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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. @Ether Can't say I've noticed ?
  2. @The White Belt out this morning... Need to chill with these GIFs don't I
  3. @Ether Dishing the stereotypes out like dolla dolla bills
  4. @Ether awesome! Happy for you ?? @kieranperez ? True doe
  5. @EtherHave an amazing day Ether, you've baffled my noggin (head) ?
  6. @Ether and to you but... ?
  7. @Ether I do know that but I don't want that, why would I want that? Tis not a great combination.
  8. @Ether some, EXACTLY, in my case, this isn't true ?
  9. @Ether Depends on the individual ? people stereotype too much ?
  10. @pluto awesome. Just didn't want to do it wrong ? thanking you!
  11. My mouth is going to burn like a mthrfkr but it'll be so worth it (hopefully) Pluto, could I wet the capsule and roll it in the black pepper?
  12. @Outer @pluto Giving it a bash ? thanks again for your help ?
  13. @Max_V Yeah looking that way ? I've made peace with them, they will pass ?
  14. @moon777light personal development sweet ❤️
  15. @Ether Desperate times call for desperate measures I suppose ? ?
  16. @Applejuice That's great to hear ? No, I honestly don't/didn't believe just because my Mum has/had it that I will inherit it, I see myself as a blank page. I think if you believe something hard enough it will happen e.g. "Oh my mum/dad have depression so I will have it", you could literally be waiting around your whole life watching and waiting for schizophrenia, over analysing everything, possibly even trigger it because you've thought about it that much. Yes there's the scientific approach to genetically inheriting a condition or whatever but I (personally) believe you can make your own choices with the right mindset. I see myself as a completely separate being from my parents. Hope this helps and well done for approaching with caution, shows maturity
  17. @aurum I will stick to my original decision because I feel it will be necessary and I will be aware of what direction I am pulled in and accept whatever is presented to me in the present moment. Thanks for your opinion/help/time ♥️
  18. Starting college in September to study psychology. 2 months ago I was sure this is what I wanted. Since then I feel I've grown somewhat. Presently... I have an odd, deep, weird feeling this isn't what I'm supposed to do for my LP, I cannot explain the feeling, it feels intuition, gut whatever you want to call it. I feel something bigger/deeper is waiting BUT I can't just make a decision based on this feeling surely? I can't just say "no, I'm not going because I feel I need to do something else, I don't know when I'll be doing the something else but I just can't go". I'm not going to lie I'm a little confused and baffled but at the same time really excited because I know I'll do whatever is presented to me. Would you continue with college and see what happens?
  19. I don't know if Kundalini Yoga counts?but there's a lot of breath work involved with this yoga. I recently attended a 5 hour workshop, literally Kundalini Yoga for 4 hours and 40 minutes straight. My personal experience: Experienced psychedelic trip like effects Reached higher states of consciousness Wanting to cry I was able to detach from the body completely for an amount of time On leaving the workshop I felt so much love I called my parents and told them over and over and over how much I loved them (I could feel it throughout my whole being) from an outsider it would of sounded like I was tripping. My visual/audible perseptions had dramatically increased I've actually researched holotropic breathing already and plan to attend classes (I'm lucky I have one local'ish) so I'll update