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About Alexop

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  • Birthday 05/10/1995

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  1. @b_woo In the beginning, I will offer it for free as an audiobook. Thanks guys, appreciate!
  2. I have a 50 A4 pages manuscript, I want to transform it into a pocket book. I am thinking to pay a Claude AI premium subscription. Is this AI able to edit my book properly and from one shot? Will it act accordingly if I say for example: "Edit my manuscript in such way so you only modify what critically needs to be modified, like grammatical errors and unprofessional sentence constructions." Thanks in advance!
  3. @Davino Good remark!. The true self was able to see the light even if obstructed by layers upn layers of mud. But eventually, their teachings got corrupted and led to misery for many, but still better than adopting some other even more toxic ideologies in order to pass through Stage Blue.
  4. Yes, Balkan blood. Send us to heaven and we'll find ways to complain.
  5. Hahah. Good one. A bit hard to find such people in this Swedish post-modern nonsense culture, and those people are usually excess Stage Orange with whom it just doesn't click from both sides. People need to understand what balance is.
  6. It is not as bad as you think. But yes, I do self-reflect all the time. I won't call my behavior pathological. I am different, and different can be intimidating for people. Avoiding people based on some prejudice or some opinion is pathological imo. I come from a world where we did not get offended by opinions an political views.
  7. @Basman i am quite a calibrated person, it is just the first meeting where it is a bit snappy. When I meet someone the first time I tell stuff about myself, you know my passions and stuff. And it gets awkward because I have so much interesting stuff to say, and they don't. They just are some random boring rats. They feel dominated
  8. I got a very hard childhood and accumulated frustrations, and now I still express frustrations with power and "masculinity". Because of this I sometimes say stuff in a way that can sound offensive or "conservative". I am also an intorvert and get annoyed when stupid people take over the whole group and talk some bullshit story for 2 hours that I don't care about, so frustration pushes me to behave uncalibrated. I am also very passionate about personal development, but I have to accept that almost nobody is as passionate as I am, so I have to learn to keep it for myself. Most people are dogs, they just love to piss on walls and lick their balls. It is pretty embarrasing when I think about it. I solved some really dark issues of mine but this slipped my mind, I just wanted to beleive people are genuinely interested in the stuff we do here. But they don't, and even most people who follow Leo, they just waste thier time.
  9. I would like to hear some stories about how you got canceled by your dates or by a snowflake mob. It happened so many times to me that I decide to create an alter ego. A personality that avoids talking politics, being too masculine, expressing power, frustrations, and "too much knowledge".
  10. @koops It also depends how and why you travel. Are you going to travel just because you feel like you have to do it? Or you have a genuine curiosity and intuition that if doing so, you will expand as a person and learn alot. If you only travel just because you want to keep up with your firends, in the same way millionaires buy more and more expensive shit as a wealth arms race with their millionaire friends, then don't do it.
  11. Most people in the world need religion or some kind of ideology because they are premodern/even illiterate so science is no option for them, in order to be able to use science as guide in life you need to be trained into rationality. Most people are not trained into rationality, we even see postmodern leftists who jump over rationality directly to postrationality, ending up in serious trouble. SO... if sceince does not function for them, they use religion or an ideology that does not require you to be rational or literate. Religion is very important, it unites people, makes them behave better and gives a purpose. This is why they are happier than atheists. Atheists lack menaing in life, especially postmodern dummies.
  12. Modern life is hard, as the dude said, our bodies are not adapted to such stressful lifestyle, away from nature and tribe support. Even the middle ages were better than this shit. Modern life in a big city of an average father or mother is a nightmare. I barely cope with my life single as I am, I wonder how the f**k could I cope raising a mentally ill daugher that identifies as a watermelon and a depressed incel son who plays DOTA all day.
  13. lol Kid, relax. Welcome to the forum.
  14. I am very sad to hear that man! I did not have such a bad experience but I see your point. Romanian countryside, especially the south and east, is a whole other thing, it is Africa, or even worse from some points of view. I had the luck to have rich parents and grow up in the city, but I met many from the countryside and some feel like they grew up in the caves. I did not have patience to read all the thread but If you live with your parents in a remote area, it is best to leave as soon as possible.
  15. They give up truth for feeling loved and a part of a community.