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About DanoDMano

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  1. Wow. I really had to debate with myself whether to write a comment about this, because if I did, it wouldn't help our reality one way or another. But... recently I watched a video about Yellow consciousness. Leo thought it would be a good idea to share your insights more, so here I am. But after reading some of the forums, I not sure many aren't ready for some of My Truths. I'm not from the United States, but I live close by. We are one step away from opening borders where Americans could flood our streets again every weekend. At the moment, with a population of a quarter million people we have just one active case of Covid-19. (Please don't question my sources they are directly from official sights.) and this case was discovered in our Agriculture section in the County. Our city has followed the mandates well and seem to have been rewarded for it. Those that wanted to be vaccinated have been. Those, that have chosen not to have not for any variety of reasons. A true enlightened individual must accept truth to be a personal one. A truth created by a lifetime of experience. One that you will never walk in the shoes of. Therefore never being able to place judgement upon, no matter how ridiculous ego may think it to be. Personally, rarely do I require medical help. The last time being after suffering a heart attack in 2006. I was given a stint and placed on numerous medications that apparently I'd need to take every day for the rest of my life. I took the meds for about a year until losing my job and unable to pay the deductibles. It's been over a decade and I still feel like a million bucks. (well ok, more like a couple quid but still.) That's how long I've also been able to self-reflect and with Leo's help reach Spiral Yellow. I think many are missing the bigger picture for fear of suffering and ego death. I am one of those rare ones. Before the start of the pandemic I already led an independent and "Lonewolf" lifestyle. Let's put it this way. When everyone went into lockdown, nothing about my consciousness changed. Nothing had changed. I spend most of my time at home and pick up supplies 2 or 3 times a month. The only change being requiring a mask whenever I go out. I am as content today as I was back then. It's everything around me that has evolved so much. In the negative for the most part. At the moment my chances of catching the virus are almost zero. I stopped taking pharma a long time ago. Death doesn't scare me, suffering is a part of existence itself. If fate have it, that it is part of my conscious experience then accept it and move on. Ego may eventually get scared enough to convince itself to get the vaccine (death at the door) but for now I have no urgency. All things are happening as they are meant to. Many will find this morbid, but through out history mass deaths have occurred. Some at our own hands and some by our companion Mother nature. When you put reality into perspective, you realize that, had not all those tragic deaths occurred, the population of humans would have become overwhelming and unsustainable. So although sad, It is Mother adjusting for our continued existence in this reality. So people will die for the greater good and we're getting a pretty good idea what type of people will fall into that category. For those that don't want to suffer or potentially die and continue taking precautions logically and rationally will have fate on their side. Which I would hope would lessen every enlightened soul. As once said by some lady from the past. "Let them eat cake". Meanwhile those with the will to live, continue to stay safe and follow your intuition more and that pesky ego less.
  2. Us humans were introduced to gadgets that our minds were unable to handle. If we base it on the Spiral, our society is a rainbow of Red, Blue, Orange and Green. It was bad enough in the old days when you had the majority Blue and Orange, but you add the outraged and offended Green and conflict is sure to arise. Add social media, where the world IS your reality, and everyone in it has an opinion that MUST be shared, but should that opinion be different, respect for such is thrown out the window and a fruitless debate must begin. The losing debater is then allowed to add insults and ridicule in an attempt to balance the field. The human ego is in complete control of our society and unfortunately this isn't going to change any time soon. I think we always have to learn the hard way. Almost like distraction and suffering was a part of life. But that's ok. Although I have compassion for my brothers and sisters, our moment is exactly as it was meant to be and we are experiencing exactly what our existence requires. Sometimes I wish I could do more, and then at other times, I ask why for?
  3. Skanzi, here's the real truth. Your doing exactly the thing you're supposed to be doing. Whether it be watching Sponge or doing something that in your ego mind seems more important. You know what needs to be done in your life and the basic consequences for your actions and inactions. So, if you're living in the moment, whatever that moment may be, then you're doing the right thing. Easy Peezy.
  4. Wow, it's been almost four years since I've visited the forum. Yet I haven't missed a single Actualize YouTube segment. Why am I back you ask? Lately I've been feeling overwhelmingly compelled to try and reach out to my fellow Greens and Turquois living in Ontario, Canada. I'd like us to correspond and organize ourselves to help share with others, the same wisdom and knowledge that Leo graciously shared with us. I have some ideas as to how we accomplish this goal in the hope of spreading some peace and contentment to other Canadians in search of Truth. I live in SW Ontario. Anyone else on the forum from around my neck of the woods?
  5. @kalter000 You got it all figured out. Give yourself a pat on the back. Or would that be too patronizing?
  6. I'm curious to know what other's on the forum think about the near death experience phenomenon. I have a story myself. When I was seven I was in the hospital with pneumonia. One night in particular I must have had a very high fever and perhaps close to death or coma. From above my bed I watched as the panicking nurses drenched the sheets with cold water and laid me down on them probably in an effort to reduce the fever. It's all I can really remember of the incident and I never spoke to anyone about what had happened. To be honest I'd forgotten all about it until I watched a you tube video called Beyond Our Sight. Then the memory came flooding back. This wasn't like the bright light tunnel scenario we hear of, but it was an out of body experience for sure. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this or what your views may be on the subject. By the way, the video is pretty insightful if you care to watch. Journey on Brothers and Sisters.
  7. @Endew I don't know. Did you forget to mention that your constantly having to call 911 because your accident prone? Or perhaps your an ambulance driver?
  8. @TruthSeeker I'm quite aware that this is my ego talking, but truthfully I'm pretty sure my "spiritual" journey has gone full circle. I've got over 25 years of experience in searching for "truth" and I'm pretty sure I've figured it out (in my reality anyway). The only thing left for me nowadays is share my insight with those that care to listen and perhaps attempt to get these sensations of "nothingness" that others have received when meditating. For some reason I've never felt this to be necessary for me. I guess I have enough patients to wait until the train stops rather than jumping on while it's still moving. Fortunately for me I've discovered complete contentment and peace within my life and that's all I've ever really desired.
  9. Personally I don't like the word god (notice no capital G) at all. I guess it's our best word to describe our "higher power" but even that word dumbs it up a bit. My own opinion on this is that we become limitless energy. We are limitless energy and only our present reality is keeping us from experiencing it true power. Even finding enlightenment is just a tip of the iceberg. We can't describe it, we can't analyze it, we can't find meaning in it. It just is, so let's all just look forward to experiencing it when we travel on to the next phase of our journey. Who's with me?
  10. @Davidus Integrity is just another word in our dictionary and can mean something different to the individual or group. For instance, The definition of integrity (rules) of the Mafia or an L.A. street gang are much different than ours. Two major rules being, you can't quit and you can't squeal to the authorities about the crimes committed. Is this integrity to you or I? No, in fact it's the opposite. So then it comes down to the individuals belief system. Don't you agree?
  11. @Blessed81 My opinion to you is this. First off your already quite aware that your relationship with this girl / child is destructive towards your growth and wellbeing. You don't need any advice on what needs to be done with this situation. With all the baggage you've created over the relationship there is no way things can be reversed at this point. So why continue adding to it? Stop hanging on to what is already gone, it will only hinder your next relationship. Second, you say your 34, so this ones easy as well. Stop getting younger women into your bed. Start looking for women your own age or older. If your looking for something meaningful you'll want a woman that has more experience, intellect and maturity in their life. What you've described from this relationship doesn't happen as often to couples once they've entered their 30's and 40's. It's still around, but at least your odds will be better, and this is true for both sexes.
  12. Back in my early days hygiene simply meant some soap and water and was sufficient for everyone. Nowadays personal hygiene has become a multi-million dollar industry (and now includes sex). It's humorous to me on how easy it's been for the corporate machine to convince so many people that sex is so much better, (cleaner) with continuous (grooming) maintenance. The majority of young people today have now put such a negative social stigma on this, that neither sexes have a choice anymore if they want to be accepted by their sexual partner. It actually causes you embarrassment to be natural today? Yet before the 1990's all these manscaping and female grooming maintenance issues were unheard and completely unnecessary. And this wasn't the dark ages folks. Could your time and energy not be spent on more productive things? For those of you who wouldn't even consider having sex with a 'natural' person now, guess what? You've become just another cog in the industry machine, and you fell for it hook. line, and stinker... sorry I meant sinker.
  13. @Rito Great answer brother. You seem wiser beyond your years (unless you've had plastic surgery). Couldn't have said it better myself.
  14. @Ella90 My opinion is this. We are all enlightened. The problem comes from the majority of us being unaware of this fact, and oblivious to it's potential advantages it will have on our life. Perhaps your question should be, "Who is truly in search of enlightenment?" So whether they have found it or not is meaningless. Just that fact that they are "aware" and in search of "truth" should be enough to help you observe and listen to what they have to share with you in your journey of discovery. Just because we may not be on top of the mountain doesn't mean we can't support each other on our way up .
  15. @Ramu Exactly. I'm amazed at how some posts on our forum seem to complicate their journey with complex questions and personal observations. I don't get it. This "truth" we are all seeking doesn't seem that hard to figure out. I've always considered myself a logical /open thinker so maybe that's it. We simply need to expand our minds to the endless possibilities of this thing we call reality. Once you do this, the questions seem to answer themselves without having to complicate things. It kind of reminds me of a mathematician with a complex equation on a chalk board. To him he has complete understanding of what he's written down, but to me it's complete gibberish and I could never figure out the answer, nor would I even try. Instead I'd ask the writer for the final answer and just accept that it's true (even though it may not be). You can't debate this answer so why try? Others may have a different conclusion, so then consider and accept that answer as well. After all maybe they're both right (or wrong for that matter). Simply accept any and all possibilities. This is how you'll find contentment in your life. Simple acceptance of everything. Travel on my brother.