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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. @Michael569 Thanks for the information ♥️ I will definitely do some more research into ginger for the monthly pains. What I have noticed personally for me is, is since starting PD/Consciousness work I have lowered my Morphine intake from 40mg everyday (taken for 4 years) down to 10mg a day, I believe this is one of my truest achievement's so far with regards to this 'work'. I'm going to apply the technique that Outer suggested also, hopefully then I'll then be able to completely come off them all together. Just dreading the withdrawals ?.
  2. Excellent point. I've been on a strict diet of plant based foods and I once ate a vegetarian McDonald's meal through a PMT craving. I literally observed how my body felt for the rest of the evening/day after and it literally felt as if my body was SCREAMING at me "I don't like this!!". I learnt my lesson the hard way.
  3. @Outer I will do just that then... I'll apply this method to my daily chronic pain also. Thank you Outer. ❤️ ?
  4. I find trying to ignore them will make them stronger, I would put that under resistance, same with distracting yourself. I recommend two videos for you...
  5. Agreed. I once sneezed during mediation and right after the sneeze I shouted "bollocks!" (Because it distracted me) and I laughed so hard to myself... (You had to be there) ?
  6. Honestly? Mediation. Strictly everyday. Hope your okay ♥️?
  7. @Morten Thank you @Outer focus on it? Wouldn't that intensify it?
  8. I'm experiencing the same but it seemed to happen after some weird shit during a mediation session, Labido completely vanished, even the thought of sexual desires is making my skin crawl. I'm not looking for it because to me it's a desire anyway ? and if it does decide to magically return well I've opened my eyes to the fact the energy should be concentrated to something greater. Sorry I haven't provided any advice ❤️
  9. @tecladocasio Not true, just because somebody provided with me with a map to get to the truth does not mean that the Map IS the truth. (As in my truth).
  10. @Deep My goal of attending this workshop is to A) Bring a sense of familiarity to the yoga B) interact and communicate with like minded people and gain knowledge/insights C) attain a deeper state of consciousness and understanding of non duality/Kundalini energy D) Eventually hopefully attain enlightenment, not for happiness reasons or egoic reasons but simply for truths sake.
  11. Thank you Leo!!! ? This is what I keep trying to tell my family! Its exhausting, they can keep it if it makes them feel better ?
  12. Whilst I do appreciate your words of caution I approach any type of Spiritual practice with the up most respect and follow any guidance/advice/tips/instructions. @Sev Don't be paranoid just approach with caution and respect the teachings.
  13. @Robert Understood, thanks for clearing that up ? ♥️
  14. Starting using it now for like a month. Still a bit weary of the consequences it could possibly have. Has anybody else used it for a significant time and passed dental appointments? How do you keep your teeth white whilst using natural toothpaste? I floss and brush twice a day. Any help/advice is as always appreciated ?
  15. @electroBeam thanks for that! I did think that the word noble had one definition only, I didn't know it differs from person to person ? I definitely will do, thanks for your input ♥️
  16. @pluto cheers plutes (cheeky nickname there ?)
  17. @moon777light it's not so much the taste but the texture I think I'll struggle to handle I'll try regardless, thank you ❤️
  18. Hard to explain... Like regurgitation?
  19. I don't have any advice but I'm watching thread with interest
  20. ? Well spotted. I'm doing just fine with my natural toothpaste. Dentist appointment due soon and I'm not going to say a word about using flouride free untill the end of the appointment @moon777light I don't know if I'll be able to handle the consistent without gipping (boaking/being sick) How did you manage it? Thanks for tip ❤️
  21. I can't thank you all enough for your replies and advice ❤️ This resonated with me massively! Absolutely 200% TRUE! Thank you. @MisterMan Thank you for sharing. I literally am going through the same thing so I understand your scenario. Please post that thread you've mentioned it would be interesting to read. I also have an operation upcoming so I'm gonna to remain as mindful as possible using the technique you mentioned. Awesome way of looking at it, I have been thinking of it this way but just going too much in my head with it all. Thank you. @Dragallur thank you @Girzo thank you @Max_V Thsnk you too! Thank you all, you've all (as usual) helped me gain a different perspective on these matters ❤️?