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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. @phoenix666 Yeah unfortunately not but never mind ? that was my last real life close friend, I officially have zero now. I'm not too bothered though, our energies no longer match and I'm peaceful with that
  2. I think Leo is well chilled. He has a serious approach to this work, I take that as passion. I also pick up his comedic side which I LOVE.
  3. My friend today asked me "Okay, Charlotte, talk to me about your journey then?" I explained and I somehow feel our friendship is over after the comments he gave me. You outgrow people. I agree with @Rilles
  4. Thank you @Salvijus I know yes! I feel very lucky. I'll be attending for 3 hours a week practice Glad you've also found your practice ? I also love Yoga ?
  5. Not really sure where to post this as it's not for fitness. I attended a Japanese Yoga class, not for health/physical reasons but because it focuses on our true nature as beings. I walked in to a stone cold floor padded room and it was literally just myself, another lad (who has been practicing for 9 years) and the sensei (25 year's practice). Felt a bit awkward at first as I was the only female but I remembered why I was there. Anyway, we started with the warm up which involved meditation. As we got more into it I started to realise it was very martial artsey (which I don't mind at all I did kickboxing for 6 years) but the focus was on Union. He kept speaking about consciousness/universal consciousness and the mind which kept me really intrigued. As we progressed further into the class I realised this was something I could see myself doing and becoming quite hardcore at. During the class and different 'moves' he kept telling me to switch my awareness into my 'centre' (abdominal area) and look out into the universe and showed me the power in doing so. He also demonstrated the difference between shifting my awareness into my mind. He explained that Shinshin-tōitsu-dō focuses on all the underlying principles of Yoga which is why I initially got into traditional yoga in the first place. I left the class feeling like this is going to be a major tool in my toolbox for growth and also really excited at the same time. I feel everybody on here should try this! Have you tried it or do you practice it yourself?
  6. @Lynnel to be honest the only argument I have against white rice is it's a refined carb, empty calories. Yeah black rice is wild rice ? (sorry that's the term I use).
  7. @Lynnel rice is naturally gluten-free but I avoid white rice and stick to red/wild rice. I literally avoid gluten as much as possible. I know and feel it doesn't serve my body. This is me now...
  8. Since taking just a week or so away from here I've had loads of time to introspect. In Leo's sameness vs difference video (work of art by the way) he says something like "ask yourself if your full of shit" this initially brought up an unsettling emotion when I on the spot contemplated it. This emotion brought to my awareness there's something to be investigated. So that's what I did. The conclusion, I am full of shit, seriously full of shit. I've gone vegan which has slowly been taken on as sneaky ideology, I noticed it started to merge into an identity so I've dropped that shit. It's mental how it can sneakily start to form. Consciousness/spirituality/personal development, yeah I've had one glimpse, yeah I get balls deep into this work and actually do the practices but that has also been taken on as an identity, when in reality, I'm a walking talking bullshitter (to myself). I went to a Buddhist centre and listened to some teachings from a monk, I noticed my mind even trying to find security and identity in Buddhism "should I become a monk)" constantly seeking security in something. Would you say even Buddhism is an identity? I have taken away but also added at the same time, it's absurd! Let go and surrender to EVERYTHING, even here, it's all mental masterbation, brutal honesty is required. Conclusion... I am still full of shit.
  9. @RendHeaven Exactly, you make an excellent point. I was the same, telling people to fuel the sense of self, "I'm vegan, I'm different, act surprised". Utter bollocks. Thanks for sharing you make an excellent point. @Brittany Oh thanks! Will definitely have a look at that, thanks very much. @Sashaj ? Love you two brother/sister. @BramscoChill ?? Certainly does!
  10. @Joseph Maynor ? great comment. I found this very important. Appreciation, understanding, gratitude and most importantly acceptance, I feel they all are necessary in order for permanent, positively motivated change.
  11. @Feel Good if we start a fresh everyday though feel good aren't we just adding more 'full of shit' in there? ?
  12. @K VIL Sorry dude I was referring to the time I have taken away. Hahahaha we certainly are ?
  13. @spicy_pickles rooting for you kid ♥️
  14. @tsuki Thank you so much for clearing that up I get it now ??
  15. @pluto ? @Artaemis Yes I know what you mean. Thanks for your input. (Apologies for late reply, been off the forum a while).
  16. During contemplation a question came up for me and I'm curious to know what you guys think. What makes us like certain things but not others? Colours, car types, types of music, taste's etc. (Please provide an answer from direct experience, not from what you read or heard).
  17. @see_on_see aaaah I see, thanks for your answer and explaining. Don't even worry about it ? @Caterpillar makes sense, thank you.
  18. @Faceless Morning faceless, apologies for my late reply. I've been off the forum a while. I've read your reply over and over and finally I understand. The penny had dropped. This is huge! So basically it's just thought creating division which then goes on to control, control, control. The more control the more division (and vise versa) thus fragmentation?
  19. Because humans place themselves at the top of the food chain, superior, above all. Also, I'm pretty sure they've done rigorous testing to see if animals have a conscious, although I'm not a massive science fan anyway, I do believe that they do.
  20. @see_on_see I appreciate your answer but I'm looking for an answer from your direct experience, not genetics etc because I haven't witnessed genetics being the answer to my question in my direct experience. @tsuki WOW! Very insightful thank you!! Really appreciate your reply ? Easy/lazy way to avoid answering anything? Say this... Yawn outer! ?
  21. @now is forever my sister in law said exactly the same thing to me just the other day. @Joseph Maynor Awesome man! Whatever works for you keep up the good work ? @katykat Thank you! I can see how this can be very effective. What I have noticed over the past few months or so is my mind is one lazy little sob when it comes to reading and learning.
  22. Each individual will have his/her own method for studying. You may of came across insight's whilst studying that help you study deeper and with more concentration or even things you may do to help topics 'stick'. I thought I'd start this thread so you could share your personal study tips should you have any. I'd very much appreciate any input you might have. As always, thank you and much love ♥️ (Just to add, I've watched Leo's video's)
  23. @Faceless Can you explain exactly what is meant by fragmentation please. Also, just thought I'd say while I'm here, I've been having lots of headless'ness moment's lately and I'm observing the time spent in headless'ness getting longer and longer as the weeks pass. It's absolutely blissful.