusional ego behavior. Its mostly just privilege which allows you to run around like that, but there is even less socio-economic value produced then in the orange LP. Youre not doing harm but in a sense you are because you are wasting your privilege and responsibility just riding on the hard work of your ancestors and the luck of the draw being born in Sweden, Canada or wherever. Basically you leech of the wealthier orange workforce by selling them a nice vibe coffee or cater to their needs for soul through stuff like meditation. But without those people existing, wouldn't work. Then we have Yellow. What is a Yellow LP? Combining the practicality and value seeking of orange with more conscious outcomes. Now you might start a busines which still has orange workforce people but you try to at least aim the business to produce conscious product and services. This is incredibly hard to bootstrap because what makes you money is red and orange behavior. Companies who are already established now can use their economies of scale to be more green. Rarely they've started there. Ofc most big corps. are stuck in red/orange, but they could radically influence positive change, if they wanted to. Basically: The higher your development, the more you don´t care about the gravity of the values of your society, and the more responsibility and nuanced your work wants to be. Its really hard to be part of the solution, not of the problems. So now Science. Science is corrupted by the great filter of blue-ish elite journals and orange business funding, and empirical replicability of studies is questionable, I agree. BUT Here´s my thought: Its pure. It is the study of natures mechanics. It can be the study of how make better solar panels, or how to heal people better, which then could lead to yellow-ish money making. So is becoming a master in your favourite sciences by itself not a way more developed life purpose? Because you just deepen your understanding of reality, which is a way more noble pursuit than everything else? Is my view wrong here? Its like Elon Musk is way more developed than a Bezos/Buffet type. Way more. But he is also more developed than a guru meditating. Because the guru keeps his bubble. Both can understand reality fully, but the guru is a high-jacker of the game of life, while a Musk type creates way more, adapts to the world he lives in, and actually provides real value. The guru can only meditate as long as the earth still supplies him with oxygen and food. He is in a way also leeching off value from others / from nature without giving back (monks dont count if they are farmers as well, but this worked maybe 1000 years ago, not today) Reality might be imaginary but value certainly is not subjective. At its core its creation. You seek internal buddhahood in order to first live in peace and then create more peace. Would love to hear your thoughts on this.
  15. @seeking_brilliance Let them both cut hair and look whose better, who was on time etc. That matters as much as energy alignment
  16. @Romer02 Sounds like you dont need a job, you need to start taking the heroes journey serious
  17. It just happens that 95% of problems businesses face are that they need better technology, or data and AI driven tools. And 100% of people need nothing, so marketing implants culture and branding to create a want for a product. Great theory but we live in 2020
  18. It seems impossible to take the insights under elevated consciousness and bring them back to safety so to speak. Any tips? For example I remember understanding strange loops in a big aha moment. But now I can solely try to remember that moment, it is fading away, and I dont understand it anymore. I was walking so I couldnt write, and my state was way to gone to type on my phone. Its very frustrating that that stuff slips away. I write stuff down but when I do I use very little words because their meaning is so profound. When I read it, Its hard to get all the juice out of it, because its not so expansive. But If I write more in the moment, I tend to erase it and write a simple word instead, which gives me the shiffers because its so profound. But then again I cant capture that for ever. And I wouldnt be able to write conclusive stuff. On the comedown I usually have clearer thoughts, but its not as deep. Whats the point of doing it, when knowledge is not sticking?
  19. As I was thinking about some sort of derivative of "who am I" questions, I followed my train of thought and I got from a to b to c to d to e and then to a again. And in this moment I instantly went o shit so life loopes upon itself. It was as clear as day, and the takeaway I have is that I am way more pragmatic and intuitive and way less philosophical. Philosophy really is just childs play, and no wonder a lot of great people like Elon Musk went deep into philosophy at a young age and then moved on. You dont "become a philosopher", you study philosophy and then move on. It would be great to know your thoughts, but this trip kind of showed me how delusional the whole stage green is from a practical perspective, and that to make conscious money is the hard problem I need to attack before I excuse this leasure activity of seeing shapes and colors and whatnot for doing something meaningful.
  20. Because you would do it, even when no one cares or pays for you to do it.