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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. @Shin Shin you said to me I will still suffer in stage yellow. How do you know this? Are you stage yellow? Do you have direct experience of this?
  2. @Shin How do you know for definite?
  3. Really appreciate all your inputs. I think, with your help I've accumulated my own answer. In order to be an effective activist I cannot come at this from a stage green perspective. I'll need to transcend this first and move up to yellow. Does this sound better? @Shiva oh I'll watch it thank you for the recommendation! And thank you outer (as always for your help)
  4. Exactly!! Hence me asking is there any chance of being an activist without the emotional inner turmoil that usually takes place with activism. I'll do research into Gandhi. Thank you.
  5. @Outer Aaaaaaaahhhh!!! I see it now ?? Yes we speak with a silent mind anyway so continuing self inquiry and replacing activism with even more self inquiry will help on a deeper more fundamental level? (As in stage yellow type help)
  6. I relate this to tension in the body/unconsciousness. Try gently resting your tongue on the roof of your mouth (just behind your teeth) with your lips slightly open. I've done this for so long now I no longer tense my jaw.
  7. @Annoynymous Okay thank you. I will do just that. My issues with self inquiry start at asking the relevant questions. You have given me a few to start with. Thank you for replying and for helping ♥️
  8. @Shin ♥️ apologies
  9. ♥️ This is truly amazing. Truly. ♥️
  10. @Martin123 I know what you mean. I tend to keep my mouth shut because people usually take it as an insult which is usually just more denial unfortunately ? My pleasure ? Shin, can I be totally ? honest with you? I hope you don't mind me saying and tell me to shut up if you want... But I think you've taken that example (picture) of femininity and masculinity (we saw the other day on Google) and re typed it in your own words into a list. I think your BS'ing yourself bro. I might be wrong but I have an intuitive feeling I'm not ?
  11. @Shin the "mask" metaphor (used to describe avoiding/hiding/denying a part of the self) I was referring to (I mentioned throughout the week) Martin has perfectly described here.
  12. @lmfao Fair enough but I do ?
  13. @Shin nope, lost me ?
  14. @Shin Would be very interesting to start a thread on here and ask why people 'seek' enlightenment
  15. @Annoynymous I'm sorry I think I've misunderstood your response. I assumed you meant seeking clarity for why I want to voice for the vulnerable? Is this what you mean? @Outer I get what your saying but I don't get what you're pointing to
  16. @Shin I spotted this to. Remember the other day I was saying about "The mask?"
  17. @Outer very true and I resonate with what you have said but a silent mind will not speak for those who are in need? @Shin because fundamentally I feel enlightenment is selfish. Why else do we seek enlightenment? Truly Shin?
  18. @lmfao ? @Annoynymous how would I go about seeking clarity? I do understand and accept (only recently) why murder & torture happens every day. @Outer so completely ignore the calling and do more self inquiry? It feels INCREDIBLY selfish to do so. I feel stubborn at the thought. @DoubleYou I will do just that thank you ?
  19. @lmfao Yeah true BUT let's say hypothetically speaking I was to awaken tonight? The suffering of other would still continue wouldn't it? Just because I was enlightened that wouldn't take away others suffering no?
  20. @Shin ? I may be wrong. Outer, I do do the practices, daily. I don't want to forget about this for now. I feel it is something I should do. @Serotoninluv Absolutely excellent point! You've given me great perspective there ? I do genuinely want to help other beings, I want to help beings that do not have a voice. I think what I have done is taken the word 'activist' and stereotyped it in a way that screams 'radicalist'. Hence the original question.
  21. @SoonHei fully agree! Unconditional acceptance of everything as it is in the present moment (as we know) is happiness. What we have to do is accept everything as it is no matter what it is, (no resistance) this will always equal happiness.
  22. By permanently 'awakening' but I don't see that happening any time soon ?