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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. Also very true! (Had to think about that for a second) ? Love your inspirational memes ❤️
  2. Rooting for you brother. Keep up the inspirational work. I felt such a strong emotion when reading this, it's as if you've taken my thoughts/feelings and typed them up. Enjoy every single second shin, it will only become more and more powerful as you merge with nature ❤️??️
  3. I@Charlotte (Ignore my name⬆️) I definitely would, they'd be meditating by the age of 4 ? Yeah I agree, I'm also teaching her deep breathing when she becomes emotional. Thank you Awesome information! Thank you! I'm going to talk to her mum about what you've mentioned and the hopefully she will be on board to Do you know anywhere were I might find some more in depth information about this topic? Well done on the classes, I wish you all the luck in the word ♥️ ?
  4. Well we can just share the gratefulness between the both of us then ? Thank yooouu, I'm a very determined person. *High fives*
  5. Thanks for your reply and thanks for offering me your advice and help. I'm definitely up for the challenge ?? I just bought Leo's book list and purchased a book to give me a head start and some motivation. I'll print it off now. Will message you at the end of the challenge to see how you got on also. Thank you again ♥️
  6. Does anybody else wake up sometimes just feeling really down for no apparent reason? I'm having one of them days and I genuinelyl don't know why ? If you do, what do you do about it? I've sat with the emotion for most of the day but it's not budging, it's not a nice feeling.
  7. Rooting for you! ? (I deeply struggle with self love so I know what you go through) @Dan Arnautu Struggle to read (books) I start them with good intentions but when I put the book down (after I've finished for the evening) I don't pick it up again for weeks, maybe even a month, it's completely forgotten about. I feel this hinders my progression in this work. Thank you
  8. I find it quite the opposite. Once you become aware of thoughts as just a happening, you no longer assign a meaning. They will stop serving any purpose to you. They will never stop arising, they may become less frequent and they may pass quicker.
  9. I've just done my eye makeup as well! Ruined! Oh dear, that made my morning ⬆️ ... Still laughing ??
  10. Could you go and find a full time job? Can you not have a sensible mature chat with your mum? Explaining, you know she loves you and what she does is for the best but you feel a little suffocated? I don't mean to sound mean but I'm going to be a little firm with you (forgive me)... A lot of what you've mentioned can be done regardless, you don't particularly need "one on one" YOU can be your own coach! Why are you leaving a lot of things in someone's hand's? Yes they maybe be able to give you some training and some advice on how to get there but YOU can do all this yourself! With sheer determination, will power, perseverance, research and commitment you can do it all! And save yourself a hefty amount of money in the meantime! How are you managing your depression?
  11. Do you think you would be able to gain some distance from your mum's watchful eye if you looked into moving into your own place? I saw Nahm asking this question and I liked it so I'll ask you... If you had a million dollars, what would you do in your spare time?
  12. I've grew up in a very loving supporting family but I have still gone through years of gruelling depression and hurt, this what I meant by "all you may know". Do you still live with mum? How's your lifestyle in general? Stable job/income? Pursuing life purpose?
  13. You assign meaning to the thought, without meaning the thought is no longer fulfilling it's need. Actually, I'm unsure if they are or not.
  14. Join the no-fap on here? I do know there's other ways to channel your sexual energy, maybe have a Google?
  15. @Hardkill i noticed from your journal you've experienced a lot of negativity in your life? Am I write in assuming you've experienced mostly ONLY negativity so this is all you may know?
  16. @Psyche_92 Thing is if you don't take the job and you end up completely broke you'll have more to worry about than just "should I take this job". You can make any job fun, stay present, stay aware.
  17. Thanks for replying @Michael569 I'll do just that ?
  18. I genuinely didn't know this about green tea ? Yeah I agree, combine the two though and I'm sure that would make a big impact? Thanks for your reply
  19. Truthfully? Yes. I've noticed over the past week and I plan to take more time away.
  20. Brilliant thank you ♥️