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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. Take part in a very small experiment for me for just a few seconds of your life?
  2. What exactly is calling you a pedo?
  3. The lessons I have learnt with regards to relationships is you will be with whoever you need to be with at your current consciousness 'level' regardless if you go searching for the right 'one' or not. You will find someone who will show you the lessons and the inner work that needs to take place. Just trust.
  4. @SageModeAustin How are you getting on lately with the OCD?
  5. @LfcCharlie4 exactly. And you have to remember this guy has clearly had huge negative experiences with this and you can see this in the emotion and the language he uses, so this will influence his opinion.
  6. I haven't watched the video so forgive me but I also quit caffeine, I did so for my own bias reasons, but after opening my mind a little further I realise now that everything in moderation can have it's place. Just like psychedelics, junk food, the internet and everything that's labelled as bad or harmful, the thing itself is not the issue, itself is just itself, its the motivation behind the user that can become the issue. I now use caffeine sparingly for strength performance, I'm not hooked like I was, I now know it's a tool and such treat it this way.
  7. How did it go? Sorry for the late reply. Didn't see this ?
  8. I found being. I found the eternal everlasting present moment. I thought I had in the past but that was bs. I was still identifying with the present moment. During this stillness the odd thought arose but dissolving before they had to chance to develop which brought 'me' back to stillness. I found myself involuntary going meta on the thoughts so to speak. Witnessing their illusory nature in real time which propelled me deeper into being. Witnessing that thought itself can go meta, it literally is self propelling. I closed my eyes, smiled as I sank deeper into this absolutely blissful... Aura (only word I can use to describe). And that's when it happened. I identified with a thought... Fear arose. Panic came. I felt my arms and chest heat and tingle. The beating of my heart hammering away. I was able to deescalate it through distraction which I know is not good, using the fear to distract myself from fear is like going in through the front door which is also the back door which then leads back in through the front door. What's happened this morning has shown me ego (me) is petrified. I thought I wasn't afraid of truly letting go but I am. I've taken this panic attack as a form of distraction. What else is distracting me? What else is subtly a form of fear? Other insights from the week I've been contemplating topics daily. When I am bullshitting myself or directing myself further from truth my intuition lets me know. It pops up subtly throughout the day. If you dont listen, you'd never know it's there. The insight is I do feel a small sense of inferiority towards others. Why? Because I feel I know how their minds delude them and trap them. In a nutshell I feel I know them better than what they do... What an absolute load of shite ? I don't know jack shit! I am no 'better' nor different to any other, if anything... I'm more deluded. Just because I have some knowledge on how the mind tricks itself does not make me inferior. This is just further identity for ego. Or is it fear? Am I afraid of being deluded by my own mind and it's trickery that I have gained this belief of control? FUCK! ? I suddenly feel a sense of zero control... Lost. I HAVE been deluding myself!!! ???? Oh my god! ??? I'm actually laughing at this. I need to go and process this.
  9. How do you guys deal with other people's projections of their anxiety and stress?
  10. @Nahm I love you my brother. Question... is this.. not the same as... Is believing suffering the greatest teacher not another thought?
  11. Thanks all so much for your help. This keeps occurring in my instance from a close loved one. Other people it doesn't bother me but this keeps happening all the time day in and day out with some I am currently sharing a house with (for the time being). @Shiva an example? You ask the person a very innocent question based on what they're talking about, like a follow up question and because they feel you are questioning them or not believing them they snap or react in an unhelpful way. Any sort of projection from that other person. It's basically going through their filter of fear and anxiety and it's being projected on to you as 'the problem'
  12. Unfortunately they come with a long standing stigma which is slowly being broken down
  13. I haven't been self quarantined, I've kind of still been out of the house, just staying away from people, washing my hands an excess amount ? College has just shut so now lots of free time. I saw that London is further into the virus than us? 2 weeks almost. In a strange way it's nice that the earth gets chance to breath and for animals to take centre stage again for a while ?
  15. Thank you so much Michael ?look after yourself
  16. Does anybody else witness just how powerful language is? How it actually shapes our reality on the deepest level. How it gives and takes meaning from things. How it constructs our world. It's incredible! Please share with me your own thoughts on this topic ? love to hear other perspectives.
  17. I'm learning a new language and it's opened my eyes even further to how much we cling to beliefs. old habits and our self made 'reality' via language and culture.
  18. Came across this on my quest for free courses. Haven't finished yet so can't give experiential feedback but looks well worth a go : (check the website out as there are other free courses available)
  19. This post? Which other one?
  20. I think this is a fantastic question. Thanks for asking. I'd say systems thinking is a fantastic place to start. Look for patterns within answers. I feel that you would have to apply different methods of information judgement depending on the topic and field. I'm sure others will have some great advice for you. Good luck on your quest ?
  21. No no sweet. Have a click and watch the video ?
  22. @moon777light follow the link sweet
  23. I also take L-theanine but haven't noticed a difference. What have you noticed?