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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. Cosmic consciousness that floats around the universe? Completely undetectable.
  2. @pluto or your way sounds easier ?? I do plan on doing this in the future definitely. Thanks as always for your input Mr Pluto duuuude ❤️
  3. @John Iverson ❤️ Much love little one ❤️
  4. @Amadeusz loving your voice man ? so soothing!!
  5. Thank you all you lovely lot! ❤️❤️ @Nahm Thann you Nahm for your detailed response. Great read ?
  6. Thanks for replying guys. I melted my anxiety away Lovely comment ❤️
  7. Should vegans take supplements? If so which? (Apologies for my bombardment of Q's lately #sorrynotsorry)
  8. Thank you everyone for sharing. Very interesting read. ♥️ @Outer I totally understand your points but can we honestly live and be in this world without any thought whatsoever? My goal isn't to eradicate thoughts as a whole but to become completely aware and conscious of them all, be able to have complete distance from them, be the witness at all times. We cannot switch off thought. You take them with you wherever you go, it's the meaning you assign to them that is key. @Nahm I'm on it ?
  9. It certainly does @Empty I try to stay as nothing as much as possible.
  10. @Empty Thanks for sharing. When you do get to nothing and as the witness you know there's nothing there, then what? I'm always getting to nothing and then... Nothing... I know there's nothing. I'm stuck at nothing ? I know I'm made up, I know I'm fiction, and before you say "who knows?" I know... NO ONE! ?
  11. @Garuda ?♥️
  12. I tried this for a long period of time many months ago, I sokn realised it couldn't be done. The looks I was getting from people I was talking to ?
  13. Take full responsibility for your entire life, full responsibility. Open your mind and decondition yourself from society/culture.
  14. Thank you so much everyone. Tons of very useful information here. Muchly appreciated ♥️
  15. @zoey101 Thank you Zoey
  16. (unsure where to post this, move if necessary). Okay *takes deep breath* this is a deep topic for me personally. Please be patient as I'm not the best with my vocabulary. From an early age I've have a deep deep connection with animals and nature. It's an undescribable connection, I literally cannot put it into words but I'll try and explain as best as possible. I feel their suffering, I feel like I act as a voice for animals and nature. I feel my purpose here is to protect & care for them, to watch over them. I can sit and 'watch' wild animals for hours, I say 'watch' because I don't feel as if I'm watching them but when I do, my sense of self dissolves for the short time, I feel a deep boundless love for these beings, it feels UTTERLY blissful. I try and save/help every being that needs immediate attention that I encounter. Same with trees and nature, I can 'feel' their presence their energy, I look upon them with complete respect and admiration. It's extremely hard to try and explain unless you have felt the same. I don't take any sort of medications/drugs/alcohol to induce this, this happens daily. Does anybody else experience the same? Be nice to hear from you guys what you think ♥️??
  17. @Rebec @Solace @Prabhaker Thank you guys, really appreciate it ♥️
  18. @phoenix666 Thats amazing to hear that your reconnecting phoenix ❤️ It's awful to hear that isn't it! It literally pierces through your heart doesn't it. It just isn't right!
  19. @John Iverson did you do a report?
  20. Kundalini Yoga has helped me become one with the breath it's so powerful!
  21. @Yogi0 Search all previous thread's, there's tons of information on your questions already been posted here ? ♥️
  22. @Vercingetorix Hmmmm... Good question. Do you hate Humans? I don't hate anyone/anything. This is an interesting question... do you? I have to admit I don't. This is actually something I've struggle with, I've even grown apart from a few of my own family members because of the way they wish to treat animals. On one hand I understand why they do the way they do, they are unaware and and to abuse any living being shows me they are lacking something in their own life. I mean, if anybody tried to abuse a vulnerable baby/animal I see it as a form of power/control, they are trying to feel superior, why? Insecure maybe. At the same time it's the one thing I've witnessed in myself that hurt's me to the core and I do struggle to give love compassion at that very moment.
  23. @Faceless Thanks very much duuuude. I agree, I learnt more not going school than I ever did attending.