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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. @Ether You should definitely keep working on your vocal flow in the song (I don't know the specific musical terms used ?) your definitely progressing, love the beat!!! Actually got stuck in my head ?
  2. Outer, stop being so bloody negative ? if it helps one person on here then to me that's helping and being helpful ? @Nahm ?
  3. Totally agree with this... But I would say the hardcore types.
  4. How to stop caring what people think of you? More personal development work.
  5. @Joseph Maynor totally agree ❤️?
  6. @zoey101 So simple lovely...
  7. I disagree Ether. I think if you naturally gravitate towards a subject your more likely to progress faster/deeper.
  8. Meditation habit (most life changing) Remaining aware and staying mindful throughout the day (it sounds like nothing but it can be challenging in stressful setting's) Fitness Yoga (Kundalini and Hatha) Complete change in diet (meat junk food eater to organic whole food vegan) Completely cut alcohol (been almost a year) Deep contemplation On the right path to life purpose (starting college) Self enquiry Reprogramming of subconscious mind (again very powerful) Workshops Theory Working on mechanics of beliefs and open mindedness And soon to use Psychedelics as a another tool How has it changed my life? I can't even put into words ?❤️
  9. Thanks guys. Excellent info here. @Barbarian Number 8 very insightful thank you.
  10. @Rilles Fair enough. Good for you! Every positive step is a step towards something more positive. Honestly though, does hearing people tell you how bad it is really change your mind? Maybe Google what cocaine does to your insides when you take it, watch a YouTube video, REALLY put yourself off. I know mine used to be the sound of my heart, I could here it thumping, this made me extremely extremely paranoid, the feel of it through my chest, oh god just imagining it now makes me quiver. Imagine all the stress your putting on your little heart ☹️ that's the way I thought. Also... I buried a good friend last year, he was a MASSIVE cocaine addict. I watched his life deteriote, his skin, his face he looked awful! Like a walking zombie. Sometimes brute force is very relevant, conscious brute force though ?
  11. @Rilles My pleasure ❤️ If anxiety is the problem target your anxiety? If say you do cut from your friend's and find more highly conscious friends your still going to experience anxiety and you may turn to something else. Get to the root of your anxiety. For me personally alcohol used to be my way out of social anxiety, now it's mindfulness. ❤️
  12. @Faceless fucking nail on the head there faceless! I did realise this the following days after that I'm trying to project and imagine I've made in my mind and when the image was disrupted through more images in my mind insecurities and anxiety would set in. Thank goodness I've made myself aware of this.
  13. ?? I laughed to. @Rilles I'm going to be honest here, years ago (around 3) I got with a bf and he introduced me to cocaine. It turned into a habit every weekend. It became addictive, literally. The morning after doing it I felt a horrible gut feeling of "this isn't me, this isn't right" but I continued to do so even with that feeling. It was telling me something and I was ignoring it to get my fix at the weekend. I understand how hard it can be to get unstuck once you've gone so far down that path BUT if you continue to go down the 'coke path' let's call it you will ruin your entire life. I can guarantee that. What do you feel you are missing in your life by doing cocaine? Are you bored? Are you unhappy? Get as far away as you can from your 'friends' they are not going to serve you in any positive way whatsoever. Introduce different creative habits on the nights you would usually go out. For me, I choose to leave him, it was the only way to 'unfuck' myself and since then I've changed DRASTICALLY. Let your friends go and watch the person you will transform into. When you feel any sort of resistance, accept it and surrender to it. Be conscious of it, it will pass. I wish you sooooo much luck and I'm here supporting you a million percent along your way.
  14. ??????? At least you have humour!? Humour is important ? Sorry I've not explained properly. I'm not mixing practices. I feel it would help when I'm trips. Also like I've stated I feel drawn towards doing so.
  15. Found this an interesting little documentary (15min approx)... Also interested in anybody's personal microdosing experiences ?..
  16. @pluto Fair enough Pluto, each to there own. May I ask why you microdosed?
  17. @Lynnel Who are you the forum Police? I joke I joke ? I appreciate what your saying and the message behind it. Although I haven't got 600 post counts in 2 month's, it's been from like October I believe? I understand. I also get what you mean here but I do do the real work. I dedicate my life entire life to this. I'll be going down the route of psychedelics shortly so I feel self enquiry is necessary as a basic foundation for psychedelic use. Plus I feel drawn towards it so ? Thank you and you too
  18. Sorry to intervene guy's. @pluto I use avacado oil ? in replacement for olive oil, I was led to believe it's a much healthier alternative, what's your take on this?
  19. I have some sort of virus or something and it's driving me insane. I have an incredibly important week upcoming and I'm ill. Incredibly tired, sore behind the eyes when I look around, light cold, heavy chest with cough, weak bones, zero concentration etc. I'd usually sleep it off but this week is like probably one of the most important weeks for a while and I need to revise and be alert. Any idea what foods/drink to take to boost my immune system and increase recovery time? I'll drink my own urine if I need to ? jk 
  20. @Michael569 Thanks for your reply, I'm better now ?? but what is interesting is... I never knew this. Learnt something from you again ?❤️ Does this go for any type of 'bug'?
  21. @Arman Clean my house for me? ??