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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. @The White BeltB This morning...
  2. I'm pushing my luck on the odd occasion, no harm in that ? I'm aware the ego loves shortcuts but deep down I know I'm the only one who can answer and find the truth to my own questions. Good for you! It's a no from me for porn ?
  3. @Leo Gura brains don't exist so impossible Fair enough, worth a try ?
  4. @Max_V On a daily basis (except for the odd day or odd circumstance) I am calm/neutral/happy/peaceful so I'd say no.
  5. @Joseph Maynor Oh yeah! Good suggestion. I wish you all the luck in the world with your pursuit Joseph ♥️
  6. Fair enough, I think it would take a willing partner also... Imagine? Other: "Smash me ...(name)...!!! You: "sssshhhh I'm being mindful" Other: ? "just bang me yeah?"
  7. @Outer Thanks outer, I'll research suggested. ♥️
  8. @Max_V Thanks for sharing. I actually don't think I consume oils... I don't cook with oils ?. I've put it down to being female and hormones ? I have never in my life suffered with acne until my mid twenties and there's me thinking I got away with it. Funny though, the acne first started at my chin/jaw line it's literally stopped in that area and made its way down to my chest/top of back.
  9. @Key Elements @Amadeusz(ignore name tag sorry amadeusz). Keyelements, thank you for sharing. I'll definitely buy the book. @Nahm Noted, I'll go, thank you Nahm. @Robert No I live, breath, eat, sleep personal development and consciousness work, literally, nothing else feels good whosoever. When I say "a deeper/bigger LP" I mean something related to spirituality/psychology still but maybe something deeper, more spiritual based, it's hard to put it into words ?, maybe some sort of teacher. I've made my initial connection with the universe, the devine, Brahman and I have 'a sense' that I am capable of achieving bigger things than myself.
  10. Haha very true! You too
  11. Just watched all the vid, thanks for sharing, have you tried this personally @kieranperez ?
  12. Happy I could help in any way ♥️
  13. @pluto Why can't you live local to me ?? I'd be picking your brain daily for all the information (and probably annoy you ?) mind blown! This I can fully agree with through direct experience ? I was on anti depressants for a few years. Thanks again Pluto for your time, you know I appreciate it ♥️
  14. @Amadeusz Thanks for your input! Appreciate it Yeah I think I'll still plan to go because I somehow feel that the 'greater LP' I know is coming will require me to continue with the decisions I have already made. This is all part of the journey. Thank again & good luck! ♥️
  15. Just to add I took them with a completely open mind, totally open to all experience, no objective.
  16. I did mushrooms when I was 14/15 and it was amazing, my mind wasn't ramped with loads of shit so the experience was really pure. My mum also had schizophrenia and her mother and I'm fine (I'm 27). Don't take this as a reason to do them though, just throwing in a difference of opinion through experience.
  17. My absolute pleasure ♥️ It's never easy to admit lovely but bringing awareness to the subject will increase your chances of resolving unconscious behavioural patterns, thus reducing suffering, so well done! Next step is to truly find out WHY your getting into relationships/dating for security reasons. Maybe some self coaching? I JUST did this with myself, I was relationship hopping all through my teenage years and up to my late twenties, just to add, my relationships never worked out in the end and in the past my excuse was "he just weren't the right guy for me" so I unconsciously went onto my next relationship and sure enough that came crashing and burning soon enough. Last week I sat down and delved deep and I came to the realisation that I've been getting into relationships because I was unable to find happiness outside of one and I felt relationship hopping healed the emotional suffering of the previous (all unconsciously of course). I've just saved my self from years of suffering and also a big amount of money (therapy). Even though I'm 27 now, I'm glad I've got to the bottom of this issue and it wouldn't of been possible without the PD/Consciousness work. I hope a little personal back story could maybe give you some guidance to your own and hopefully save you years of suffering. Exactly. You control the destiny to your own happiness/peace @moon777light nobody else can you give that! ♥️
  18. @pluto , if I wanted to juice curcumin, ginger etc where abouts on the internet would I be able to find instructions? I'm genuinely contemplating buying the ingredients and taking them as like a shot but I'm completely new to juicing herb's, a newb ?
  19. @The White Belt She's definitely prepping ?? ?
  20. @moon777light I'd actually completely avoid any type of relationship/dating right now if I was you, I feel (I maybe wrong) your looking to get into one for security reasons or even codependent reasons.
  21. @moon777light At least your honest and you've made yourself aware of this. This is the first step. I was always looking at boys when I passed them to check if they were looking at me, if they weren't I automatically felt unattractive... silly and dangerous game. Your literally giving other people the power over your own psychology @moon777light Your giving away so much! Take back control, this is no way to live and you will NEVER be happy, happiness/peace is already within you lovely. Living this way will only bring you more suffering and we are the creators of our own suffering. Definitely work on yourself hunny and stay on this path. Weed out one issue at a time and give each problem your full attention/commitment. I was so so deeply insecure for so long before walking my own path and the more effort you put in the more the suffering will literally disintegrate, telling you from first hand experience. I wish you all the luck/peace in the world ♥️