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- Birthday 05/10/1995
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@Leo Gura You are a genius. This is why most women get politics wrong or have an incomplete perspective, because you have to be an autistic weirdo in order to understand all this nerdy shit, which most women are not. They have empathy though, which sometimes is enough. Imagine saying this in a wokie corporation meeting. You would be kicked out of the continent.
@Elliott it is true that with this post I meant progressive people not the left, but people perceive the left as progressive, so it works. But it is a flaw in our culture. ChatGPT: "Not all left-wing politics are progressive. Many left-wing groups prioritize economic issues over cultural progressivism, and some even resist modern progressive values. The "new left" (progressive left) and "old left" (traditional socialist left) sometimes clash over priorities."
Airports offer services, roads are products and service. It is also about distribution of power. More state power, more socialism. More private power, more capitalism. Those who own/decide how capital flows own the power. Money=power.
Exactly, they just hate other stuff, but the level of consciousness is still low AF
@Elliott left an right spectrum is a human construction which can be too simplistic. We should use conservative vs. progressive; capitalist vs. socialist separately Socialism and capitalism is not a black and white decision that a state takes. It is a spectrum. There i no "socialist" state. Even in communist Romania where capitalism was illegal. There still was a "black free market". Even in the "capitalist" USA, there still are public airports, medicare, police, firefighters -- socialism. Police: socialism Cars running on the roads: capitalism regulated by socialism. Capitalism without socialist elements would be total anarchy, the void of power eventually being filled by the most powerful force, enslaving the rest until they ask for their rights.
I said "more socialism". Yes it is, more regulations, more state power, more redistribution of wealth.
More capitalism vs. more socialism if you want. This what I mean with left and right. Now that some people mistake it for progress vs. conservation is something else. In Romania, the progressive party is right wing.
@Basman the climate situation is dire. But you can't convince people through moralization and cancel culture. At most they'll do some greenwashing. I think we have to push the governments and corporations to invest in green tech as soon as possible. Especially cheap renewable batteries. When green tech is cheaper than dirty tech, then you'll see some real results. Stage Orange does what works in the market and brings profits, no matter the consequences.
@Leo Gura ❤️
@Emerald true. We actually have to compromise ourselves and try to collaborate with them, so we can have a majority in parlament. In Sweden, you can see a clear division between them. The moderate lefties are the social democrats and the wokies are the left and the green parties. As I said, take the rant as a performative show, of course I understand your point. I've actually dated a Swedish environment activist working for Green Peace, she was having meetings with Greta Thunberg and party leaders at work, she blocked the railways carrying wood in north Sweden. But she was the most feminine, loving and joyful girl I ever dated. So yes, careful with generalizations and division.
@LambdaDelta God cares about all perspectives. God is a democrat. God is not moralizing, God negotiates, God compromises. Like a loving mother, not like an autistic macho dad. Even if my post sounds moralizing, take it more as a performative show. We still have to see their perspective and love them as they are. They don't have a purpose in life other than fucking up with politics, they are emotionally immature, pampered by their parents etc.
@Nivsch They manifest some Green though, but this aspect that they focus so much on defeating their enemies, unwilling to compromise, is mainly Blue. When I think of Green, I think of some feminine, empathic, flexible, smiley person, not an angry kid. We can say excess of Green, but this can be deceiving. It would be focusing on the flavor/culture content not the level of consciousness.
I notice two big types: 1. The mature, more moderate left. Who is usually composed of 30 years old+ people who understand that our biggest concern right now is fixing the economy, taxing the super rich and lowering taxation on the middle class. 2. The new woke left. More radical and idealist, who is composed mainly of under 30 years old girls and androgynous nice guys, who focus mainly on the environment and identity politics, canceling and moralizing people. They are like a subculture. If the rockers wore leather pants with chains hanging on them, these kids have septum rings and put their pronouns on social media. People like us do things like this. Us vs. them mentality. Mainly Stage Blue masquerading as Stage Green. Personally I consider myself a moderate leftist, because I see how the super rich fuck me in the ass and fixing this should be our main concern. I understand that if I moralize and cancel people, they will hate me and demonize me. I understand that we have to negotiate and compromise with the capitalists because, otherwise we risk an ego backlash. These problems we have in society won't be fixed overnight. I understand the Maslow's pyramid of needs and Spiral Dynamics. People who have no food to put o the table, who can't pay their rent and bills, have no openness to expand their consciousness. They don't give a damn about Palestine, about other races, about LGBTQBLABLABLA, BECAUSE they are in SURVIVAL mode. But yea, studying psychology and economy is not as cool as identity politics. They can't even get their gender studies nonsense right. What is a man? What is a woman? And you are amazed when people laugh at you. These kids make the moderates hate the left, and it sends the country back in time. Like they did in Sweden. Because of their push to take more and more refugees, the moderate people had enough and started voting right. Now we have the right wing in power deregulating the economy, privatizing healthcare, lowering taxes on the rich etc. Thank you very much dear kids!
@b_woo In the beginning, I will offer it for free as an audiobook. Thanks guys, appreciate!
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