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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. @Leo Gura apologies if it's been asked. Do you regret any video uploads? If so which?
  2. @WildeChilde love your post. I live for animals, there welfare is probably one of the most important things to me. There too underestimated, too overlooked.
  3. I'm not mature enough yet to consider taking psychedelics. After reading some the responses I've come to realise I'm not in a place where I will be able to surrender fully. I'll continue growing and hopefully one day I'll feel ready. On the plus side, I did kundalini yoga yesterday for almost 5 hours straight and I felt like I was tripping off my head completely sober. ? Its like the LSD of Yoga.
  4. @Leo Gura please fix this bug on the website ☝️ (cannot delete quoted boxes). Anyway, back to topic. First, thanks for your in-depth answer, it's really helped. Second, At the moment, I understand this on the logical level, I'm putting all my efforts into directly tapping into infinite intelligence and to embodying it. I tried the do thing technique and I think I was doing it wrong so I tried something else. I was zoning out whilst gazing at a spot on the wall and I literally surrendered to everything. I think I was doing it wrong because I felt I was sitting there for 35 minutes, just daydreaming... Thanks again for your response, it's straightened a lot of confusion out for me. ♥️
  5. @Leo Gura In your How to meditate deeper video, for the intermediate stage you mention manipulating thought with thought to become more aware of thought (lol). Over time, I've read on here that you cannot manipulate thought with thought. It seems to me a) I'm missing something or b) there's conflicting advice. During meditation practice and during everyday life I was getting somewhere with internally saying to myself "Just another thought" but now I've read otherwise I'm left baffled. Can you/anybody shin some light on this please and make sense of it for me? As always, thank you & Cheers dude's ? (Topic may need to be moved to another section).
  6. @SgtPepper Thanks for your response. @Leo Gura Can you provide me with a bit more detail of your 'bad trip's'? (Out of curiousity) I'm genuinely contemplating doing psychedelics (I done mushrooms when I was 15 and it was the most profound experience of my life).
  7. My pleasure bud! ? Smash out that ninja tonight on here ??
  8. I knew you was going to say that ?, in that case I'll vacuum up your consciousness ? Okay... In this text box where you write there's a smiley face symbol, click that then BAM!... the world's your oyster ? (ignore my smartphone keypad)
  9. Yeah, very much agree. Tonight I'm going to research the theory of the nature, structure and processes of thought. Wanna get deeeeeeeper ?. I'm really interested in why my personal identity lies in my thought. I know I am the observer but I need to break it down into bite size pieces so I can experientially grasp this mofo. Oh the ninja dude? If I tell you I'd have to kill you, you want me to tell you?
  10. Imagine your inflating a balloon in your stomach when you breath in. Worked for me ?
  11. @Okaythen Wow, sounds like your technique used worked for you. Its so hard to explain this into language isn't it sometimes ? I know what you mean though with regards to... this is what I've been doing. I've become very aware of let's call them 'regular thoughts' that's I've started to become more of the meta thoughts that arise also, including image's. So sneaky and so quick some can be, almost appear in milliseconds. Being aware of these meta thoughts has really helped me progress. Thank you for sharing your technique, converting all thoughts into one big thought does sound very helpful and interesting, thanks for explaining ?. I know, how stupid do we all look ? (jk). I've been into it for quite some time I just don't voice my practices over the forum ? Very true also! As always, thanks for you input guy's ♥️
  12. @Faceless @Michael569ignore that sorry. @Faceless Thanks for responding and for sharing. Sounds like you've got an awesome routine there, good for you Kinda the same to what I'm doing (apart from sleeping on the floor, too painful). I suppose you just learn as you live with it over the years. Thanks again ♥️
  13. Tomorrow I go in for a small Operation and I know I'm going to be dealing with quite severe pain when I awaken. Any advice on how to detach as much as possible? As always, Thank you. ♥️ ?
  14. Think of it this way, you didn't do it to intentionally cause harm, quiet the opposite. You tried to undo what another human had done. You put the poor thing out of his/her misery, you actually saved him/her from a slow and painful death. I spotted an injured seagull wondering down the road a couple of months ago, he looked completely disorientated and lost swaying down a main busy road in the rain. I caught the poor thing and brought him to the vets immediately. It was my choice wether to put him/her to sleep or not, the choice killed me inside but I did what was best for the animal. He/she could of been mauled by a cat (couldn't fly, broken wing) so I choose to give him/her the most humane ending. I'm not going to lie I cried hard for 2 days but like you, you did what was best, you put your own feelings aside and acted from a place of love. Rat, cat, spider, frog, bear, they all deserve to be treated equally as any other living thing. You did the right thing, your not a killer your a lover. I wish I knew you personally because I'd shake your hand and thank you for what you did. ♥️
  15. ?
  16. @Michael569 Arw bless you Michael it's okay, I'm used to it now, it's a part of my everyday life that I have (eventually) learned to live with instead of against. I'll definitely take a look into the link, thanks so much @Faceless Arw sorry to hear that faceless! ? I feel your pain (literally). How did that happen?? (If you don't mind me asking). I also have a natural interest in physical movement and it's SOOOOO HARD not to cross 'my limit's' ? so I totally understand what your saying here. If you don't mind sharing what do you do to try and keep it under control? My dad had a ruptured disc, he did get an operation and he's doing awesome now. Have you never considered it? Thanks for sharing ❤️
  17. Give me examples of a noble life, a noble life purpose? Puleeeaaasse ?
  18. @Sage_Elias @Elisabeth @mohdanas Thsnks for your input guy's! ♥️
  19. @Michael569 Thanks for link's, I'll take a look at them. Yeah I know the reason why (well from what specialists have told me) I haven't actually looked into my body to have a look. So I'll say 'apparently' I have hereditary Degenerative disc disease (which isn't actually a disease). Yoga seems to be the only holistic approach that actually seems to ease the pain for a day. Thanks for your words of support ? I plan on continuing lowering the dose ?